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Just watched the preseason game.


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He struck me as a guy working on some things in pulling the string on his passes, and generally putting the ball in position to allow the receiver to keep moving. He did that better than he typically does, if not perfectly as receivers did have to make small adjustments to handle the ball.

That's the one thing I strongly disagree with you on, tagging along with him only having three bad passes. It was pointed out elsewhere that the pass in the flat to Thrash and the pass that Betts made the good catch on both could have yielded nice YAC, but they didn't because the throws were poor--even though they were caught. So I think it was more than a handful of bad passes.

That said, it's my contention still that Ramsey is still working on throwing with touch. Some of passes just fluttered and were way off, and I think if the game were live he would have thrown them differently. Not sure if he would have connected necessarily, but they would at least have been close.

Even if his poor throws were caused by small pressure, that's a concern. There is going to be pressure on almost every play, and if he can't throw accurately with Jansen close to his shoulder (by either changing his arm angle or stepping up in the pocket) then we have trouble.

I still think he was jittery in the pocket. To be fair, I have not watched on tape and I did not make use of the DVR during the game, but it seems to me that he kept feeling pressure where none was there. I will say that he did move around more and that was good to see, except sometimes he seemed to move around before the need was there.

All in all, I clicked on this thread hoping that I'd read something from you that would cheer me up, give me hope that Ramsey can take us home. While my cup still does not runneth over with confidence in the kid, I do feel every so slightly better. For that I say thanks, Art!

I think the important thing to remember here is we don't need an All-Pro or even Pro Bowl QB to be successful. We have an outstanding D and what should be a solid running game. We can get by with "average" QB play. Right now I'm not sold that Ramsey can provide this, and I probably won't be until at least October, no matter what transpires between now and then.

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PR is still working on his touch, and no doubt will improve over the next several years. A good defense and a good running game will give him time this season to develop enough. For now, if the game comes down to him he's going to play by instinct, and that means he will be firing the ball.

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I watched the game after I got off of here lastnight.I have to say Ramsey had a decent game and was'nt as bad as alot of you had said.Like Art,said he only had 3 bad pass's and that was it.8-12 with 77 yards is'nt bad at all with the way he played.

The main thing that caught my eye was the WR's routes and how they was running them.If they needed 8 yards for a ist down they would only run 7 yards before turning around to catch the ball.The WR's difenantly need to work on running their routes better.

The offensive Line was incredible lastnight!! I don't know what got into them for them to play like that but I hope they keep it up.I think Jansen really was missed last year and we seen what the OL can do when he plays.

Are defense played really well despite all of our secondary was missing and could'nt play.I difenantly see our defense being a force to be reckened with when we get back healthy.

Another player that I liked what I seen from was A Brown.He done alot of great things lastnight with his puts and kick returns.We can also use him as a WR, he done alot of good things when he was playing WR in the second half.

Theres no need to worry people its only one game and from what I seen from that game was'nt that bad.

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Having watched the game, I can tell you that Patrick does not have happy feet. In fact, I would say he is doing a fine job of showing his ability in the pocket based on what his new coach has been teaching him.

Watching a Quarterback being taught a different style while still running the same basic offense can make things look real rough if you do not know what to look for.

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So, the sky isn't falling after all?? ;)

For the next game, I'd like to see:

Portis get a few more carries using the new stretch plays.

Nemo get some carries against the Bengal's first stringers.

Ramsey take a few more deep shots.

And on defense, a few plays from Rogers, Daniels, and Noble.

But I really think the biggest key in this game is for Ramsey to have a sustained drive that ends in a TD. Nothing spectacular, just some good plays and decisions to bolster everyone's confidence in his ability to efficiently run the offense.

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Originally posted by Utah

Having watched the game, I can tell you that Patrick does not have happy feet. In fact, I would say he is doing a fine job of showing his ability in the pocket based on what his new coach has been teaching him.

Watching a Quarterback being taught a different style while still running the same basic offense can make things look real rough if you do not know what to look for.

thank you :notworthy

a football coaches opinion :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by bubba9497

thank you :notworthy

a football coaches opinion :thumbsup:

I groan everytime someone mentions Patrick Ramsey's "happy feet". Even worse, they then say Brunell looked poised when his feet looked exactly the same as Ramsey's, and looked exactly the same as last year when people claimed Brunell had "happy feet".

Then in another post, someone said Peyton Manning does the same thing and in response to that assertion, another person said Peyton Manning has a purpose to his happy feet, saying that every step has meaning behind it. But Peyton does it even when he stands still in the pocket.

Just ranting, hehe.

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What I haven't heard is any critque of Gibbs for throwing deep down the middle only Ramsey's second pass. That was his call wasn't it? Pat didn't audible into that play.

One thing I noticed about Ramsey right away was how excited he was in the huddle. He was vibrating it seemed. (When he hit the huddle on the second series it looked as if he'd seen a ghost by comparison).

His first "touch" pass to the flat was too hard, wide and low and only a diving grab for little gain saved the play. No YAC. Portis followed and then bombs away.

A little premature maybe? What about warming Ramsey up first?

However, the overthrow to Patten on the crossing route, another touch pass, left alot to be desired and this supposedly after he had warmed some so......

Accuracy is a problem. His short game is clearly better than his long game and his short game still needs work. This is year 4.

He was clearly nervous early and it showed but he showed little improvment as the game wore. It was a very flacid performance overall.

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Originally posted by Utah

Having watched the game, I can tell you that Patrick does not have happy feet. In fact, I would say he is doing a fine job of showing his ability in the pocket based on what his new coach has been teaching him.

Watching a Quarterback being taught a different style while still running the same basic offense can make things look real rough if you do not know what to look for.

So Gibbs likes Pat's pocket presence. The Panthers announcers thought he was OK. HE thought he was OK.

And Utah, A FOOTBALL COACH, thinks he's OK.

But I'll believe jbooma and the rest of the Brunell crew and the Ramsey haters(not necessarily the same thing.)


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"Having watched the game, I can tell you that Patrick does not have happy feet. In fact, I would say he is doing a fine job of showing his ability in the pocket based on what his new coach has been teaching him.

Watching a Quarterback being taught a different style while still running the same basic offense can make things look real rough if you do not know what to look for. "

with all due respect...this doesn't tell me very much...but then aving grown up in the military......and as a matter of logic......I have learned that appeals to authority are not always the truest path.....epsecially if someone like Bostic....who is probably intimately connected to QBs...is commenting on PR's activity in the pocket.........not attacking....just asking for more detail than "take my word for it".....I concede that I do not have your experience nor your perspective. however, from a layman's pov, I can watch someone like Brady and how he acts in the pocket and then I can compare PR. It may be shades of difrerence and not as pronounced as many of us worry-warts are carping about....but it is noticeable. Utah...what should we be looking for?


As a fan...

1) I'ld like to know the inside story on how the players really feel abut PR's leadership and ability to execute...not the promo stuff that has to be said in front of COMCAST cameras. Do they truly believe in PR AS A LEADER and a man who can get the job done...or not?

2) How will William's use Lavar this year? Will what we see in the Bengles game be an indicator?

3) How is the MLB competition playing out? What strengths/weaknesses can we cue in on during the Bengles game to assess where the competition is headed?

4) What should we be looking for in terms of blocking scheme? I'm referring to small details that make one think "ahah...that's what they are trying to do (as individuals and as a unit) and it's working!"

thanks for asking Art...this is a nice feature of the new relationship with the Redskins

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Nice post Art - I too came away more dissapointed in the masses complaining about our team that our team itself.

I think people want us to win these games and nothing more. I love the fact that our scrubs on D got to play so much. I walked away from it encouraged because I saw things in the basics on offense like pass protection and blocking that was simply not impressive last year. The skill guys will succeed as long as the basics are taken care of! :cheers:

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well...budski.....that particular fellow has a resume that includes multiple NFC Championship games and an SB..........and PR's resume?

I'ld worry less about PR bashing and more about his progress. That is what we all know has to happen. I think there is some confusion on this board about folks wanting PR to fail or that he is a complete loss. With the exception of one or two outlier posts - I don't think that is what the so-called "haters" are after. They are after evidence of progress and quality, NFL caliber QB play - including leadership and execution under fire. PR can do these things - we all know that. The goal is to see progress in successive preseason and regular season games toward the complete package. While the "this *ucked" variety of posts are admittedly tiresome....so are the "wait till the next game...this one was meaningless" responses. We've been waiting for nigh on 12 years. It's time for some real progress. The coaches want it - no expect it - and so do the fans.

What is needed, if quieting the tension is the goal, is some agreed upon set of performance objectives we can all set as progress markers as preseason and regular season unfold.....something other than just the final score. any ideas?

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I agree Art. Ramsey's biggest failing his his apparent inability to sense presuure and move his feet to clear a passing lane. On two 3rd down situations in the Panthers game, bull rushes up the middle collapsed the pocket causing PR to sail the ball high missing open receivers. Ramsey's results would have been entirely different if he made these two plays. Contrast this with the smooth, natural movements of JC who has the (apparemt) abitlity to instinctively slide laterally to clear a passing lane. Coupled with his super fast release, JC has it, PR needs it.

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Originally posted by fansince62

[bwith all due respect...this doesn't tell me very much...but then aving grown up in the military......and as a matter of logic......I have learned that appeals to authority are not always the truest path.....epsecially if someone like Bostic....who is probably intimately connected to QBs...is commenting on PR's activity in the pocket.........[/b]

:laugh: The "intimate" connection a center has with QBs is purely physical. That doesn't qualify him as an expert on a QB's football playing abilities.

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"The "intimate" connection a center has with QBs is purely physical. That doesn't qualify him as an expert on a QB's football playing abilities."

He played on multiple SB teams; was an all-pro if memory serves. Gimme a break.....you really want to run with the notion that someone sitting in Utah - as great a coach as he might be - has more insight than someone who has been part of the Skins family (including multiple SBs), who worked with the coaches, who worked closely with mulitple QBs, who has access to the team none of us have, who spent a whole career analyzing game film of NFL QBs - has a better foundation? Not to denigrate Utah - who has nade very insightful posts in the past - but Bostic may have some domain knowledge that qualifies his observations as falling within the pale of reason.........one would think that to be rather obvious.

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