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please hug your kids today


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we have very good friends, who have three kids. a girl who is 15, a boy who is 13, and a baby who is 8 months. two days ago, the 15 year old girl was bathing her baby brother, when she left the room for 30 second to grab something and came back and her baby brother had drowned. our little community of 400 people is absolutely stunned, and i've never seen a mom and dad in such bad shape as these guys. it's a horrible tragedy, and the only thing that can help are prayers.

i ask for two things:

1. hug your children today and tell them you love them.

2. say some prayers for the sauer family in warner, south dakota.

they need all the help we can offer.

thanks everybody!!!!

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Whoa. I mean.... done. Prayers for the baby, ( God will look after him), family, friends and all of you up there. And though no kids of my own, will hug my nephew long and hard next time I see him. Take care up there.

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My heart goes out to that whole family, and special prayers for that 15-yr-old who I fear will need them. The guilt she bears will no doubt be absolutely crushing. Not at all helpful that some will judge her harshly, regardless of the fact that we've all had our 60-second moments of carelessness. How tragic.

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Originally posted by JimboDaMan

My heart goes out to that whole family, and special prayers for that 15-yr-old who I fear will need them. The guilt she bears will no doubt be absolutely crushing. Not at all helpful that some will judge her harshly, regardless of the fact that we've all had our 60-second moments of carelessness. How tragic.

Thats really a great post Jimbo.

I'm sure all of have suppressed the initial urge to say 'what were the parents thinking?' or 'what was the 15yr old thinking?'. But it only takes a second to make a bad decision, and its truly tragic when you have to pay this kind of incredibly painful price for one. We all probably do something equally ill-advised every week of our lives, and get away with it.

Thats incredibly sad. And you're dead-on right Jimbo, I feel most for that 15 year old.

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My prayers go out to the whole family, community, and most definetly the 15 year old girl. What a horrible thing to have happen. Someone needs to hug her tight and let her know that while it is okay to feel bad, she is still loved deeply and they know it was a mistake. Thats so unfortunate.

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I think this is a reminder that those hugs and expressions of love should be given out ALL the time.

My goodness. What a tragic story.

We can only pray and hope that the Lord gives the family the strength to unite, support one another, and feed off of one another's bonds of love to get through this.

I will surely keep them in my thoughts and prayers.

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thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. they really do help. we just got back from the family prayer service, and it was awful. the baby's dad, Darwin, is one of my best friends, and at the end he just leaned over his baby's casket and grabbed his body and hugged it and kissed it. it just absolutely tears your heart out to see these things. i cannot even imagine how i would handle the loss of a child.

once again, thanks for the kind words and prayers. i will be sharing them with the family as the days go on.

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