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has seemed to of dropped off the face of the Earth. What gives? Buffalo is working for Drew. Blake would never go back to Cincy. Is Jeff hurting himself by not signing with someone soon?<br /><br /> <img border="0" alt="[deal]" title="" src="graemlins/deal.gif" />

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Jeff may have realized his best opportunity at a good money contract is by waiting until after June 1. Where I'm disturbed with Blake is that here's a guy that could come here and presumably walk into the starting job given the competition. I'd take a league minimum contract with incentives to boost it as he throws for more just for the opportunity to have so much more ability than everyone else on the roster here.<br /><br />But, that's just me. He's not going to walk into a starting job anywhere. Even if Billick tells him he will be his starter, it's meaningless because Billick will still start who he wants if Blake struggles. Blake needs to address his options and realize that if he really wants to be a starter, there's really very few places he can go that would present that to him like Washington.

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This looks like a very dumb move n his part unless he believes he is going to get a contract from the ravens after june 1st with a nice SB.<br /><br />Unfortunately for him by that time the Ravens could be the only team he can start for and they would negotiate for a more modest contract that he could have received here.<br /><br />His loss

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I think Jeff is worth more than a Min deal. I still think that after June 1st most QB situations will be settled. Baltimore is a sinking ship and if Blake wants a return for Cincy days then I guess go there. Who else besides us needs a starting QB? Before you answer that...teams like Dallas, Tampa, Carolina who have QB's but really don't have any quality ones don't count.

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Agreed. I think Jeff is now waiting until after June 1.<br /><br />In my mind the Skins have already moved on. If you sign a guy that late in the offseason and he isn't familiar with the system, he is going to go through the kinds of growing pains that limit the contribution you are hoping to get by signing a vet.<br /><br />The advantage to signing Blake was having him from March or April, through the minicamps and then the qb work with the assistants through fine tuning in training camp in July.<br /><br />Now that that is not going to happen we might as well either go with a younger player who is familiar with the system or look to another veteran like Chandler who seems more ready to pick up a new system and run with it. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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Agree B.D. and you have to wonder if other teams aren't thinking the same thing. "Really would have liked to have him here during mini-camp ect..". If there is interest in Blake amongst other teams, it could show up after the draft and a few more camps. Coaches will have an even better idea of how things may or may not progress. <br />Prices tend to drop even further after June 1st. at least according to some of what I've read, and this being an already tough F/A market when it comes to money, should be on Mr. Blake's and other F/A's minds right about now. Scary out there.

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I wonder if he's going to try to do what Dilfer did last year. Didn't Dilfer settle for 1 Million 1 Year from Seattle? I'm assuming we offered at least that much and for a couple of years. He may be shooting himself in the foot. Again, he's not the guaranteed starter, maybe he wants some guarantees.

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Blake has always had an inflated view of his talents and his worth. Ironically, as bulldog says, he'd probably end up with more money if he signed for one-year, incentive-laden contract with us, flourished in our new pass happy offense, and was a FA thereafter. It's the classic less is more scenario IMHO. <br /><br />I'm not so sure that I want him because of his attitude though.

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If Blake, or his agent, came up with the idea of waiting 'til after June 1st, it wasn't a good one. By that time there will be no teams left he could get a guaranteed starting job from, nor many that would pay a large amount of money to someone they would like to sign as their backup.<br /><br />The Ravens may want to give Redman a chance, so even Balty isn't much of an option unless he wants to TC competition. Which is exactly what he will get if he comes here or to Buffalo.<br /><br />Maybe he feels he doesn't have what it takes, in terms of reading defenses, to succeed in Spurrier's offense. SS has admitted he doesn't look for the same type of QBs that other coaches do.

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After reading a couple of articles on one Jeffery Blake, I've come to the conclusion that he's VERY confident in his abilities. I don't think he's staying away from the 'Skins because he can't handle the system. He just wants more moolah.

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