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Comparing RB's (NFC EAST) (thanks goskins)


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This is probably a much better topic then comparing QB's.. As all the teams have talent there. Not going to get into a lot of stats, but here is how I view it..

1. Portis (rushing) 1. Westbrook (Catching)

2. Barber

3. Westbrook

4. Jones

Portis is by far I think the better rusher of the group.. He proved last year he can hammer it out if need be even though it's not his bread and butter..

Barber Corrected some mechanics last year and played his position brilliantly.

Westbrook......Well he catches well.

Jones, has the potential to be the top back in the division if he can stay healthy, this kid is a bruiser. If he had played the full year he may have been higher in my personal ranking..

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oops, I See now that you have corrected the thread title and it is no longer "comparing QBs," there goes my PORTIS FOR QB campaign.

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Originally posted by Gothtimus

This is probably a much better topic then comparing QB's.. As all the teams have talent there. Not going to get into a lot of stats, but here is how I view it..

1. Portis (rushing) 1. Westbrook (Catching)

2. Barber

3. Westbrook

4. Jones

Portis is by far I think the better rusher of the group.. He proved last year he can hammer it out if need be even though it's not his bread and butter..

Barber Corrected some mechanics last year and played his position brilliantly.

Westbrook......Well he catches well.

Jones, has the potential to be the top back in the division if he can stay healthy, this kid is a bruiser. If he had played the full year he may have been higher in my personal ranking..

Hard to rate these guys knowing certain things I know going into the year, but here it goes (mind you this is only NFCE rankings, all 4 of these guys would probably be top 10 in NFC and NFL rankings):

1. Tiki Barber- had a solid yet underrated year last year, completely overshadowed by the issues of Manning/Warner, a struggling O-line and player issues with Coughlin. Is no longer "Fumbleman" and is a scary threat on the ground (speedy and tough) for the G-men. May have a better 2005 year than 2004 with an improved O-line.

2. Clinton Portis- Proved he isn't a "system" back, but a legitimate RB. Struggled in the oldschool Gibbs system-- but an improved passing game and more Portis designed schemes should improve, as well as the return/addition of solid run blockers of Jansen and Raubach.

Portis has become more of a leader and gained muscle in the offseason to take more punishment for the upcoming year. May be the best NFCE RB in 2005.

3. Julius Jones- fast, smart , agile. The highlight of the 2004 Dallas O. Clearly a steal in the 2nd round by Dallas. Has potential to be the best NFCE RB in the league. Similar style to Barber and Portis (fast, agile RB). Would like to see his other abilities more (ability to pass block and catch passes). Health may be an issue as well as the "sophmore slump" as teams prep. for him.

4. Brian Westbrook- a "above average" runner who has tremendous bursts of speed to ellude tacklers. Best reciever out of the backfield in the RB group and may be the #2 reciever on the Eagles b/c of his speed and ability to get open (Owens #1).

Perfect for a pass-first WC O like the Eagles. Can struggle if Eagles have to run over throwing in games.

Home run hitter who can break arm tackles.

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Originally posted by Gothtimus

This is probably a much better topic then comparing QB's.. As all the teams have talent there. Not going to get into a lot of stats, but here is how I view it..

1. Portis (rushing) 1. Westbrook (Catching)

2. Barber

3. Westbrook

4. Jones

Portis is by far I think the better rusher of the group.. He proved last year he can hammer it out if need be even though it's not his bread and butter..

Barber Corrected some mechanics last year and played his position brilliantly.

Westbrook......Well he catches well.

Jones, has the potential to be the top back in the division if he can stay healthy, this kid is a bruiser. If he had played the full year he may have been higher in my personal ranking..

I agree with everything you said except having Westbrook aheead of Jones in rushing. Jones didn't need to play the full year to be a better runner than westbrook.

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When it comes down to it, there's only one proven QB and one proven #1 WR in the division, but when it comes to RBs, it's a goldmine. Even Westbrook, who is the only one who's not an exceptional rusher, is a perfect fit for the Eagirls O.

I think all 4 guys will have stellar years. If we are successful at spreading the O, Portis will top this list.

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Originally posted by Gothtimus

This is probably a much better topic then comparing QB's.. As all the teams have talent there. Not going to get into a lot of stats, but here is how I view it..

1. Portis (rushing) 1. Westbrook (Catching)

2. Barber

3. Westbrook

4. Jones

Portis is by far I think the better rusher of the group.. He proved last year he can hammer it out if need be even though it's not his bread and butter..

Barber Corrected some mechanics last year and played his position brilliantly.

Westbrook......Well he catches well.

Jones, has the potential to be the top back in the division if he can stay healthy, this kid is a bruiser. If he had played the full year he may have been higher in my personal ranking..

I can agree with this ranking. Jones hasn't proven himself as much as the others.

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Originally posted by RedskinzOwnU


oops, I See now that you have corrected the thread title and it is no longer "comparing QBs," there goes my PORTIS FOR QB campaign.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Each back's production last year speaks for itself. But if I was trying to build a team, this would be the order:

1. Portis (by a WIDE margin)

2. Barber

3. Jones

4. Westbrook

1. Portis - the most talented by miles. Everyone knows he has the best breakaway speed of any of these backs, and in '04 he proved that he can last (nearly) an entire season, and stuff it down the middle with resolve. Given the added strength, adjusted schemes, and improved O-line, I see huge things for him. Has the best combination of elusiveness, power, and speed of any of the NFC backs.

(Two less-considered factors about Portis:

1. I think he's hungry, probably as hungry as he was two years ago in Denver when he was trying to add to his contract. He's a prideful player who isn't satisfied with his performance or the team's record last year. I think he's coming in with a large chip on his now-thicker shoulder, and he will be playing with fire if....

2. He can stay healthy. I know he proved it last season, but RBs can get dinged at any point. I'm happy with Betts as a backup, but my main fear going into '05 is Portis's health. I don't think he's fragile, I just think he's going to get a to of carries again, and that increases the risk. He's our main weapon, until Ramsey and co. can show something - team's will be gunning for him, and that worries me.)

2. Barber - Solid all-around back who can do all that is asked of him. Proven competitor who's fixed his most glaring deficiencies. More of a straight-ahead runner, but runs with determination. Accomplished player who deserved his fine season last year.

3. Jones - lots of upside. Watched him weekly when he was at ND, and I knew what Parcells was talking about when he mentioned "big-play potential." The kid is strong, fast, small (in a good way), and smart. I enjoy watching him run, but as others have mentioned, he'll probably see the focus of opposing defenses given that the Cowboys' passing attack may be anemic. Lots of potential, but hasn't demonstrated the skills or long-term endurance that Portis and Barber have.

4. Westbrook - great player, not a great RB. I think a 'true' RB would have carried the Eagles over the Patriots last year. I was most worried when there were rumors circulating that the Birds might get Lamont Jordan - a player like that would make the Eagles' O even more dangerous. Westbrook performs his role well, but anyone can see he's not physically of the same caliber as the rest of these players.

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If we are talking "Running" back here is my list:

1) Portis (extremely fast, and showed last year he can be a bruiser)

2) Barber (done it for years)

3) Jones (has to the build to just be a bruiser, good speed)

4) Betts (better between the tackles then Westbrook)

5) Buckhalter (if healthy could do the running in between tackles, while westbrook does a little more catching and/or both)

6) Westbrook (struggles between the tackles, and look below)

Now overall "Back" in general here is the list:

1) Portis (best runner, and great hands, will show off catching skills more this year if used right)

2) Westbrook (like a WR stuck in a RB body)

3) Barber (proven vet, now he doesnt fumble either)

4) Jones (showed signs but these others are way to proven for him to be higher right now, could jump up this year though)

5) Betts (still a back up and clean up role)

6) Buckhalter (coming off of injury)

* And I know the Boys and G-men have a few younger guys behind Jones (Barber III) and Barber (that Bettis look alike), but they are both rookies so no one knows what they will do, if even given many shots.

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Originally posted by goskins

Hard to rate these guys knowing certain things I know going into the year, but here it goes (mind you this is only NFCE rankings, all 4 of these guys would probably be top 10 in NFC and NFL rankings):

1. Tiki Barber- had a solid yet underrated year last year, completely overshadowed by the issues of Manning/Warner, a struggling O-line and player issues with Coughlin. Is no longer "Fumbleman" and is a scary threat on the ground (speedy and tough) for the G-men. May have a better 2005 year than 2004 with an improved O-line.

2. Clinton Portis- Proved he isn't a "system" back, but a legitimate RB. Struggled in the oldschool Gibbs system-- but an improved passing game and more Portis designed schemes should improve, as well as the return/addition of solid run blockers of Jansen and Raubach.

Portis has become more of a leader and gained muscle in the offseason to take more punishment for the upcoming year. May be the best NFCE RB in 2005.

3. Julius Jones- fast, smart , agile. The highlight of the 2004 Dallas O. Clearly a steal in the 2nd round by Dallas. Has potential to be the best NFCE RB in the league. Similar style to Barber and Portis (fast, agile RB). Would like to see his other abilities more (ability to pass block and catch passes). Health may be an issue as well as the "sophmore slump" as teams prep. for him.

4. Brian Westbrook- a "above average" runner who has tremendous bursts of speed to ellude tacklers. Best reciever out of the backfield in the RB group and may be the #2 reciever on the Eagles b/c of his speed and ability to get open (Owens #1).

Perfect for a pass-first WC O like the Eagles. Can struggle if Eagles have to run over throwing in games.

Home run hitter who can break arm tackles.

I think GoSkins is dead on accurate!

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Originally posted by Cool Hand Loki

1. Portis - the most talented by miles.

I enjoy watching him run, but as others have mentioned, he'll probably see the focus of opposing defenses given that the Cowboys' passing attack may be anemic.

I can buy someone selecting Portis as the most talented but by MILES? I disagree and I think this will be a fun year. I really hope all of the top backs in the division stay healthy so we can evaluate again at the end of the year.

Also, don't you think defenses will give Portis the same treatment given that the skins passing game IS anemic until proven otherwise?

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Originally posted by THEHEREAFTER

I can buy someone selecting Portis as the most talented but by MILES? I disagree and I think this will be a fun year. I really hope all of the top backs in the division stay healthy so we can evaluate again at the end of the year.

Also, don't you think defenses will give Portis the same treatment given that the skins passing game IS anemic until proven otherwise?

Portis has speed, I'm looking forward to see the power he has this year, and he can catch whatever is thrown at him, Portis is the COMPLETE package..

Yeah you got westbrook, that can catch, Barber that can run, Jones that runs good between the tackles and on the outside..

Then you have Portis who does it all. Oh yeah.. by miles

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My rankings are based on how these RBs will look at the end of the 2005-6 season.

1. Portis

2. Barber

3. Jones

4. Westbrook

Not knowing how Ramsey and his new WRs will do, I expect Clinton to get the ball ALOT, even via the pass. beyond that, everyone knows he's an awesome back.

Tiki is a bona fide bad a$$ and he did eliminate his fumbling ways last season, like someone else mentioned here. The G-men have a better squad at offensive line and if they prove their worth, he could easily top this list. I think they will use their receiving weapons more this season though as Manning grows and this will hurt Barber's stats.

Questions- How long has he been in the NFL? Could his body and speed begin a decline this year?

Julius just seems like the real deal and the only thing that may hold him back is that Dallas' offensive line is as yet unproven with the new additions and position shake-up. If it plays well as a unit, he could light up the NFL. Beyond that, I'm definitely afraid of Jones.

Westbrook seems like the fastest of this group but as nearly everyone else has mentioned, it's all been receiving for him. He's a dangerous weapon, but doesn't get enough actuall running in to justify moving him above the others. By placing him 4th I don't mean it as a "diss" on him or the Eagles.

The NFC East really does have a nice RB competition. Any one of these guys could end up with an NFC rushing title.

Another thing- In these threads, we are all starting to sound like sportswriters that we DESPISE.


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Originally posted by THEHEREAFTER

I can buy someone selecting Portis as the most talented but by MILES? I disagree and I think this will be a fun year. I really hope all of the top backs in the division stay healthy so we can evaluate again at the end of the year.

Also, don't you think defenses will give Portis the same treatment given that the skins passing game IS anemic until proven otherwise?

If you only saw his games last season, I could see why you wouldn't think so. I lived with a Broncos fan who made us all get NFL ticket back when CP was playing for them, and Portis is silly, silly good. If he stays healthy and things come together in terms of blocking/scheme, Watch. Out.

Yes, I do think defenses will stack up again, that's why in most of my other posts re: the Redskins' O, I've noted that the success of the running game is incumbent on Ramsey/Moss/Patten/Jacobs providing at least a semblance of a threat. Goes with the whole "scheme working out" thing, which is admittedly a question.

I really do like Jones, by the way, when he was on the field he played his arse off for ND.

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If we are looking at the end of the 2005 - 2006 season then I believe the following:

Yards Rushing:





All Purpose Yards:





The big question is Barber ... some years he is very good and other years he isn't. Since 2001 he has always had 1,000 yard seasons, but fumbling has been his concern at times. He has been in the league for 9 years and that has to be taking a toll. Yes, last year was his best season, but as you get older injury problems can become an issue. If he is healthy, he can dominate.

This is a great category of analysis because there is no clearcut frontrunner in terms of production for Jones, Portis or Barber from a clear Rushing Yards and TD standpoint. Portis may get yards, but Barber had more last year and more TD's. Jones shows promise if he is featured for the whole year and I still have bad memories of Joe Morris, Otis Anderson, and Curtis Martin from Parcells' teams of the past ... so I believe that Jones will get the carries.

Westbrook is more of an all around player as many have indicated. He reminds me of Brian Mitchell or Dave Meggett ... except he doesn't really do ST as much as mix between carries and a lot of passes out of the backfield (more like a roger craig).

This season will be very interesting. All teams have improved on paper ... but we can either make everyone eat crow about us or we may end up having another mediocre season ... the unknown drama unfolding is what I love about this game!!!

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haha, Portis did have a beautiful td pass to Coles last season. Anyways, Portis is probably the most talented, and 1300 yards on a bad season is pretty effin good. However, until the Portis of Denver returns, I gotta say that Westbrook still performed the best last season, followed by tossup between Jones/Portis, though I dont think Jones will last as long.

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