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Okay, any of you medical guru's, I woke up last week and my jaw was hurting, felt like I slept and had my jaw clenched all night. I was probably pissed at the GF, but anyways, the last couple days, I've had a slight earache. Nothing real bad, but bad enough it's bothersome. I'd hate to call my doctor and pay 20 bucks for him to tell me there is nothing wrong. Any ideas?

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I would guess you have a sinus infection.

For the earache you can put a few drops of pure olive oil for relief.

If this doesn't help sacrifice a chicken at midnight in the first full moon.

Or you could just go to the Doctor.:laugh:

20.00 dollars?.....must be nice ;)

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Just go to the doctor you cheap @ss! :laugh:

Honestly, I had a "small pain" in my ear and figured I'd go when I had the time. 24 hours later, my ear drum had exploded and I looked like I got shot in the side of the head. So you can see why I'd advise you to seek help.

Not saying you are indanger of this, my case was rare. So don't freak out and jump out a window or something.

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Don't use peroxide. It just bubbles and feel funky. If you feel you need drops for your ears, just go to the pharmisist and ask for some drops to soften the wax in your ears. They cost about $4 and are over the counter (can't remember the name, but I think it's debrox).

In all seriousness, have you tried sudafed? If that fails, go to the doc. He's going to perscribe antibiotics, so it's going to cost a bit more than $20. Still, getting it better is a light years better option than waiting till your sluggish and dizzy to start taking the antibiotics.

Good luck. From a guy whose had an ear infection a year for 25 years and is getting over a sinus infection take care of it now, but don't panic and dont stick cotton swabs down in your ears to get the wax out.

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Originally posted by Destino

Honestly, I had a "small pain" in my ear and figured I'd go when I had the time. 24 hours later, my ear drum had exploded and I looked like I got shot in the side of the head. So you can see why I'd advise you to seek help.

Not saying you are indanger of this, my case was rare. So don't freak out and jump out a window or something.

are you being sarcastic or did that really happen? can you hear out that ear?

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I let what I thought was a small earache go for a week.... and wound up with an inner and outer ear infection that made swollen one half of my entire head. Closed my eye shut and made my head feel like I had a pillow taped to one side of it.

Horrible to hear yourself breathe, talk, and your heart beat all through your ear. Also, my head felt twice as big...like Charlie Brown's.

And that's not the worst part.... I had a 104 degree fever and the throbbing in my ear was nearly unbearable. They also wanted to add a tube into my ear to make sure the drops would get through.... but I assured them I would, at last resort, push the dropper shaft through the swelling to the inner ear to administer the drops... that's how important I felt it was to get the medicine to the root of the problem.

Pay the $20... get the drops and an antibiotic... don't eff around with ear infections. IF it's swollen, they may even give you a steroid to reduce it.

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Originally posted by halter91

Okay, any of you medical guru's, I woke up last week and my jaw was hurting, felt like I slept and had my jaw clenched all night. I was probably pissed at the GF, but anyways, the last couple days, I've had a slight earache. Nothing real bad, but bad enough it's bothersome. I'd hate to call my doctor and pay 20 bucks for him to tell me there is nothing wrong. Any ideas?

1 qtip and clean out your ears.;)

You should go to the Dr. and pay that copay. It could be a sinus infection. Remember, it's better not to have anything wrong with you, but you won't know unless you go.:2cents:

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Okay.....take an icepick or any other suitable long, skinny spiked object. Begin slowly inserting into your ear until you feel a little resistance. This is the part that takes some balls. Retract it a little bit and then JAM THAT F*CKER IN THERE!!

Seriously...what are you doing getting advice from a message board for? Go to the doctor!

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Any fever?

Any discharge from the ear?

How is your hearing?

Any pressure sensation on the front or on the forehead?

Post nasal drip?

Does it hurt when you chew?

Have you been swimming recently?

Hot tub recently?

Any erythema?

Any edema on that side?

Any tooth problems recently?

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Originally posted by Leonard Washington

are you being sarcastic or did that really happen? can you hear out that ear?

I wish I was being sarcastic, it hurt like hell. But yeah I got my hearing back although it took a few months to get it back to normal.

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