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Email I Got From Karl Swanson


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From: Karl Swanson [mailto:Edit - removed his email address]

Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 8:34 AM

To: (Edit - thinker)

Subject: RE: Email from Redskins

We are aware of the dilemma and are awaiting delivery and installation of microphones that will correct this problem. Stay tuned!

-----Original Message-----

From: (Edit - thinker)

Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 2:06 AM

To: Washington RedskinsFans

Subject: Email from Redskins

Message Title: Suggestion for Skins.com - Karl Swanson

Comments: Dear Mr. Swanson, I have been a fan of the team since 1972 and I absolutely love the concept of [Redskins.com]and the "unfiltered" concept. I do have a suggestion that would vastly improve your web broadcasts of press conferences. When coach Gibbs or others are being interviewed by the press, generally the member of the press asking the question is not miked and therefore his/her question is inaudible. This greatly diminishes the insight that can be gained in hearing the answer. Considering the expense that the team must have gone to set this whole operation up, I believe that any additional investment in miking up the questions would be small in comparison to the added value it would bring. In addition, if the point of all of this is for us the fans to have the full picture, then I would argue knowing the question as well as the answer is critical to understanding the truth. It speaks to the fairness of the question and the reporter - by hearing the exact wording and tone. I hope you can do this upgrade. Thank you and keep up the good work.


(edit - thinker)

P.S. I've been an Extremeskins member since March 2003 and appreciate the team's openess to working with perhaps one of the best run fan message boards of any team in any sport in the country.

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I agree...audio is where the concept suffers. And for the OTA's, it would have been nice to have the camera above ground level. But, I really can't complain about what they've provided...it sounds as though your comments were taken well.

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One thing has become abundantly clear ... the team DOES pay attention to what its fans are saying/asking for, and appears to make every effort to keep pushing the envelope and improving the product.

For as much fun as some people seem to have poking fun at some of the softer stuff they've provided to date, I can practically guarantee that in a year or two, we're going to look around and notice that lo and hehold, 20 other NFL teams are suddenly providing "behind the scenes" audio and video for their fans on THEIR official sites. It's ain't always easy being the first---you get the worst of the flat-worlder type responses---but it's pretty cool. I'm tickled that it's the Skins breaking new ground, rather than being reactionary.


BTW, I've previously suggested the idea of getting the sideline camera up on a cherry-picker, too. Being able to see passing drills from the eye-in-the-sky perspective, for example, would simply be outstanding.

Based on what I saw in yesterday's piece, we may well be headed that direction ... just as soon as they nudge Larry Michaels into getting up the nerve to climb aboard that bad boy. :)

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Nice email thinker..

I'd love to hear more what the coaches are saying on the OTA video too... but beggars can't be choosers I guess.

Karl Swanson seems like a good guy... to go out of his way like that for a fan.

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Originally posted by Om

For as much fun as some people seem to have poking fun at some of the softer stuff they've provided to date, I can practically guarantee that in a year or two, we're going to look around and notice that lo and hehold, 20 other NFL teams are suddenly providing "behind the scenes" audio and video for their fans on THEIR official sites.

I can't wait to see what the 49ers come up with.

Sorry. Had to. :)

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Is anyone worried that providing too much access may tip Gibb's hand when it comes to preparation? He used to be very secretive about practices during his first tenure. I just hope we don't sacrifice a competitive edge for increased fan access.


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Originally posted by Om

I can practically guarantee that in a year or two, we're going to look around and notice that lo and hehold, 20 other NFL teams are suddenly providing "behind the scenes" audio and video for their fans on THEIR official sites.

I thought the same thing.

...just think of all the links that will posted on here then:D

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Originally posted by bird_1972

Is anyone worried that providing too much access may tip Gibb's hand when it comes to preparation? He used to be very secretive about practices during his first tenure. I just hope we don't sacrifice a competitive edge for increased fan access.


The footage provided is solely at the discretion of the team. Clearly they would not show video of our game plan preparation of the trick play we're planning to use this weekend. They can easily make sure that the video doesn't give away anything.

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Originally posted by bird_1972

Is anyone worried that providing too much access may tip Gibb's hand when it comes to preparation? He used to be very secretive about practices during his first tenure. I just hope we don't sacrifice a competitive edge for increased fan access.


I think the drills that would make it to the tape would pretty vanilla stuff. I imagine they're the same drills everyone else is running in camp right now, or quite similar.

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Originally posted by thinker

The footage provided is solely at the discretion of the team. Clearly they would not show video of our game plan preparation of the trick play we're planning to use this weekend. They can easily make sure that the video doesn't give away anything.

Hey, there's another way to look at it.

One of the benefits of this site feature is that the Redskins can use it for misinformation. I know it seems like perhaps a lot to do to throw the other team off, but we used to do a helluva lot more to not let Dallas on to what we were doing under Allen. I wouldn't be surprised if Gibbs decides to post certain 'looks' and plays that we have no intention of running for the sake of confusing the opponent. Unfiltered Skins could be a real benefit to the team in that respect.

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