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Hop on board....................Lets fly.......


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The shuttle crew will be boarding at 6:45. I wish everybody could see my local news this morning. Some outstanding shots of the sunrise with her sitting on the pad.

Tanks are full, no sensor problems, and no real weather issues to stop them now. Lets light that candle.

Good luck, and God speed !

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Originally posted by BlueTalon

By then, these shuttles will be museum pieces. Why someone isn't already developing the next generation of shuttle is beyond me.

The shuttles already are museum pieces. They have one at the Udvar-Hazy museum by Dulles.

And they are developing the next generation, it's called the Orbital Space Plane. Here a few proposed designs:


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Well, another chunk came flying off the fuel tank. Fortunately, it apparently didn't do significant damage. Also fortunately, they put over 100 cameras in strategic places, so they were able to instantly detect it and can take protective measures

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It was way too cloudy this morning to see it from this side of the state. I'll wait for the sonic boom when she flys over us on their way home.

Caught the news at 6, great footage. Hope the proposed sept launch is a night flight. I break out the old telescope for those.

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