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Best Grill?


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Hey, could anyone help me out with grills? I've been looking for a little bit, and I'm planning on buying a grill in a couple of weeks. I'll probably use it mostly in the summer, but also during the winter to cook fish every so often...can't take the smell of fish in the house....

Can anyone give me a good idea on what I should get? Should I just get one of cheaper Sears (Kenmore) brands, or is the Weber quality really that different to be worth the hefty price tag?

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Guest Gichin13
Originally posted by Art

Weber's traditional kettle. That's all you need for a grill. Save the rest of your cash for a smoker. You'll thank me :).

Second that nomination. Weber rules. Perfect size, perfect shape, perfect grill. Just say no to gas.

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The kettle looks pretty good, especially with the starter accessory...

Does anybody have any experience with the Weber Performance charcoal grills? It's the one that has the gas starter built into the grill... I guess it shoots a flame out over the charcoal to get it lit.

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I've got three grills. Depending on what I want to do - I use that grill. First, yes - I've got the Weber Kettle. A great all around grill. It is even semi-portable.

Last year I purchased a Brinkmann gas grill. I don't like gas as much as charcoal - but last night from firing it up to taking the filet mignons, asparagus and new 'taters off the grill was all of 20 minutes. You can't do that w/ charcoal.

Lastly, I'm up early this AM to fire up the smoker for the Fourth. We are having some family over for pulled pork. I've got about 10 pounds of pork butt just about to go on the smoker. My smoker of choice is the Chargriller Pro. It has an offset smoker and can also be used as a very large charcoal grill. It is reasonably priced and durable.

All 3 are very good choices IMHO.

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I've used weber kettles quite a bit. Nicest thing about them (beyond the gas vs charcoal discussion) is that they are inexpensive, and cooking with the lid on, the heat distribution is very even. You can really minimize flare ups by controlling air flow and its damn near impossible to burn something.

I'm not a purist and I do cook a lot on my weber gas grill - if you go gas (and I'm not arguing you should), you should definitely go with a weber. They have 3 gas jets, not just 2, which allows you to cook indirectly in the center of the grill. You can even do a Thanksgiving turkey that way.

But you can't go wrong with a kettle, thats good advice.

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Originally posted by samtc

The kettle looks pretty good, especially with the starter accessory...

Does anybody have any experience with the Weber Performance charcoal grills? It's the one that has the gas starter built into the grill... I guess it shoots a flame out over the charcoal to get it lit.

I have the Weber Kettle with the propane starter. It's so easy it ought to be criminal :).

You buy a chinmey starter. Fill it with fresh Kingsford. Stuff a paper grocery bag under the starter. Here people can have problems. If they use too little paper or, they have to TIGHTLY bundle the paper, the coal won't light.

But, you'll figure that out. Anyway, turn on the propane, hit start, and give it five to 10 seconds. Turn off the propane and walk away. In 30 minutes tops you'll dump the coal rake it into a single lovely layer for cooking and you're done.


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I also have 3 grills depending what I'm looking to do. When I have the time, I have my upright smoker. I have a cast iron Habatchi (SP) for cooking at the beach and such. I also have an all stainless Char Broil commercial gas grill. I use the Char Broil the most. Like the Weber Tar spoke about, it has three burners so indirect cooking is easy. I also have two cast iron smoke boxes I use with it. I love the smoked flavor, but don't have the time to use my upright very often.

Fill the box(s) with pre soaked chips, and placing it over the one lit burner gives some very good results. I also use a small pan with some dark beer for additional moisture which helps the smokeing. The longer whatever your cooking stays moist, the more smoke flavor it will pick up.

I've been using a hard core smoker for about 15 years now, and my method with the gas grill is about as close as you can get to the real deal if you don't have the time or space.

I do love the days I have the time to use my smoker. I tend to kill a lot of beer, and have a solid buzz by the time the food hits the table;)


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Originally posted by Grumpy Vet

I've got three grills. Depending on what I want to do - I use that grill. First, yes - I've got the Weber Kettle. A great all around grill. It is even semi-portable.

Last year I purchased a Brinkmann gas grill. I don't like gas as much as charcoal - but last night from firing it up to taking the filet mignons, asparagus and new 'taters off the grill was all of 20 minutes. You can't do that w/ charcoal.

Lastly, I'm up early this AM to fire up the smoker for the Fourth. We are having some family over for pulled pork. I've got about 10 pounds of pork butt just about to go on the smoker. My smoker of choice is the Chargriller Pro. It has an offset smoker and can also be used as a very large charcoal grill. It is reasonably priced and durable.

All 3 are very good choices IMHO.

Damn GV. Somehow I just KNEW that you would have all of the outdoor culinary options covered.

I'll be over at 4:30.

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Ohh Monte.....

What a lovely day. Meat was rubbed down last night w/ a great dry rub. The pork butt hit the smoker right before 6:30 AM. I pulled it off right after coming back from the liquor store around 4:00 PM......let it cool - and my bro-in-law and I pulled pork for about 45 mins.

What an amazing meal. We fed about 20 today and have 8 containers to freeze. Sure it takes time - rubbing, stoking, feeding the fire and basting towards the end....but is it worth it.

We have a lil one....so we had some sparklers and smoke "bombs" w/ friends, neighbors and family.......put down a few cases...enjoyed the meat w/ homemade NC vinegar sauce, homemade salsa and homemade 'tater salad - doesn't get much better than that on the 4th....

God bless America......

...gettin' tired Monte - leftovers are in the fridge and freezer.

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B- I know that you are well aware that at least a half a dozen times a year you torture me with the details of your grilling experiences. I am beginning to take it personally!

I have every intention of taking you up on your offer to partake in one of your tailgating extravaganzas this season. I have also agreed to attend this years road game against the Chefs in KC. Good friends of ours have 4 season tickets, two of which they have pledged to my wife and I. Rumor has it that folks in that area also know a thing or two about the intricacies of preparing bbq'ed meat. So I am selfishly throwing down the gauntlet in a Skin vs Chef tailgating cage match. I, humbly, offer myself as Head Taste Tester for this most important of competitions. May the best man win.

PS- Don't tell anyone but I would easily settle, and my vote could be bought, for the last bit of scraps from today's pulled pork. ;)


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Going to chime in with another recommendation of the Weber Kettle. Great grill.

Also, find yourself hardwood charcoal instead bricketts. You won't be sorry. The coals light faster, burn hotter and burn away. Food tastes better and you may have to clean the ashes maybe once a year. Also when you put the cover on to starve oxygen to put out the coals, they go out quicker, so I use less charcoal the next day because what I used the night before did not completely burn up. Ever since I started using hardwood charcoal I now wonder how I ever lived without it.

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Originally posted by Art

Weber's traditional kettle. That's all you need for a grill. Save the rest of your cash for a smoker. You'll thank me :).

:notworthy :notworthy

I would also say intead of a charcoal starter this past weekend i tried using 2/3's regular kingsford charcoal and then 1/3 of the mesquite matchlite and it worked very well :cheers:

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