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Do yall really fault him for feeling that way? He just got exposed as that he is a linebacker playing safety. He is slow. Roy needs to change his number from 31 to 51 (More a linebackers number) Cuz he cant keep up with fast receivers. It's not like on the last TD, Moss made any special move to get by him. He just ran right past him.

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In a post game interview, safety Roy Williams expresses his feelings about the last few plays that ultimately led to a Redskin win.

Replay - S Roy Williams Locker Room Interview (Real Player required)



[2:49] REPORTER: So in your words, it was a scheme thing? Because you had Cooley to worry about on a 70 yarder and you were trying to read their or Santana..

[2:56] --[Roy interrupts]--

[2:57] ROY: You know what, honestly, its over. Point blank. It's over. We're not even thinking about it anymore. The play is over with. What we're worried about is San Fransisco. That play is over with. I promise you, if they run it again, I promise you, we'll get a pick out of it or Santana Moss will be on the ground hurting. Point blank.



Can someone in the Redskins organization pass this on to Mr. Moss? Reactions?




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They ran it twice for scores and he says "If they run it again ..."

Sorry, Roy. You missed your chance. Talking after the fact doesn't mean anything. Your actions should have done the talking for you, big man.

His feelings are hurt because the last person to play Roy this hard was that chick from Destiny's Child.

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This is from a poster (I think a Jets or Miami fan) on Santana's website, commenting on the Moss/Coles trade. I think it's about as prescient a quote as I've ever seen about a player:

Santana Moss without a doubt will help the Redskin organization achieve their goal returning to elite status in the NFL.

From the days Moss was catching wounded ducks out of the air from Kenny Kelly at Miami, to his spectacular play in the NFL over the last couple of years, its easy to see that Moss is a gamer.

Santana is that rare breed of player that pours his heart and soul into the game, for his own benefit and more importantly for the team's overall success.

The NFL is stocked piled with talent and on any given Sunday many players are capable of making a draw jopping play. What makes Moss special is that when the game is on the line, or when everyone else is just trying to not mess up, Moss will come up with the big play in the most dire of circumstances.

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In the immortal words of Roy's wifey, Destiny's Child's Kelly Rowland...



Not meaning to ruin a good joke (especially one about the Cowpukes), but, :shhh: isn't that :paranoid: Terrence Newman in the picture ( or their other DB...the rookie,,,whatever his name is)? :thud:

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In a post game interview, safety Roy Williams expresses his feelings about the last few plays that ultimately led to a Redskin win.

Replay - S Roy Williams Locker Room Interview (Real Player required)



[2:49] REPORTER: So in your words, it was a scheme thing? Because you had Cooley to worry about on a 70 yarder and you were trying to read their or Santana..

[2:56] --[Roy interrupts]--

[2:57] ROY: You know what, honestly, its over. Point blank. It's over. We're not even thinking about it anymore. The play is over with. What we're worried about is San Fransisco. That play is over with. I promise you, if they run it again, I promise you, we'll get a pick out of it or Santana Moss will be on the ground hurting. Point blank.



Can someone in the Redskins organization pass this on to Mr. Moss? Reactions?

Ummmmmm....excuse me, but first you have to CATCH him before you can put him on the ground hurting. LMAO!! Awwwww...Widdle Roy got his widdle feewings hurt....Awwww!! LOL!!

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This is from a poster (I think a Jets or Miami fan) on Santana's website, commenting on the Moss/Coles trade. I think it's about as prescient a quote as I've ever seen about a player:

Santana Moss without a doubt will help the Redskin organization achieve their goal returning to elite status in the NFL.

From the days Moss was catching wounded ducks out of the air from Kenny Kelly at Miami, to his spectacular play in the NFL over the last couple of years, its easy to see that Moss is a gamer.

Santana is that rare breed of player that pours his heart and soul into the game, for his own benefit and more importantly for the team's overall success.

The NFL is stocked piled with talent and on any given Sunday many players are capable of making a draw jopping play. What makes Moss special is that when the game is on the line, or when everyone else is just trying to not mess up, Moss will come up with the big play in the most dire of circumstances.

He must have been stoned when he typed that. :doh: :laugh:

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