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Keith Olbermann goes off!


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Olberman reminds me again of what I asked in one of the threads earlier, where the hell is Cheney? Has he been on vacation too, is he even still alive?????

Other than that though it was not too surprising, he has never liked Bush much and it has usually been pretty obvious. Still I had hoped to hear a little more about the rest of the people to blame in thsi as well. He started just going off on a messy diatribe near the end, and never really mentioned local officials or anyone other than Bush very much.

It seemed like about 93% of it was about Bush and thinking of colorful analogies and insults to make him and the administration look bad. I was hoping for a little more clearheadedness out of him, instead the way he exaggerated everything and made it sound as if Bush is a dictaor who let the people down and did nothing while he could have saved everyone.

I think Olberman would have been better served to take a more unemotional and outlandish look at things, because by the end of that I was really turned off and a lot of people will skip his message entirely with the way he went about it.

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Moronic. Simply moronic. And for Oberman to claim he does not like to editorialize is a joke and a flat lie. He does it every day.

Frankly, it makes me sick to my stomach to se so many people so willing to use a natural disaster and the suffering of others to justify their insane hatred of Bush. Oberman is a biased tool and this rush to judgement mob mentality is destroying this country.

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Moronic. Simply moronic. And for Oberman to claim he does not like to editorialize is a joke and a flat lie. He does it every day.

Frankly, it makes me sick to my stomach to se so many people so willing to use a natural disaster and the suffering of others to justify their insane hatred of Bush. Oberman is a biased tool and this rush to judgement mob mentality is destroying this country.

Agreed, he's a nut job.

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Moronic. Simply moronic. And for Oberman to claim he does not like to editorialize is a joke and a flat lie. He does it every day.

Frankly, it makes me sick to my stomach to se so many people so willing to use a natural disaster and the suffering of others to justify their insane hatred of Bush. Oberman is a biased tool and this rush to judgement mob mentality is destroying this country.

Hey Mike, when do you realize that your ideology is a failed one? When do you look in the mirror and see the writing on the wall and realize Bush is not a leader? When do you step up to the plate and ask for accountability, instead of sprouting off the latest thing you've heard on Fox News, or read on Newsmax?

And Oberman's "mob mentality" is destroying the country???? I guess you've don't listen to talk radio then :doh: You know, the talk radio who is telling people NOT TO DONATE, just like Michael Savage did yesterday?

And I'm the one with the mob mentality?

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Hey Mike, when do you realize that your ideology is a failed one? When do you look in the mirror and see the writing on the wall and realize Bush is not a leader? When do you step up to the plate and ask for accountability, instead of sprouting off the latest thing you've heard on Fox News, or read on Newsmax?

And Oberman's "mob mentality" is destroying the country???? I guess you've don't listen to talk radio then :doh: You know, the talk radio who is telling people NOT TO DONATE, just like Michael Savage did yesterday?

And I'm the one with the mob mentality?

Dude you don't have a clue what my ideology is so STFU. Don't you have torches to light or something?

Step up top the plate and ask for accountability? A week after the hurricane? Because an area the size of an entire state was whiped out by a natural disaster and you want to know why everyone effected, all 600+ thousand were not wrapped in a warm comfy blanket the next day? Get real. You want a witch hunt. You want a fast lynching of GW before all of the facts are in and nothing short of that will do. Yes. you are the one with a mob mentality.

And BTW, if Savage is saying that, he's a moron too.

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