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A question for this site


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Hi I have been on another board for a long time and recently I posted a thread on it that was removed. I did not cuss or say anything bad other than the word sucked. This is the post I wrote, would it be removed from this site for any reason for ex. because the site admin does not agree with my opinion??? or can we express ourselves as redskin fans here??? here is the basic post. PRAM what the heck are you doing? You looked scared in the pocket, where is the confidence you showed last year, exple. Vikings game. I now realize what Gibbs is thinking when last year not pulling Brunell was sucking my soul out.The only good thing I saw in the game was our O-Line, and running game. Our first stringers couldnt compete against thier second stringers.I know I am not to panic because it was the first preseason game but I did!! Hopefully it was just a bad first impression and they will settle down because if not...... that was the post. ok thanks guys please resond

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This post would be OK.

YOu might check though to see if it got removed and MOVED To another thread(merged.) It might be that they don't want to clutter the board with 40 redundant threads.

So you'd have to check that, but your actual post there seems fine.

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Seems pretty innocent, but let's think about this:

Maybe you should try something called 'paragraphs.'

See,'paragraphs' are denoted by what we call 'spaces'. These 'spaces' create ease for the reader, help to create a logical pattern of thought processes, and generally warrant an increased cohesion and indentification from the reader.

This can all be filed under 'grammar'... which I am still working on myself.

JK dude. Just keep posting. :cheers:

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That post could be any of 100 here. As long as you don't troll, spam, become disrespectful or vulgar, you are free to post your opinion as you see fit. Now, you may find fellow posters disagree vehemently with you, but thats just what happens on internet messageboards.

Good luck.

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Originally posted by biznitchn

Hi I have been on another board for a long time and recently I posted a thread on it that was removed. I did not cuss or say anything bad other than the word sucked. This is the post I wrote, would it be removed from this site for any reason for ex. because the site admin does not agree with my opinion??? or can we express ourselves as redskin fans here??? here is the basic post. PRAM what the heck are you doing? You looked scared in the pocket, where is the confidence you showed last year, exple. Vikings game. I now realize what Gibbs is thinking when last year not pulling Brunell was sucking my soul out.The only good thing I saw in the game was our O-Line, and running game. Our first stringers couldnt compete against thier second stringers.I know I am not to panic because it was the first preseason game but I did!! Hopefully it was just a bad first impression and they will settle down because if not...... that was the post. ok thanks guys please resond

Yet, you've been registered & lurking here since October of last year & this is your first post here. Interesting.

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I did not cuss or say anything bad other than the word sucked.

How dare you use such foul language in a public forum!?

There are those of us who maintain an enemies list. Your name is now on it.

You are being watched.

If you do not conform to our unwritten and ever changing standards we reserve the right to creep into your room while you're asleep, gag and blindfold you, then take you to one of our re-education centers for "adjustment".

You have been warned.


The Tribunal

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well the post was moved but when i tried to perform a seaerch it wasnt comming up. My mistake and I told them so. Y havent I posted on this site because I never came to the message boards before. I have been looking at the news section because it rocks and satifies my redskin needs. p.s. grammer good now?? :) I will however now that I have posted here will continue to......you dont know everything about me too do you???? cya

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Originally posted by biznitchn

well the post was moved but when i tried to perform a seaerch it wasnt comming up. My mistake and I told them so. Y havent I posted on this site because I never came to the message boards before. I have been looking at the news section because it rocks and satifies my redskin needs. p.s. grammer good now?? :) I will however now that I have posted here will continue to......you dont know everything about me too do you???? cya

it was good until you spelled the actual word wrong....grammar not grammer:laugh: Just messin around though don't take nothin personally

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I doubt your post would be removed from any board at all. As mods we frequently have to move threads into one combined thread when the topic is creeping over the board and we can maintain some order, but, such comments certainly wouldn't raise an eyebrow here.

The only fan site I've seen things deleted from that were in line with the rules is HR.com. They are likely to do most anything.

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Quite possible. Also possible that he didn't care but just knew somebody was about to drill him and hit him stupid. Though knowing Sean was out there lurking would give many a case of........ oops... couldn't get to that one.

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