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It's a girl.............


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Well now congrats there 'dad". :cheers: Cute dog. Hmmmm. May have to find a short way to say " dog with one lazy ear". :D A girl huh? Now you see, in a couple of years, (we are talking dog years now), your going to be getting visits from all the boy dogs wanting to take her on a date, then you're sitting up waiting for the lad to bring her home...... :silly:

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Congrats on the newest addition to the "Pete" clan. The next thing is for you to teach her to attack anything or anyone who dons the star logo. I can see her chasing the neighbor's kid around, the one wearing the #22 Smith jersey. :laugh:

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I'm looking forward to getting a dog myself . . . once we get house! :laugh: I'm considering a German Shepard too. I'm having to train my wife, who was not raised with dogs, in the process.

Congrats on the new family member.

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She's a beaut, alright :) Shepherds are the best. Greatest dog I ever knew was my grandfather's shepherd Ajax. Gramps used to take him for rides on his Triumph TRW (in the sidecar, of course). That dog was smarter than any kid I knew.

Raisa...wasn't that Gorbachev's wife?

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Novato.......that was too cute!!!

Congrats Pete on the addition. I too am a dog lover, and have had a poodle for 14 years. He is now blind and has lost some of his teeth, but he is one of the smartest animals I have ever seen.

I bet the male dogs will find that floppy ear kinda enticing!!!

;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Texas Blondie

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Ya never know Blondie, I had a thing for a girl with a lazy eye years ago, and they say we men are dogs, so the ear thing could work:D

I think your right Fitz. In Russian it means "protector" and Hebrew, "Rose" so either way it works. I had thought it was a Galic name, having known an Irish las by that name bak in the day. Dogs in hacks are a trip. There was a guy who had a rottie that would ride with him in Danbury when I lived up there. She would look great next to me in say a 1955 BMW R50, with a Steib sidecar.


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Glad you liked it TXfbluvr, it's a joke a read the other day.

I'm also a dog guy, I've had a Dalmatian, a full Blooded son of Mexican champions German shepherd, his name was "Fiero Von Rebel Alayola" he was an attack dog, mean mofo.... at that same time a friend gave me a Dobermann Pinscher, his name was Chaos, I regret naming him like that, he honored his name....

Just immagine a dude walking down the road with a German Shepherd to my left and a Domermann to my right.... I always had a clear road to walk on...

Know, 7 years later I only have two female French Poddles, a very drastic, change.

I'm waiting for my kids to grow up a little bit, then i'm getting a golden retriever or a Labrador.

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Sheps ears don't stand up till 4 months........To see a young puppy with ears that straight is amazing. After 4 months those ears will stand up straight. Congrats....she is a beauty.........I have 2.....A bi color black and white american line male.........and I have a classic black and tan female..she is an all german line registered in 4 countries. I love the breed. Can I put a pic I have saved in my hardrive of my dogs here?

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Congratulations Pete. I'm a bonafide Golden Retriever man myself (I have two).

Now I'm about to tell you something that may not mean much to you now, but given that GSDs (German Shephard Dogs) are notorious for having skin problems you may want to file this in your brain for later reference.

B.A.R.F. It stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food. Yeah I know, you think I'm a quack. But before you presume such, do an Internet search on the words "barf" and "dog". You'll get more hits than you can possibly read in a day.

My older golden, after being diagnosed as hopelessly allergic to just about every thing under the sun, was sentenced to a lifetime of prednisone (steroids). Thus began my search for an alternative solution to her skin problems. She's been 'barfing' now going on 7 years. My younger golden, whose a year and 8 months, is 3rd generation barf. (Read Pottenger's Cat Studies, also available on the Internet).

Vets will tell you that the number one reason they see GSDs and GRs in their office is because of skin problems. 99 times out of a 100 they'll prescribe prednisone. It'll help, but only temporarily. Thus will begin a never-ending cycle of visits to your vet.

Don't mean to scare you here just after getting your precious girl but I figured I'd plant the seed now to save you some time and aggravation should your GSD come down with the dreaded skin afflictions so many are known for.

BTW, my older golden has been skin problem free for almost 7 years and has had no need for steroids in that same amount of time.

Feel free to contact me if you have questions. I'm a member of a couple BARF-related email lists to which I contribute frequently.

Again, congratulations!

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Thanks for the info Kurp. I don’t think you a quack in any way. I went through that with my last dog. Prednisone for a while, but we also didn’t like the side effects. We did all sorts of stuff. Special diet, topical junk, you name it. Oddly enough, it cleared up when we moved from CT to FL. The thought was actually in the back of my head already. I will look into BARF. Can’t hurt.

OK .................How are ya with ear infections:D

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Pete, While the pup is young you have to get her used to you going in her ears with q-tips. The big ears on sheps are like ear myte condo's. Both of my dogs will lay beside me motionless as I go in there ears to clean them. And that is because I started doing it when they were pups when nothing was wrong. I just went in with water on the q-tips to get them used to what might be necessary.

You can get her x-rayed soon to see if she will be prone to hip displasia. A vet can look at the ball and socket joint in the hip and see if the socket has an irregular shape. I have had to put down 2 dogs too early due to it. It just about broke my heart each time. The all german line is not as prone to it as the american line. But you might want to check on it.

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Re: Ears. No problems since starting the BARF diet. I just make sure I dry the ears thoroughly after the dogs go swimming and then I take an alcohol pad and clean the ears once every couple of weeks (less so for the younger 3rd generation BARF dog) .

Re: Xrays for dysplasia. It's my understanding that this xray isn't definitive until around the age of 2 when the bones stop developing. IOWs, a hip that may show abnormalities prior to 2 years may correct itself while the dog is still growing. Unless the dog exhibits chronic and severe lameness I would question any vet who wanted to do invasive surgery prior to this.

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