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Cheerleader Scandal (merged x5)


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Dan, I think the poll idea is a bad one. I think that Christy and I have been humiliated enough. Especially me, with all these lies. Its ridiculous really. The only people who know the truth are Christy, Chris, and myself. I wish this issue would just die down, and i don't think a poll for who is hotter is going to do it.

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Originally posted by redskinzone

Where is Hebrewredskins now that we need him? Maybe he can put up a poll on this web site.

He's trying to come up with a cool way to spell the title! FaVoR1Te Che3rLeAd3r!?!?

I don't think it matters though because I'm pretty sure Frankie would run away with it.

Dan, I think the poll idea is a bad one. I think that Christy and I have been humiliated enough. Especially me, with all these lies. Its ridiculous really. The only people who know the truth are Christy, Chris, and myself. I wish this issue would just die down, and i don't think a poll for who is hotter is going to do it.

Who would you be? And our thread here is all lies?? No way!! I think we've pretty much covered everything that happened! Feel free to throw in any details we've missed.

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Dan, I think the poll idea is a bad one. I think that Christy and I have been humiliated enough. Especially me, with all these lies. Its ridiculous really. The only people who know the truth are Christy, Chris, and myself. I wish this issue would just die down, and i don't think a poll for who is hotter is going to do it.

Hi Frankie.

Please set the record straight for all of us minions, so this can be buried once and for all.

Rumors and conjecture is only going to ruin people's reputations

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Hi Frankie.

Please set the record straight for all of us minions, so this can be buried once and for all.

Rumors and conjecture is only going to ruin people's reputations

Yes Frankie tell us the real story. We want to know what happened. Everything else is just speculation. You and Christy are welcome to start some threads and discussions on The Redskinzone if you don't want to post it here.


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Dan, I think the poll idea is a bad one. I think that Christy and I have been humiliated enough. Especially me, with all these lies. Its ridiculous really. The only people who know the truth are Christy, Chris, and myself. I wish this issue would just die down, and i don't think a poll for who is hotter is going to do it.

I invite you to the best tailgate of your life... F-51 this Friday. PM me :D

BTW, did any of you catch that stupid ass grin on Chris' face on the jumbotron. I liked him much better last year when he was a shy rookie. Now he thinks he's God's gift to mullets?

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I do not see a big deal with the cheerleaders hanging with the players. I mean what do they expect!

I'm right there with you man. What is wrong with the playas hanging with the cheerleaders. Don't you think it would make the players play harder knowing there girl was right next to them cheering them on. Is that a Redskin only rule or NFL wide. :point2sky

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Elliot had both of the cheerleaders moms on and one of their stepdads.

The story goes like this...

Cooley's wife found out he was putting it to one cheerleader, Frankie, they got seperated. The Skins found out and kicked the girl off the squad. Then Cooley started putting it on another cheerleader, Christy, who by the way was the hot blonde in the last 2 Maxim NFL previews. The Skins found out again and kicked her off the team.

When this all started on Elliot the Skins actually called in and were pissed off.


Copy and paste the link, Christy is the girl waving in picture titled 'Hot Cheerleaders Getting Ready'

Check it out

Frankie was also picked to be Maxim girl this year. I guess Cooley is trying for all the Maxim models.

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You do know that the cheerleaders would all probaboly get fired right? WHY on earth would they do that. Its not his fault those skanks couldnt keep off of him. They knew they would lose their jobs, its 100% their fault they lost their jobs, not his. Now on the issue with his wife, I dont know the story so I'm not judging Cooley, but if they were not seperated, then I have a problem with 47.

Why do the girls (19 & 20) have to be skanks, it sounds as if they are young girls who were very impressionable. Cooley is married and neither girls knew, he told them both he was separated for 6 month or more.

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Why do the girls (19 & 20) have to be skanks, it sounds as if they are young girls who were very impressionable. Cooley is married and neither girls knew, he told them both he was separated for 6 month or more.

Because clearly they were more interested in scoring with a player than their jobs. But it sounds like they're all at fault to me. Cooley risked his marriage to hit that, and they knew they could get fired, but still dropped their panties as soon as he told them he was seperated. It doesn't speak that highly of any of them, imo, but maybe Frankie can clear up the story for us. ;)

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Is your whole life following around cheerleaders?

No, but it sure seems like it.

I was lucky enough to be invited to a lot of the events and places The Washington Redskins Cheerleaders were going because they liked my photos. So, I just ran with it. How many people would turn down that opportunity? Photography is my passion and the girls are nice and very beautiful. It's been a lot of fun. Also, people want to see the pictures.

The Redskinzone web site was meant to be a little more balanced, a mix of football, fans and cheerleaders. Most of the hits were going directly to the cheerleader photos. A forum was added a few months and so that people who want to talk about football related topics in Washington, D.C. can do so. I shoot high school football games for local newspapers and a professional womens football team called The D.C. Divas. My whole life is not about following around cheerleaders but I do live for football.

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Well...I think it's funny that just bc im not on the squad anymore you guys think that i "dropped my panties" the first second he said he was separated. That is totally not the case. Chris and i started hanging out AFTER i was no longer employed with the Redskins. We as cheerleaders aren't allowed to converse with the players at all outside of redskins events. I got kicked off for a text message...thats it. Nothing more. A measly text message, not having sex with cooley, and not dating him. We didn't start dating until after.

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Well...I think it's funny that just bc im not on the squad anymore you guys think that i "dropped my panties" the first second he said he was separated. That is totally not the case. Chris and i started hanging out AFTER i was no longer employed with the Redskins. We as cheerleaders aren't allowed to converse with the players at all outside of redskins events. I got kicked off for a text message...thats it. Nothing more. A measly text message, not having sex with cooley, and not dating him. We didn't start dating until after.

Well, then I apologize for all of us who didn't exactly say the kindest of things based on what was said on the radio if this is the case. That does suck to lose your job over a text message. Thanks for ending this thread.

I'm still mad at Cooley though!

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Well...I think it's funny that just bc im not on the squad anymore you guys think that i "dropped my panties" the first second he said he was separated. That is totally not the case. Chris and i started hanging out AFTER i was no longer employed with the Redskins. We as cheerleaders aren't allowed to converse with the players at all outside of redskins events. I got kicked off for a text message...thats it. Nothing more. A measly text message, not having sex with cooley, and not dating him. We didn't start dating until after.

Thanks for setting the record straight..it takes guts to do so. We all should never take a morning radio show as nothing more than entertainment.

AND if you are not really Frankie then I am going to be pissed!

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No problem guys. I just wanted to get the record straight. I am not a slut, or a skank, or whatever other words used to describe me. I am just a girl who ended up dating the wrong guy. I didn't listen to anyone around me, i was warned all this would happen, but i was stupid. I've learned my lesson, and i just don't want everyone to get the wrong idea about me. All of the stuff on the radio was pretty much bogus. No one really knows what went on between Chris and I. But basically all i wanted to do is clear MY name...bc i know i made a mistake by dating Cooley, but i don't think i deserve all of these negative remarks about me or my character. And here are some TRUE facts. 1) I was told Chris and his wife Angela were seperated and never planned on getting back together 2) I didn't mean for anyone to see my blog, it was kind of embarassing for it to be broadcasted on the air (so i deleted it) 3) I did love cheerleading and I am also very sad to not be able to cheer for the best team in the NFL again :(

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Well...I think it's funny that just bc im not on the squad anymore you guys think that i "dropped my panties" the first second he said he was separated. That is totally not the case. Chris and i started hanging out AFTER i was no longer employed with the Redskins. We as cheerleaders aren't allowed to converse with the players at all outside of redskins events. I got kicked off for a text message...thats it. Nothing more. A measly text message, not having sex with cooley, and not dating him. We didn't start dating until after.

Sweet. Thanks for enduring us, and setting the record straight. Can we have more pics now?? :D

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I think its a big strange that all these people have just suddenly appeared on this website discussing this issue....and guess what there is a website with pictures and stuff associated with it....I for one discount everything that I have read in this thread and think it is just people playing around......

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