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does anyone else see a comparison between the 2002 Skins and the 2000 Ravens?

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I've seen many comparisons to the Ravens and they seem fair. It has to be a stretch to think we'll have a Top 10 powerful offense. It is not a stretch to think we'll have a Top 10 defense. The difference may be that we may have a very difficult time matching the Ravens in terms of performance given they were together for a while and we really haven't been. Certainly we have the talent to be productive, and more than sufficient talent to be great, especially if we were to add Gardner to the rotation.

How quickly that comes together is the key.

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Not trying to be contrary to the new guy at every turn, really :) but I see the 2000 Ravens as the exception rather than the rule. I think a great defense and mediocre offense can win you some games in this league, but the superbowl? Once every 30 years.

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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler

If we can add Gardner and he is healthy and a force then I think the comparisons to their defense is entirely fair.

But, our offenses are different styles and I don't see Jeramine Lewis returning kicks for us either!

but i do see D. Green and C. Bailey... and i'd take them anyday... :D

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while the Ravens offense was ridiculed, there were solid performances from Shannon Sharpe and Jamal Lewis in 2000 that helped put this team over the top.

Dilfer was the man who just didn't make mistakes coming down the stretch.

Can that happen here?

It could. Problem is, on offense we don't have a veteran presence like Sharpe for our qb to bank on.

We will have a comparable, if not superior, rushing attack with Davis.

Our kicking game is not as solid as Stover was in 2000 for Baltimore where he won 4 or 5 games for the team like Moseley did for us in 1982.

The other questions?

Mainly the offensive line. from what we hear Larry Moore is doing well in his transition to center from guard. But the OG spots are anything but settled.

Because that may be our #1 weakness right now, I am surprised the team has continued to sit back and seemingly wait for "Mr. Right" to come along.

Too many solid players have been passed on and now we are left with some older guys and some guys coming off injuries as the options.

And still we are waiting. For what I don't know. There is no Dave Szott sitting at home that knows Spurrier and is going to come in on little notice to play here.

We need to make a move on the OL soon.

Everything seems on hold until the Gardener and Ramsey situations are resolved, but that to me is a mistake.

Smith and Dotson will be ready to play in the preseason. Unless someone has been really misinforming us about the 'calf strain' that Dotson supposedly has, we are going to be okay there. :mad:

Add Gardener if the money is right. But don't delay addressing an even more pressing need. :)

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Originally posted by Henry

Not trying to be contrary to the new guy at every turn, really :) but I see the 2000 Ravens as the exception rather than the rule. I think a great defense and mediocre offense can win you some games in this league, but the superbowl? Once every 30 years.

lol no problem man... a good disagreement is always fun to have... ;):D

but i would have to agree with what u said... HOWEVER, even with that being said, it's still possible... i even think had the Ravens kept Dilfer instead of signing Grbac, they could have easily repeated last year... offense sells tickets, defense wins championships...

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If you look at the roster I posted. Look at all the under 25 O lineman at camp. I can't believe we can't mold a few of these guys into guards. If they can't we will pick up someone. I just think that they are keeping there cards close to there chest.

If R. Jones doesn't work out get them young lineman ready. Then Moore will be the oldest lineman we have at 26. Imagine keeping the same guys together for over 5 years.

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I see the similarity but I think our path may be a bit different. Art is right on the money. We have great potential on the D but it takes time to develop the kind of chemistry the ravens D had. It may be too much to hope for to think we will have as many shut-outs.

I think our D will keep us in the games but SOS will need to put up more points than the Ravens did. The key to the season may be the early games and how quickly this team can gell. If we can stay in the hunt through mid season then beat the pukes on Thanksgiving we could have enough momentum to go all the way. :cheers:

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Possibly, but the Ravens' had good line play that year, an area which concerns me the most for the SKINS, especially O-line.

Every day that passes that we don't bring in a vet o-guard or two really scares me.

so hey joe mendes, why don't you use some of that 'controlled aggression' and give ray brown, ben coleman, mark fisher a call:cool:

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I've also thought about the similarities, but there are a few big differences. The Ravens had some serious meat at DT which I believe was a big part of their success on D. They also had Shannon "donkeyface" Sharpe, Ishmail, and if I remember right Ben Coates. Ishmail isn't Rice, but he's a smart player and had a good year that year. The big question is can Sage, Mathews, or Woeful be the next Trent Dilfer. Dilfer played real smart and made big plays when thay needed them. Most importantly he didn't throw pics. I think us Skins fans know better than anybody that the Ravens would have never made it to the SB if they had stuck with Banks.

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The Ravens didn't score much that season, yet won a superbowl. Their special teams & defense often provided their offense w/ great field position and sometime's even put points on the board. Having Smoot or Champ returning punts might give us those extra points we need to win those close defensive battle's.

It is a legitimate comparision, but ultimately it will be our performance on the field that will be used to compare the two teams. Perhaps its more accurate to say that our defense's are similar, and not the entire team.

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