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Will Gibbs win another Super Bowl?

Heavy Jumbo

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Originally posted by TD_washingtonredskins

I voted "No" and was going to post something just like this.

I think Joe will return this franchise to the top of the NFL. I think he'll get us moving in the right direction. Thanks to his return, we'll get to and win more Super Bowls, I just don't know if it will start before he re-retires. I truly believe in what he's doing though!

Come on man, have faith in Gibbs, he has 5 years!

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Now, as a diehard Cowboys fan, I do believe that the Redskins, not Gibbs, will win a SB. It may not be this yr or the next, but it will happen. I do like your team's defense and the running game w/ Clinton Portis. Your team's time will come eventually.

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Originally posted by Smithy

Now, as a diehard Cowboys fan, I do believe that the Redskins, not Gibbs, will win a SB. It may not be this yr or the next, but it will happen. I do like your team's defense and the running game w/ Clinton Portis. Your team's time will come eventually.

We will win a Super Bowl? Ok, a lil more specific please. In 20 years? 30?

I have a prediction too. The Cowboys will win a Super Bowl again, I'm not sure when, maybe in 10 years, but they will....

Gibbs will have another :cool:

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A short while after Gibbs decided to return, I had a conversation with a group of friends in a bar where I told them that I guarantee the Redskins will win another Super Bowl in the next 5 years. I just wanted to get it out there.

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I voted yes b/c that's what I feel in my heart, but my head tells me no...

I think he is going to put together a perrenial playoff contender and hand the reigns over to Greg Williams and he will win the SB the yr after Gibbs retires...

I am happy that Gibbs will restore us to a perrenial playoff team and bring respect back to this organization in NFL circles but I dont think he will get us the SB ring....


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If you want to speak honestly it's hard to say yes. I don't think he'll be staying around long enough to have a shot and now the skins just don't enough talent to win a superbowl. We he make the playoffs and win some games, yes but winning the SB is just too much of a stretch.

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