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Are NFL refs biased against the 'Skins?


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If I have to endure another year of us whining about the Ref's calls. I'm gonna puke. Well disciplined teams that play together can overcome bad calls and still win. It happens all the time. So please, can we hold off on the ref's make us lose 8 games a year schtick?

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If I have to endure another year of us whining about the Ref's calls. I'm gonna puke. Well disciplined teams that play together can overcome bad calls and still win. It happens all the time. So please, can we hold off on the ref's make us lose 8 games a year schtick?

Did you see the play? It was to me the most egregous roughing I have seen in some time. This is about a blatent foul, and the refs not calling it, not about me whining.

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OMG!! seriously who the hell are payin these refs...first point...im not 100% sure but from all the time ive loved football u r NOT ALLOWED 2 NECK TACKLE A QB AND RECIEVE NO PENALTY!! ARE U KIDDING ME!?!? and also...ANYONE WHO WAS WATCHIN MUSHIN MUHAMMED COULD TELL THAT HE FUMBLED THE DAMN BALL U R KIDDING ME THIS IS A JOKE! U DONT EVEN NEED INSTANT REPLAY TO SEE THAT! I AM VERY UPSET BY THE WAY THIS GAME IS BEIN CALLED...KILL THOSE DAMN BEARS 2ND HALF!!!! :bearsuck: :bearsuck: :bearsuck: :bearsuck:

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Probably, because week after week, we are ripped off by the refs.

That's such a loser's mentality.

Complain about the refs every single week.

If we make plays and score TD's in the redzone instead of kicking field goals then the games wouldn't be close enough to be decided by the refs.

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I've been saying for years that there is no home field advantage for the Skins when it comes to the Refs. Watch a Dallas game and see how many calls they get their way at home. You know how they review film and fine players after the games for questionable play? They should do the same thing with the Refs. They miss a blatant call like that and they shoud forfeit their pay. We never get any breaks and who said we get ghost calls must be seeing them through chemically induced eyes.

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I saw some bad calls... My lil mind would have sworn Cooley was being bear hugged when they called his push off... (I'd have thought he would have had to, to get away.

(the called back td).

The WWE call was kinda lame but...

I think its more the turnovers than anything though...

The refs call on pass interference was a 90yd difference... 36 in our faver after a 54yd return on the pick.... (that was HUGE!)

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I saw some bad calls... My lil mind would have sworn Cooley was being bear hugged when they called his push off... (I'd have thought he would have had to, to get away.

(the called back td).

The WWE call was kinda lame but...

I think its more the turnovers than anything though...

The refs call on pass interference was a 90yd difference... 36 in our faver after a 54yd return on the pick.... (that was HUGE!)

With the Ramsey mugging coming on the heel of this play, my jerk reaction was yes. But referees tend to "respect" winners. If you are winning and have a certain style of play, to a certain extent the refs will let you get away with it. So why does a lowly team like the Bears get the advantage over the Skins? Because although the Bears are bad, the perception of the Skins is worse. I have never, in my athletics pursuits, come across a referee that is totally unbiased. When we start winning and making fewer mistakes, the calls will begin to go our way and others teams will complain of bias against them.

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You know how they review film and fine players after the games for questionable play? They should do the same thing with the Refs. They miss a blatant call like that and they shoud forfeit their pay.

Actually, they do that. Believe me, those refs will get chewed out by the league. The NFL does a good job making sure the best officials are on the field.

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But referees tend to "respect" winners

Their job is to be unbiased in how they call a game.

The Skins have been hurt in CRITICAL times during games last year and now this year in the first one.

The same thread gets started because it keeps happening.

Can anyone really explain how Cooley pushed off and how the hit on PR was not a 15 yard penelty?

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