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I just got my SAT scores!


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I was one of the first people(I suppose)to take the new format SAT with the essay which is out of 2400 points, and I got a....



I guess it isn't bad but I thought I did better. It is proportional to an 1126 on the old SAT so I guess that is okay but I thought I could nail at least a 1700-1800. But it isn't bad considering I took no prep classes or anything to review.

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You should take a prep class and then take it again. Those classes really make a difference (which is one of the many reasons that I think the SAT is a total scam... but that's another story.)

Fair or not, your SAT score will make a huge difference in where you can go to college.

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Actually, I don't think the SATs will count as much this year because of the transfer to the new one; colleges have nothing to base it off of. Hopefully they'll take the old one, too, because while I did really well on both, I did better on the old one (60 pts. on math+verbal). When you're trying to boost your score from where you're at, prep classes make a difference.

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Congrats man! Should be high enough for state Universities. Not sure about private schools, though. From what I remember those are a bit tougher.

Somehow I got into some good schools with a 1260. Must have been the essay:laugh:

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I'm trying to get into George Mason or James Madison. Yeah I know, they're private, but I like my chances.

I know for sure I won't get into UVA, I may try UMD as well but out of state will be a *****.

I may take a prep class over the summer and take the SAT again this October, or I may not. I hate having to examinate for four hours in the AM. :(

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Originally posted by Warhead36

I'm trying to get into George Mason or James Madison. Yeah I know, they're private, but I like my chances.

I know for sure I won't get into UVA, I may try UMD as well but out of state will be a *****.

I may take a prep class over the summer and take the SAT again this October, or I may not. I hate having to examinate for four hours in the AM. :(

Mason and Madison are both public universities.

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Heh you should be able to get into JMU on those scores...that is of course unless they've upped their expectations. God my SAT scores sucked 1090 I think. Anyway I got in, but that may have been b/c my brother went there too, I think it's easier to get in if you have a legacy there already, of course I can be mistaken on that too.

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Originally posted by Warhead36

I'm trying to get into George Mason or James Madison. Yeah I know, they're private, but I like my chances.

I know for sure I won't get into UVA, I may try UMD as well but out of state will be a *****.

I may take a prep class over the summer and take the SAT again this October, or I may not. I hate having to examinate for four hours in the AM. :(

Take them again, you have a good shot at JMU and GMU (assuming high GPA) but A friend of mine had 3.9 and 1250 and was rejected from JMU and VT, so try and improve it can't hurt.

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Originally posted by Liberty

Take them again, you have a good shot at JMU and GMU (assuming high GPA) but A friend of mine had 3.9 and 1250 and was rejected from JMU and VT, so try and improve it can't hurt.

Holy jeebus. Those schools rejected a 3.9?

I know kids who got into both schools my senior year (class of 2000) with 3.1.

How times have changed

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Originally posted by SkinsHokieFan

Holy jeebus. Those schools rejected a 3.9?

I know kids who got into both schools my senior year (class of 2000) with 3.1.

How times have changed

I know it kinda of humbles me when I get in with a 3.6/1340 I could have easily been rejected from schools I considered safties.

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both JMU and VT were more on the safety side, seems like in the last 3 years since ive applied they have upped it up.

I had an 1150/3.7 and I easily got into both, and both were my safeties.

Isifhan, I understand what you mean about legacies, but legacies only apply in schools that stand out as higher level schools. What I mean, is schools like the Ivy's, or even UVA, Stanford, UCLA, and private schools will like legacies, but i doubt places like JMU would care about legacies as up til a decade ago they were pretty low on the radar it seems.

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