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Why does the media hate the Redskins?

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I love the Redskins through thick and thin. I cant possibly see myself rooting for any other team. But I hate this time of the year when all the media and pre-season analysts hate on our team. I feel like we get singled out all the time. Where does it all come from? Danny hasn't even been doing all the crazy spending he used to.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that our D came out of nowhere last year and performed and we dont even get credit for that now. Patrick Ramsey is a good QB but hasnt had a full chance.

Maybe its the fans that say we are going all the way every year and then we come up short as usual. I guess you could say im cautiously optimistic...but my optimism has grown with Gibbs as the coach. I feel like the fire to win and the dedication to the team has increased since he has been here and if I hear one more thing on Sportscenter about him "losing it" I will go crazy.

Any comments?

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I watched the NFL Networks 2004 Redskins Year in Review a couple of nights ago and I was pleasently surprised. The name of the piece was "A Strong Foundation". The went on to say that the Skins were headed in the right direction with strong signings and a positive team chemestry. Some in the media actually take the time to give a fair and balanced view.

On the other hand I was listening to 980 last night and they trashed the Skins on the Barrow stuff. I wanted to call in and ask them if they know anything about football. Barrow was not traded earlier because he had no value earlier. Now that he is healthy and able to pass a physical it changes things, but they did not address it they just said it was one more example of the FO F-ing up. Now this morning I hear that they are reporting that Barrow might restructure his contract OR be let go. This would be the best move but the Skins will get no appology for the ripping or critisizm.

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My initial response was "Two words: Dan Snyder", but I think that's not solely the reason.

I feel like the Slkins don't get proper due even for the so-called Glory years - Joe Gibbs' first iteration. I hear all about the 9ers, Cowpukes, Steelers, Packers, Patriots, here lately, the Rams, Ravens but the Skins just don't register in that same company across the years nor across the country.


While no issue is a sole issue, nothing happens in a vacuum, I think it is due to, in part, that the Skins are from DC. Washington DC is the place where the politicians, the power and the money reside. Things that the nation as a whole cannot and do not relate to. People don't think of Washington as a normal town with it's own identity, like the blue collar of Pittsburgh or the west coast style of the 49ers, or the Texified flash of the Cowboys. They think of our hometown as a place where the crooks reside or they think of it as a tourist attraction.

I think that that is at least part of the reason we aren't given our due.

Oh well, their loss. If they don't want to see and appreciatte that we have:

1. The biggest stadium in the league,

2. The longest sold out streak, 1964 I think, in the league (and possibly of ANY sports league in the history of the planet.......maybe some European or S. American soccer team has us beat).

3. And until recently when some johnny-come-lately copycats imitated us, we had the only marching band with the only fight song

Well, forget about em. It's their loss. We know that an autumn afternoon at either RFK or at the Big Jack is a special place to be. I don't need to be special to everybody else.

But we do have to start winning, for our sake, not theirs! GO SKINS!!

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Originally posted by ross3909

I watched the NFL Networks 2004 Redskins Year in Review a couple of nights ago and I was pleasently surprised. The name of the piece was "A Strong Foundation". The went on to say that the Skins were headed in the right direction with strong signings and a positive team chemestry. Some in the media actually take the time to give a fair and balanced view.

On the other hand I was listening to 980 last night and they trashed the Skins on the Barrow stuff. I wanted to call in and ask them if they know anything about football. Barrow was not traded earlier because he had no value earlier. Now that he is healthy and able to pass a physical it changes things, but they did not address it they just said it was one more example of the FO F-ing up. Now this morning I hear that they are reporting that Barrow might restructure his contract OR be let go. This would be the best move but the Skins will get no appology for the ripping or critisizm.

The NFL Films year in review always manages to paint a positive picture for the teams they are covering. They make quite an art out of it, lol. Not saying they had to dig to hard to make the Skins look good. All they had to do is talk abou the defense for the whole segment

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Originally posted by Streater101

The NFL Films year in review always manages to paint a positive picture for the teams they are covering. They quite an art out of it, lol. Not saying they had to dig to hard to make the Skins look good. All they had to do is talk abou the defense for the whole segment

This is precisely why I will be looking forward to watching the 2004 49ers segment. Despite their putrid season, they will find a way to even put a positive spin on it. :laugh:

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Originally posted by fish

Oh well, their loss. If they don't want to see and appreciatte that we have:

1. The biggest stadium in the league,

2. The longest sold out streak, 1964 I think, in the league (and possibly of ANY sports league in the history of the planet.......maybe some European or S. American soccer team has us beat).

3. And until recently when some johnny-come-lately copycats imitated us, we had the only marching band with the only fight song

Well, forget about em. It's their loss. We know that an autumn afternoon at either RFK or at the Big Jack is a special place to be. I don't need to be special to everybody else.

But we do have to start winning, for our sake, not theirs! GO SKINS!!

:notworthy :cheers: Couldn't have said it better myself:point2sky

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Originally posted by fish

3. And until recently when some johnny-come-lately copycats imitated us, we had the only marching band with the only fight song

In all fairness, the baltimore colts had a marching band that the ravens adopted when they came to town. The marching band even performed when the CFL team was here.

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Originally posted by fish

I think it is due to, in part, that the Skins are from DC. Washington DC is the place where the politicians, the power and the money reside. Things that the nation as a whole cannot and do not relate to. People don't think of Washington as a normal town with it's own identity, like the blue collar of Pittsburgh or the west coast style of the 49ers, or the Texified flash of the Cowboys. They think of our hometown as a place where the crooks reside or they think of it as a tourist attraction.

I think that that is at least part of the reason we aren't given our due.

Very, very, very well said. -This is part of what I have always felt.

Many people want to point the finger to Dan Snyder, but he's not the main reason. However, every owner this team has had had something about them that many outside the Washington area disliked. Marshall and Cooke included. - They just didn't have the internet creating and multiplying rumors and exaggerating everything they did by the minute.

- As mentioned in a similiar thread a few days ago by someone else, other owners can't stand that while many of them come from generations of money, this college drop out regular guy who is a self-made billionare at age 35, comes in and buys a team for more money than has ever been paid for a team (which many thought was ridiculous) and transforms it into the most successful franchise in the US in a few years time. Then he proceeds to spend big money on players, etc, etc.

I was pretty young and didn't really read the papers that much, but I do remember from growing up in a Redskins household:D that the media didn't like Cooke at all, because at the time he owned the LAkers and Kings and was looked at as some crazy rich guy. Plus firing George Allen pissed off a LOT of people. Jack Pardee was always average or bad so that decision looked stupid (sound familiar?), then this guy no one heard of named Joe Gibbs comes in and goes 0-5.

After going to 2 straight Superbowls and winning one of them, the media backed off a little, but after a year or two it picked up again.

So basically it's the combo of

- we represent the world's most powerful city in the world as Fish mentioned.

- we always have a controversal owner

- sadly, this day and age, the sporting world seems to love to see people fail.

As far as the ownership goes, I'll take a controversal Cooke or Snyder, who want to their team be successful and take action to see that happen, over an owner who is quiet and does nothing. :logo:

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Originally posted by fish

While no issue is a sole issue, nothing happens in a vacuum, I think it is due to, in part, that the Skins are from DC. Washington DC is the place where the politicians, the power and the money reside. Things that the nation as a whole cannot and do not relate to. People don't think of Washington as a normal town with it's own identity, like the blue collar of Pittsburgh or the west coast style of the 49ers, or the Texified flash of the Cowboys. They think of our hometown as a place where the crooks reside or they think of it as a tourist attraction.

I think that that is at least part of the reason we aren't given our due.

I couldn't disagree more. D.C. is special in its own right as well as one of the nations marketable cities. The politics etc. is what gives D.C. a distinct identity. I think this may be a little bit of a reach.

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Originally posted by THEHEREAFTER

I couldn't disagree more. D.C. is special in its own right as well as one of the nations marketable cities. The politics etc. is what gives D.C. a distinct identity. I think this may be a little bit of a reach.

It IS a big reason. DC is different from every city in the country because it is the nation's capital and people identify DC as a city of politicians, lawyers, etc, like you admit, thus making it a city that many people dislike or at least it's sports teams.

I realize you feel its your job to diagree with everything.

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Originally posted by jimster

It IS a big reason. DC is different from every city in the country because it is the nation's capital and people identify DC as a city of politicians, lawyers, etc, like you admit, thus making it a city that many people dislike or at least it's sports teams.

I realize you feel its your job to diagree with everything.

You have to be kidding me and no way do I just want to disagree for the sake of disagreeing. Do you really think that the country hates the Wizards, Mystics, United, Hoyas, Caps and Nats due to the fact that they represent the nations capital. That is pathetic. I may be a Cowboys fan but I was born and raised in the D.C. metro so I can identify with this issue. The Redskins are a storied franchise. Were you here when Joe Gibbs was winning superbowls and the nation fell in love with "the hogs" "the smurfs" "the posse" and the "fun bunch."?? How bout clever nick names for Charles Mann & Co. such as "National Defense" or whatever.... Joe Gibbs of the 80's never had the biggest names but his teams fought hard and they represented what the NFL loves to promote. So you're telling me this same hatred was going on then?

I realize that you feel it's your job to complain EVERYDAY that it's you against the world but the characteristics of the city of D.C. itself is NOT the reason.

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I've been a skins fan since 1966. The lack of respect in the national media has been going since at least then. I could never figure out why the pregame shows on CBS and NBC never talked about the Redskins.

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Originally posted by THEHEREAFTER

You have to be kidding me and no way do I just want to disagree for the sake of disagreeing. Do you really think that the country hates the Wizards, Mystics, United, Hoyas, Caps and Nats due to the fact that they represent the nations capital. That is pathetic. I may be a Cowboys fan but I was born and raised in the D.C. metro so I can identify with this issue. The Redskins are a storied franchise. Were you here when Joe Gibbs was winning superbowls and the nation fell in love with "the hogs" "the smurfs" "the posse" and the "fun bunch."?? How bout clever nick names for Charles Mann & Co. such as "National Defense" or whatever.... Joe Gibbs of the 80's never had the biggest names but his teams fought hard and they represented what the NFL loves to promote. So your telling me this same hatred was going on then?

I realize that you feel it's your job to complain EVERYDAY that it's you against the world but the characteristics of the city of D.C. itself is NOT the reason.

I'm a few years older than you and am also born and raised in DC with older brothers and father who got me into football at a very young age, so don't talk to me like some bandwagon Cowboys fan (ooops). I'll give you something else that you probably don't remember - John Madden used to call the Redskins the "Rodney Dangerfields of the NFL" (in case you're wondering what my sig means) in the 80's.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that yes, there has been some negative bias going on since then. Actually before then. - Also note Woofer's post above mine.

I realize that you feel it's your job to complain EVERYDAY that it's you against the world

If you were familiar with me you'd understand that I am one of the more positive posters on this sight, a Redskins sight by the way. So, why don't you try to be a little more polite since you are an un-invited "guest".

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