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Are NFL refs biased against the 'Skins?


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Actually, they do that. Believe me, those refs will get chewed out by the league. The NFL does a good job making sure the best officials are on the field.

I think they get checks when they manage to burn Snyder and Washington. I think it is because Snyder is not well liked in the league, and I think it is obvious.

Now that we won the game let me say the following:

The Refs Rip Us Off Constantly!

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The ref's job is to manage the game and to protect the QB , that was a horrendous no call 9 out of 10 ref's flag that play.I quess we will have to work our way up to receiving top tier officials to get consistent calls.You can call it whining or what ever you want but it seems that we get some really nonprofessional officiating in a couple of our games. :mad:

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The ref's job is to manage the game and to protect the QB , that was a horrendous no call 9 out of 10 ref's flag that play.I quess we will have to work our way up to receiving top tier officials to get consistent calls.You can call it whining or what ever you want but it seems that we get some really nonprofessional officiating in a couple of our games. :mad:


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That year the refs were on strike and college refs did pre-season was the best officiating I've seen in 20 years. - and I'm not just talking about the Redskins games.

There is no doubt a problem.

...another non-call was when Muhammed caught and fumbled - they were awefully quick to call that an incomplete pass so it couldn't be challenged.

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I think it is unfair to say they are biased against TEAMS, but against Players HELL YES they are. I think Ramsey has a stigma attatched to him that he gets "beat up" by opposing defense, so when he does, the refs stand there and let it happen because that is what have grown to think is "supposed" to happen, where as a guy like Lavar LOOKS at Mcnabb the wrong way and he is called for a personal foul.

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I've seen worse roughing QB plays not called a penalty. Wuerrffel, before he was a Skin, was speared helmet to helmet (no accident) in front of the world to see. No call. He fumbled the next snap.

That's not really a justification for not throwing a flag on this particular play. Lance Briggs committed a blatant foul.

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If referees are that crooked then the NFL needs a serious uphaul.

What, exactly, is an "uphaul?" :whoknows:

Count me amongst those who think there is too much whining about bad calls on this board. When we play well we win. When we don't we lose. Today we were lucky enough to play a bad team. We didn't play well but we won.

Be happy.

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Dude, chill out.

The refs will miss some calls, and that's just the way the games goes. You can't do anything about it.

The Redskins get plenty of "ghost" calls from the refs too, but those never seem to get mentioned.

Uh, no they didn't.

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At some point on this board, you have to figure out it's OK to agree with Redskin fans on a topic or two you seem to consistently deny exists. The media does seem crazed with the things they say. You think it doesn't exist, when it clearly does. The refs do, seemingly every game, remove points from us or give them to the opposition. It happens.

You're a Redskin fan.

It's ok to agree.

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If I have to endure another year of us whining about the Ref's calls. I'm gonna puke. Well disciplined teams that play together can overcome bad calls and still win. It happens all the time. So please, can we hold off on the ref's make us lose 8 games a year schtick?
Did you see the play? It was to me the most egregous roughing I have seen in some time. This is about a blatent foul, and the refs not calling it, not about me whining.

JimmiJo, I'm pretty sure that DC12 is a Cowboys troll masquerading as a Redskins fan. He's trying to bait you; don't let him. Remember, the ignore button is your best friend during Dallas week.

Oh, and that hit on Ramsey? Blatant roughing the passer. Whoever failed to call the penalty should be reassigned to a desk job.

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JimmiJo, I'm pretty sure that DC12 is a Cowboys troll masquerading as a Redskins fan. He's trying to bait you; don't let him. Remember, the ignore button is your best friend during Dallas week.

Oh, and that hit on Ramsey? Blatant roughing the passer. Whoever failed to call the penalty should be reassigned to a desk job.

Good advice.

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