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Dick Tracy - An Underrated Movie?


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If your talking about Warren Beatty's Dick Tracy, I loved it. Madonna was great. :applause:

Yeah, thats the one I'm talking about. I hadn't seen it since around the time it first came out, so I was surprised at all the big names that were in it. Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, James Caan (although he was in it for all of 2 minutes), and obviously Beatty and Madonna.

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It was pretty good. Nothing spectacular imho, but having read the comic growing up, felt the look and feel of the movie did it justice.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's one of the best movies I've ever seen. Just that it's comparable, if not better, than most of the comic book style movies that have been made since it came out.

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This all just reminds me of one of the best scenes from the simpsons. The episode is called "hurricane neddy."

They have a flashback to Ned Flanders as an angry little boy....

Little Ned: [barging in] "Whee! I'm Dick Tracy! [hitting the other

kids] Bang! Take that Pruneface! Now I'm Pruneface, take

that Dick Tracy! Now I'm Prune Tracy, take that Dick..."

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Just finished watching Dick Tracy on digital cable. I enjoy this movie and think it is comparable or even better than many of the comic book movies coming out each year.

Just wondering what some fellow Extremers think about this movie...

bad acting with great actors.

It entertained me when I was a kid though.

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I always have enjoyed that one. One interesting note, they used the four colors used in comic book coloring from the old days. Meaning, every shade of red in the movie is the exact same shade, etc.. if the color couldn't be made thru the original four color process, it was discarded.


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