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Mickalino's Most Overrated Redskins.


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Originally posted by Mickalino

First off, I'm not saying that these players suck, by any means.

They are just not worthy of the pedestal that so many fans place them on.

Antonio Brown

Robert McCune

Taylor Jacobs

Chris Cooley

Rock Cartwright

I'll agree with you on McCune and Jacobs.....McCune hasn't played a down yet and is already the second coming of Ray Lewis, depending on who you talk to. Jacobs has shown signs of becoming a brilliant receiver, but hasn't produced yet. The jury is still out on him.

Brown is relatively new, but his short time here has produced some killer returns, and I think we can only expect more of the same from him. The Rock is the epitome of a Redskin; hard-working, classy, respectful, team-first, and all-around good guy. He deserves to be on a pedestal more than most Redskins (current) simply because of this.

And I think you made a mistake by adding Cooley to the list. I hope you made a mistake, and that you mixed up your list of the best Redskins with this list. I mean, did you watch any games last year? Cooley is the shizzynit!!

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Originally posted by Mickalino

First off, I'm not saying that these players suck, by any means.

They are just not worthy of the pedestal that so many fans place them on.

Antonio Brown

Robert McCune

Taylor Jacobs

Chris Cooley

Rock Cartwright

Add Sean Taylor and Lavar Arrington to that list and take Cooley off please........:)

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Originally posted by Mickalino

First off, I'm not saying that these players suck, by any means.

They are just not worthy of the pedestal that so many fans place them on.

Antonio Brown

Robert McCune

Taylor Jacobs

Chris Cooley

Rock Cartwright


Just so YOU know, Rock has been on MY pedestal for 7 years. Long before ANYONE knew who he was........or that he could play ball. And he will be on MY pedestal for many years to come.......on and off the field.

And whether you or anyone else thinks he is overrated is really ok. Each of us have opinons.

Just like we all have ********


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Interesting. List looks like an Extreme favorite player list. No secret that there have been many posters who have supported one or all these players at one time or another on the board, ( as you kind of noted). Coincidence Mick?

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Cooley should not be on that list, he is not even that rated. We are not counting on him to be the TE ala Gonzales, Gates, Shockey, or even Winslow was supposed to be. We are counting on him to be a smart player, good lead blocker, and good receiver/end-zone threat which is what he has become. He is worthy of whatever praise we give to him.

We like Antonio Brown, but he's not overrated by any means, we only talk about him in comparison to Morton, great comparison there...:doh:. He played better than Morton, so was better to see.

No one has said Taylor Jacobs is the greatest wideout on our team. He may have the most potential, but right now I say Thrash deserves that title for his versatility and hands. We just say Taylor better prove himself this year and we have faith in him.

I can agree with McCune, and Rock to an extent. However, im sure Blondie wont let fly...

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Originally posted by DieselPwr44

Add Sean Taylor and Lavar Arrington to that list and take Cooley off please........:)

I agree with you 100%. I still stand my ground and say that Lavar has always lived off "potential," and Taylor's character problems have done him in so far. Cooley is the real deal. Don't doubt it.

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Originally posted by goskins

Sorry Mick,

But......:sucks: :sucks: :sucks: :sucks:

I'd rather talk about what these guys need to do this year (as well as other players not mentioned) to overcome a 6-10 record and not be considered "overrated" but solid pro-bowl caliber players.

So how do you propose we overcome our 6-10 record and become solid pro-bowl players ?

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Originally posted by Mickalino

First off, I'm not saying that these players suck, by any means.

They are just not worthy of the pedestal that so many fans place them on.

Antonio Brown

Robert McCune

Taylor Jacobs

Chris Cooley

Rock Cartwright

Mick, why don't you come down from your sniper roost and become a Redskins fan again? Let the coaches make these decisions


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Originally posted by KDawg

Do you have a basis for these opinions, Mick? Maybe we're spoiled, but Most of us are used to people backing statements like that with evidence :)

Nah man. You got it backwards.

The people I am addressing, who continually worship these players, THOSE are the people who need to come up with the evidence to back up their claims that these guys are super-stars.

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Originally posted by Mickalino

Nah man. You got it backwards.

The people I am addressing, who continually worship these players, THOSE are the people who need to come up with the evidence to back up their claims that these guys are super-stars.

Incorrect good sir... You started this thread, therefore it's your responsibility to share YOUR opinion with us... Then we can dispute your claims :)

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Originally posted by Mickalino

So how do you propose we overcome our 6-10 record and become solid pro-bowl players ?

Since you asked how "we" can overcome the 6-10 record (or at least try)...

I'll be in my section, in my row for EVERY game this year firing up those around me so that we're so bloody loud that the players will be able to hear us from the stands. Row 13, section 403 will be an ES row.......

My understanding is that you're going to the Tampa game......I hope you can do the same as well down in FL.;)

I don't know if there are pro-bowl fans....but I damn sure plan to be one in 2005.

As for the above players:

Cooley needs to improve his blocking skills, his catching ability and toughness/heart seems to be solid, more experence and technique should make him a better player.

Jacobs....play him more see if he's a bust or not. No one really knows either way.

Brown...ditto, I'm impressed by his speed, but he will have to show that he can be a constant threat.

McCune....I don't know much of his college career. I do know what I've heard about him and from what fans of other teams have said to me about him. He needs to become a threat on ST's, master the playbook and be ready to be a starter.

Rock....cause more solid hits on ST to cause more fumbles, try to get down field quicker......

There you go, BTW I'm suprised you didn't pick other guys for your list-- how come these in particular?

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Originally posted by Mickalino

Nah man. You got it backwards.

The people I am addressing, who continually worship these players, THOSE are the people who need to come up with the evidence to back up their claims that these guys are super-stars.

based on the responses from people in quite a few threads started by you. I think you might make the #1 spot for most overrated Posters at Extremeskins.com


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