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MNF crew upset at lack of Dallas games


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Michaels, Madden upset to see Dallas off MNF


By ED BARK / The Dallas Morning News

PASADENA, Calif. – Monday Night Football's star players are decidedly unhappy about saddling up without the Cowboys this season.

"We would have taken the Cowboys in a heartbeat," play-by-play announcer Al Michaels said Wednesday during an interview session with TV critics. "We would have loved the Cowboys at least twice. We asked for the Cowboys. We politicked for the Cowboys. ... And we shook our head when the schedule came out."

Monday Night Football will be without America's Team for the first time since the 1990 season, when the Cowboys were coming off a 1-15 year under freshman coach Jimmy Johnson.

Last year's team finished 5-11, but Michaels, his new broadcasting partner, John Madden, and MNF producer Fred Gaudelli said they want Dallas under any circumstances.


Al Michaels (left) and John Madden agree that Monday Night Football is not the same without the Cowboys.

"We pushed very hard for the Dallas Cowboys, about as hard as you can push," Gaudelli said. "And at the end of the day, we were denied. ... They [the NFL] reserve the right to make the schedule they want to make."

"When I was at CBS and when I was at Fox, we had a saying: 'When in doubt, go with Dallas,'" said Madden, who is joining Monday Night Football for its 33rd season.

The Cowboys otherwise will be getting more preseason exposure than other NFL teams on HBO's weekly Hard Knocks series, which runs July 31 through Sept. 4. The program promises an "all-access" look at the team's training camp in San Antonio.

Dallas appeared once on MNF last season, defeating the Washington Redskins, 9-7, when both teams were 0-4 going in.

Michaels said the game still had a "pretty big" Nielsen rating against a competing Major League Baseball playoff game.

"You either love the Cowboys or you love to hate the Cowboys," he said. "The Cowboys are unique in that regard."

Dallas will have two games on ESPN's prime-time Sunday telecasts, including the Sept. 8 season opener against the first-year Houston Texans. MNF will kick off the following night with the Pittsburgh Steelers against the defending Super Bowl champion New England Patriots.


Comment: :cry:

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Just as well. I have grad class Monday's until 930 anyway. That means I will miss almost an hour of the games.

One more year and no more school...ever... hopefully...

But Dallas doesn't deserve to be on Monday night football anyway. Next year things should be different.

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Introduce yourself to Tivo.

Thanks for the suggestion. It's on my wish list.

But right now I'm too busy buying diapers, wipers, toys, clothes, and other such things. Tivo is on the list though. If the Cowboys were on MNF this year I would probably run out and get it. For now, I have to wait.:cry:

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Before your head swells too big, read again what Michaels is saying. Essentially there are two reasons for big Cowpie ratings:

1) Because a lot of people like them.

2) Because a lot of people hate them.

Not necessarily in that order, IMO. And neither reason was "because they are a good, competitive team".

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I can't believe that crap, what a bunch of bandwagoners! :finger:

What are the worried about most of the fair-weather / bandwagon Cowboy fans don't support the Boys when they are down anyways. :toilet:

NOTE: This comment was not meant to be directed towards the Cowboy Fans that frequent our board because they are still loyal to the Boys through the down times like we are to the Skins.

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It's not like they count Mexican TV sets in the Nielsens anyways.

:lol: Al...people want to watch The United State's team...not Central America's team...get your facts straight.

Anyway, putting a team on MNF simply because of their name is dumb. Eventually people will catch on and realize, "hey! The games with the Cowboys in them suck because they get blown out all the time!"

For example, they were on MNF in week 17 against the Titans a few years back. They lost 30-3 or something like that. They had no business being on there whatsoever, so the game sucked.

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Good point OrangeSkin. As a Cowboy fan, I would rather not see them there until they deserve it. That Titans game a couple years ago was painful to watch. So was the 9-7 game against the Skins last year. Nothing is better than to have Dallas on Mondayngiht football three times in a season - but only when they've earned the right to play there.

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Anyway, putting a team on MNF simply because of their name is dumb. Eventually people will catch on and realize, "hey! The games with the Cowboys in them suck because they get blown out all the time!"

But brother, this is precisely the reason I DO tune in to watch them. :)


Pre-emptive reply to predictable response from certain breed of Cowboy Faithful:

Boy fan: Yo, supercilious Redskins twit, for 9 straight games the ONLY way to see the 'boys get whupped was to watch some other team do it. Hehehe.

Skins fan: Very clever. Wish I had thought of that.

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Originally posted by redman

The flip-side, Q, is that being "America's team" is so meaningless that in and of itself it can't ensure that they're featured on MNF. It's clever marketing, no more, no less.

So meaningless, I wonder why 2 of the best NFL commentators have to bring it up.

Oh well what do they know. redman you go boy!!!!!!

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"So meaningless, I wonder why 2 of the best NFL commentators have to bring it up." - Qcard

uhhh...Qcard, I don't know what you missed from redman's post, but I think what he was saying was that being called "America's Team" is clever marketing, which is the exact reason why Madden and Michaels want them on MNF.

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exactly, everyone says the Skins suck but we haven't had a losing season since 98 and putting us against a NFC East Rival who we split with yearly and its never a blow out is a great idea. Even the Skins/Dallas game on MNF last year had better ratings than the world series I believe. The Dallas fan's want the Cowboys on MNF, the Booth guys also but the sad truth is that unless they are playing either the Skins or a really crappy team...the could get blown out and that means after halftime the t.v.'s get turned off. You can talk about rebuilding fast all you want but in the NFL results count and if you can't break even on a yearly basis, most people won't watch you. Nobody is going to care who was on the cover of what if its another 5-11 season.

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Originally posted by Qcard

So meaningless, I wonder why 2 of the best NFL commentators have to bring it up.

To answer your question, they had to bring it up because being "America's Team" didn't get the Cowboys on MNF. And that, my friend, was my point. :silly:
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Originally posted by Om

Pre-emptive reply to predictable response from certain breed of Cowboy Faithful:

Boy fan: Yo, supercilious Redskins twit, for 9 straight games the ONLY way to see the 'boys get whupped was to watch some other team do it.

Do you think any Cowboys fans know what supercilious means?


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