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The play that every other team had at least once...


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Ok, so the redskins had trouble getting in the endzone this season, and they did throw some TD passes, usually to guys already in the endzone (cooley, gardner, etc). But, as I was reflecting over the past season, and the upcoming one, I couldn't recall one instance where a redskins receiver actually had his man beat, caught the ball over his shoulder, and ran it in for a TD. Every other team in the league gets a few of those, yet I don't think we had one. Whether it was be a relatively short, medium, or long pass, I can't think of one example where a receiver caught the ball in stride and actually ran it in for a TD after the catch. Coles came really close once, but he got stopped at the 1 yd line, and jacobs almost did it against minny as well. Obviously, we don't want a repeat of that this year, but with our new receivers now, including moss, I know I'm expecting to see a lot of big TD plays like that. Is that unrealistic? I hope not!

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Interesting point. I think it is realistic. We have more speed in our receiver core, and if we are able to utilize Portis correctly more attention would have to be paid to the run. All of that being said we definitely have things in place to open up our passing attack.....:2cents:

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Back when Ramsey had his mind-blowing season debut against the Jets in '03, I noted that his only shortcoming seems to be that he hits his receivers on the numbers rather than hitting them in stride to facilitate more more yards after catch. If he gets that down, you'll see some plays of guys running pass plays into the endzone.

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I think it's possible, Ramsey can definately gun the ball and Moss can flat out, out run a lot of Corners. The question is accuracy imo.. I've seen PR on a number of occations overshoot his receiver by about 3-5 yards.. If he can pull that back a little bit but still hit his receiver in stride it will be a good year

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I would hope to see a few of those myself. I cant remember any from last year; although surely there were some, a few, one?

I would think that the play calling this year would incorporate a little of everything, because Ramsey the WRs have alot of time to work on their timing and comfort level. Of course nothing at Colts level, but more down fields. They have a good group from the short guys to the long guys. What I mean by that is Cooley for short, Thrash medium, and mixup of Moss and Patten. All reliable all have good hands. I wonder though with picking up some speed guys if Gibbs is working towards the whole team being faster or just the WRs.

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I have faith in Ramsey with all the experience he has gotten with the many systems he has been in. Last year I think was the final stage of maturity for him where the light really came on. This year he'll see the field better, and become in control of the game.

Hes seen alot, and it should all come together.

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The problem Ramsey has always had and why people say he holds onto the ball too long is that he waits for his receivers to get open instead of looking for the matchup and throwing the ball to where the receiver will be by the time the ball gets there. This has the result of the DB's catching up to the receivers and not allowing yards after the catch or INT's. Ramsey had developed enough to avoid the INT's (and a lot of luck with defenders getting their hands on the ball but not reeling it in), but he still needs to get the timing and trust down and the receivers need to show that they can get better separation. I hope that this year will be the year to do it. A good question will be if Ramsey is doing anything similar to what Pennington is doing this offseason ...

On NFL Network the other night they showed that Pennington paid to fly down his 4 main receivers to a training facility in Florida and is spending the month prior to training camp working on nothing but timing and getting a better feel for his receivers especially while they are in stride.

I hope Ramsey is doing something like this vs. hunting with Jansen so that he has more reps with his new receivers and his new QB coach and passing scheme for this year.

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Originally posted by bnacpa

On NFL Network the other night they showed that Pennington paid to fly down his 4 main receivers to a training facility in Florida and is spending the month prior to training camp working on nothing but timing and getting a better feel for his receivers especially while they are in stride.

I hope Ramsey is doing something like this vs. hunting with Jansen so that he has more reps with his new receivers and his new QB coach and passing scheme for this year.

I saw this as well. I really would like to hear something like this come out of Washington just once. That to me seems to be the kind of thing that will build chemistry. Just my opinion.

GO SKINS!!!:logo:

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Originally posted by bnacpa

A good question will be if Ramsey is doing anything similar to what Pennington is doing this offseason ...

if Pat had Pennington's play action, look out.

A more balanced offense this year and a solid O-Line should provide some play-action and easy over-the-top throws for Ramsey.

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I am curious how many games we had last year that a well timed penalty caused us to loose the game in the final minutes? I can think of the Cowboys game with the two bad pass interception calls in the endzone both going against us. I can also remember Green Bay game when we got that horrible call that cost us the game. Just that alone makes us 8-8!

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Originally posted by Loki

Interesting point. I think it is realistic. We have more speed in our receiver core, and if we are able to utilize Portis correctly more attention would have to be paid to the run. All of that being said we definitely have things in place to open up our passing attack.....:2cents:

Agreed. The keys to the passing game are Ramsey's command of the system and himself, maintaining a healthy offensive line and a healthy Portis. Gibbs has shaped the offense that he will field this year (except for Ramsey whom he inherited). The receiving corps is his; Portis is better than any RB he has had; the O-line should be very strong. Equally as important is Gibbs has had 19 months to hone is skills and his system. I keep hearing the pundits crying out that Gibbs' time has passed him by - that he has to have a between the tackles, bruising back in order to be successful. Admittedly, he was amazingly successful for many years with the big back offense, but he certainly didn't start out that way. Many of you will recall the first five games of JG's first year - he was Air Coryell incarnate. Theismann must have passed the ball 40 times on average in those games. Well, that system did not work, so Gibbs adjusted it, tailored to better fit the strengths of his team. Once he had a grasp on what he had, the offense stablized, and then beginning at the end of that first year and carrying over into the next, he was able to inject his genius into the system. The rest is Hall of Fame history.

The decision to go with small, skat-back receivers is purposeful in nature, obviously part of a plan that Gibbs is about to unfold, designed to open up this offense and put points on the board. Which of the prognosticators are HOF coaches? Lenny P.? The temptation is to question or discredit that which you do not understand, which is exactly what many in the mainstream media (and the reporter from that little Arkansas rag) have done. Truth is, it's usually the innovative approach that breeds success. Joe Gibbs proved that over the football equivalent of a generation, and I believe that he will do it again.

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The inability of the WRs to generate separation was probably one of the driving forces to get Patten and Moss this off season. Possession recievers (which is all we had last year given Coles bad toe) and bad QBing just don't make for many long scoring plays.

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I think with a new center it's going to do this team wonders. To me it seemed Raymer was clueless in run blocking and pass protection schemes, and simply has just gotten to old. I remember the old days when he was a monster for us, but he's to old now. Hopefully with Casey things will get started up for us again and the line will be able to do it's job, because everything starts in the trenches.

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I do believe that Ramsey will have a "Drew Brees" type of year. I dont mean numbers, wins ect... I mean making people think twice about his abilty to start in the NFL. IMO he will humble some of the doubters. With the drafting of Campbell, Ramsey will show what he's got.

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