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What happened to the square?


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I think this has been posted before.

Damn, I figured it was worth a shot ;)

Well, on that note, here's a puzzle I can guarentee nobody will get.


Kryptos is the name of a sculpture at the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency that was dedicated in October 1990. The sculpture, which has 865 characters, was placed there as a whimsical challenge but has stumped and obsessed cryptographers around the world for nearly a decade.

Jim Sanborn, the artist who designed Kryptos, said he believes that the ultimate secret hidden in the text of Kryptos will never be deciphered. The actual cryptogram was designed by Edward M. Scheidt, a former chairman of the C.I.A.'s Cryptographic Center. Ed Scheidt, the retiring chairman of its Cryptographic Center, was hailed by then-director William Webster as "The Wizard of Codes." Scheidt figured that the first chunks of the puzzle would stand a few years; the last part, perhaps ten. He didn't know his own strength.

So far only a small handful of people have been able to decipher portions of the code. The fourth and final piece has been attempted by both the C.I.A. and the National Security Agency with no luck. To this day it remains unsolved. Do you think you have what it takes to decipher the world's hardest cryptogram?


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