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Gibbs has to call the plays faster, or let Rams audilbe


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I was watching the re-run of the Pitt game and I noticed that Rams did not audible once. At one time we got flagged for delay of game. Aikman said that Joe is still adjusting to the new play clock. My question is this why doesn't Joe call the plays early so Rams can get to the line and take a look at the Defense. I know we have alot of good O-Coordinators, but are they debating what plays to run? I feel that we need to either call the plays earlier to give Rams a chance to survey the D, or give him the freedom to call audibles at the line. I think this would cut down on Rams jitters in the pocket, and the Palumalo type INts. That int happened because Thrash was suppose to run a hot route on the blitz, but he ran the regular out route instead.

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Ramsey did audible at least once, on the pass to Moss that was underthrown but that Moss caught. I believe Ramsey audibled a few times, but I'll check that again. In any case, we've had one delay penalty all preseason after being plagued by them last year. I think Gibbs knows he had to improve this area. I believe he has.

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Its a good point and is a problem, Ramsey has to hurry the snap a lot more often than I feel is necessary.

The delay of game penalties have to go away, they are simply unprofessional.

I would like to see more audibles and the only way to get that done is to relay the plays quicker. I like the way Manning goes into every huddle with 3 plays but understand he is in a whole different league than Ramsey.

IMO, A delay of game penalty can only be excused for substitution and player mixups, etc.. Not from not relaying the play in a timely manner. I think that this whole situation sits on Gibbs' shoulders.

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I am not sure I agree here. Sure if he can get the plays in a bit faster that is great but the audible is not the answer. If you mean let Ramsey call the play on the field that is a different matter. An audible takes longer to get off than the play you called in the huddle so that does not help timing at all and actually maybe a contributing factor. If you are late to the line and find a defense that you do not like one has little time to audible to a different play.

So getting the play in faster is always a help but audibles really have nothing to do with getting the play off faster and will really likely hurt things. One could go to the hurry up and then call the play at the line (hmmm, would that be considered and audible????) which leaves more time but given the want of Joe to run the ball, control the clock I can't see him going to the hurry up as a staple in this offense (this is NOT the fastest show on turf =)

Lastly, I do not think Joe is going to leet Ramsey (or anyone else) calls the offense in the huddle. I think those days are likely done, for the most part, in the NFL.

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What game were you watching? I was there and he did audible once. We had one delay of game. We have had at most two DOGs in the preseason. How many did we average per game last year? The play calling is fine. I watched the clock and we got the snap off usually with 5-7 seconds to spare and at the line in plenty of time to take a look.

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He audibles a lot. You can actually hear it. It will start...."Green 40, Green 40....check blue 22 blue 22" or something to that nature. A lot of times they audible to the run.

a lot of the times, i would imagine there are fake audibles to disguise when he really is audibling. however the most obvious audible is when everyone slightly turns their head to hear what he is saying.

also has anyone noticed that ramsey's cadence has gotten louder? brunell still has the better pipes but ramsey has gotten louder to me.

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I wasd actually very surprised with that delay penalty. I'm not sure about anyone else, but it seemed like we got a really short clock that time. Seemed like the refs had just finished setting the ball when we approached the line, and all of a sudden the whsitle blew. Both myself and my cousin who was watching the game with me were a bit confused, and so was Ramsey. Just seemed like it may have been an officiating screw up to me.

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he audibled a few times I can remember.. I only remember one delay of game penalties.. Was there more that I'm not remember?

No, just the one. The other big thing is that the starting unit has had zero false start penalties.

Slowly but surely this is turning into a Gibbs football team.

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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No, just the one. The other big thing is that the starting unit has had zero false start penalties.

Slowly but surely this is turning into a Gibbs football team.

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

Dockery has kept himself in check.. I love seeing it.. I don't think he's had a penalty against him this preseason has he?

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I actually think that this season is the first one I've seen in a long time when false starts and delay of game penalties aren't the norm.

And I agree about that one penalty - I immediately looked at my friend and said - "That can't be a delay of game, it wasn't enough time since they set the ball!"

I'm sure it won't be this way all season, but I don't think Ramsey audibles too much in this system, so it shouldn't be as much of an issue if at all. The better thing, from my perspective, is the absence of false starts. That's huge.


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