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Why Peter King is the top NFL journalist, nothing escapes his eye


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Training Camp Postcard: Falcons



Flowery Branch, Ga


Surprisingly good and varied from what I remember about Flowery Branch.

Entrée: Grilled chicken breast for the second straight day. Average, but just what I wanted. B-minus.

Rice: Brown. Fried. Really good. A-minus.

Vegetable: Carrot-cauliflower-green bean medley. Could have been fresher, and cooked less. But hey, who am I to look a gift cauliflower stalk in the mouth? B-minus.

Salad: Diced carrots, sliced cucumber, a touch of ranch dressing. Absolutely heavenly. A.

Dessert: Sliced cantaloupe. A little too hard, but melon is always welcome on a broiler of a day in Georgia. B-minus.

Overall grade: On a day like this, I am very pleased with the meal, but I realize because I'm early on my trip I need -- just like the Russian judge in the Olympic skating finals -- to leave some grading room for future camps. B.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. Petey King is almost palatable when he talks about things other than football. I can sit back and read his take on Americana (even though he is very whiney when he doesn't get his way) and never get upset.

It's when he TALKS ABOUT FOOTBALL and throws the ol "covering the NFL for 25 years" to back up his ridiculous proclamations that I have serious problems with him.

BTW, I'd love to bang one of his daughters, sight unseen, just for the story. ;)

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