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Will Gibbs win another Super Bowl?

Heavy Jumbo

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If you don't believe the Redskins can get there why would you be here? Heck, I convinced myself yearly that Norv Turner, Spurrier, etc. could do it. Gibbs is far superior to any of them and his a history to give you hope.

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Originally posted by Burgold

If you don't believe the Redskins can get there why would you be here? Heck, I convinced myself yearly that Norv Turner, Spurrier, etc. could do it. Gibbs is far superior to any of them and his a history to give you hope.

I'm not sure that statement is really true. I think most Skins fans here always HOPE we'll get to the Super Bowl every year, but how many can say they TRULY BELIEVE we'll get there?

I'm very optimistic about our upcoming season, but I can't say I think we're going to the Super Bowl.

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Highly doubtful. I haven't seen anything to suggest we're making serious progress, and I think Gibbs has two more seasons, tops. Passes to the sidelines don't cut it anymore, and the counter tre is an outdated play.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by skinshog

We will win a Super Bowl? Ok, a lil more specific please. In 20 years? 30?

I have a prediction too. The Cowboys will win a Super Bowl again, I'm not sure when, maybe in 10 years, but they will....

Gibbs will have another :cool:

nah man nah, cowboys never gonna win again. They are gonna have a 60 year drought and soon all them cowboys in texas will be texan fans, and then the cowboys will run out of money and pooof they are gone, the redskins win the superbowl 5 years straight and take the rightfull name of america's team.

I said yes by the way

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This year we will start great beating the chicago and them cowboys, we will beat norv and shotty, then we will hit a slump, which prevents us from winning the division.

We get a 5th seed to the playoffs, cowboys get sixth and philly gets second. The boys will beat the Rams we will beat the falcons

In the second round of the playoffs, we play phill and cowboys play minni, we beat philly(owens will not be playing and mcnabb will be throwing up due to the 7 sacks we lay on him (3 arrington, 2 griffin, 1 washington, 1 daniels, 1 taylor) and also because of the chunky soup he be sellin), cowgirls winn in minnisota.

then "WE [WILL] WANT DALLAS" another home nfc championship game for us and dallas, them boys go down in a horrible defeat and Parcells then crys on the sideline.

On the other side of the league the Pats win throughout with another great coach in beli,

Then the showdown in thee 40th superbowl and the coaches both fight, first to 4, and to have 10% of the superbowl wins....... and well we all kno what happens then.

This is my dream and my dream be done.

By the way someone that analyzes statistics for sports give us a 1:250 chance to win the superbowl, SanFran got a 1 to sextillion(21 zeros)

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