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World of Warcraft Hilarity


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The game is very addictive. I find it's even more addictive now that Im on a player vs player server. There's only one thing as satisfying in that game as fearing a bunch of alliance into a bunch of monsters that kill them.

The one thing that's better is being a warlock, being killed by a group of alliance, having all but one run off. The one proceeds to do something rude like dancing on my "dead body" until I comeback to life right under him and kill him (then try to run before group getsback to kill me a second time). :-)

Yes, that game is way too much fun.

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Absolutely. In this case, I was a lvl 56 warlock. I got killed by a 51 hunter and a 60 rogue. The rogue goes off, and the hunter starts dancing on me.

I rezed with 1600 hp and 2000 mana. A quick death coil and Im up to 2k hp. drop three instant dots and an area fear & fourth dot...voila drain tank time. Didn't even use the healthstone for 600 more hp (never got to use deathcoil or healthstone when the rogue got me. silly stun lock). I suspect a large part of why it worked is because it took a while for the hunter to realize what was happeningand I was too close to him.

Soul stone is wonderful in pvp. I consider it a draw if they kill me and I kill them. The only difference is I don't have to corpse run.

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Originally posted by TheDane

I'm considering getting this game. Love all the other Warcrafts. Is it easy to pick up, and are there places for beginners, or am I way too far down the curve to even bother playing online?

It is not even remotely like the other Warcraft games. It is an Role Playing Game, like Everquest (or for you old timers, Dungeons and Dragons). It's like a virtual world in which you are only one person. You can only play online.

Its easy to pick up. My 8 year old plays it. However, it takes a long time to get good at it.

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Originally posted by gbear

Absolutely. In this case, I was a lvl 56 warlock.

Ah. I have a level 28 'lock as my favorite alt (level 54 Druid main).

I'm looking forward to the free re-spec today (1.6 is out), I wasted a few talent points and would like to re-slot them.

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Originally posted by TheDane

I miss the RPGs, I could see myself getting into it again.

Oh, then get it, by all means.

Forget any other hobby, though.

The starting areas tend to be fairly well populated, with new people coming in and high level people starting alts.

You'll be into the mid-levels areas pretty quickly, levels 1-10 go by in a few hours (at most). Also, don't get discouraged by the fools in the starting areas, it tends to get better once you're out of there.

You'll have to decide how much non-consensual PvP in which you want to participate, there are three types of servers: PvP, PvE, and RP.

RP servers have stricter rules on character names and chat, although they are rather loosely enforced.

PvE servers are Player versus Environment, and you have to intentionally 'flag' yourself in order to engage in Player vs Player combat.

PvP servers have rules about where you get flagged, and generally have more Alliance/Horde conflict.

gbear could say more about that, I don't PvP very often (I'm on a RP server).

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Originally posted by gbear


Absolutely. In this case, I was a lvl 56 warlock. I got killed by a 51 hunter and a 60 rogue. The rogue goes off, and the hunter starts dancing on me.

I rezed with 1600 hp and 2000 mana. A quick death coil and Im up to 2k hp. drop three instant dots and an area fear & fourth dot...voila drain tank time. Didn't even use the healthstone for 600 more hp (never got to use deathcoil or healthstone when the rogue got me. silly stun lock). I suspect a large part of why it worked is because it took a while for the hunter to realize what was happeningand I was too close to him.

Soul stone is wonderful in pvp. I consider it a draw if they kill me and I kill them. The only difference is I don't have to corpse run.

:confused: Now I know I'm old and out of touch... that isn't even English to me, just pure gibberish.

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PVP means players on the other side can kill you whenever you leave the low level areas.

Typically it means you will be attaked when it is least convienient for you. On a PVP server as you advance, you rarely just barely kill a monster because it's not worth letting yourself go down to almost dead. That being said I'm on a PVP server and I rarely seek out opponents. The only rule is no whining when one kills you. That being said, there are various ways to say you're not very interested in PVP if you're trying to do a quest: dance, waive or bow works about 70% of the time. When it doesn't they get decreasing benefits for each time they kill you so most won't bother more than once (and the yget no benefit if they are way higher level than you). Since losing only means spending a few min running to the corpse of your dead body, it's not really a big deal.

If you go the PVP route, check out the ratio of horde to alliance on the server on the forums. Im horde on a server where the alliance outnumber the horde 1.4 to 1. That's rough but livable. Some servers the ratios approach 2 to 1 and I hear that's terrible for both sides.

I started off with a druid on a Player vs enviroment server. That was fun, but my warlock on an underdog horde side of a low population server has been entirely too much fun. Picking low population servers mean less lag, but less variety too. IF you are happier in the traditional solo mode like non internet games, simply pick a server for a different time zone. I'm up early and play on a west coast server on weekends. I don't have to deal with much pvp unless I want to.

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