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Everything posted by FootballZombie

  1. Might as well include what they say about Maye as well 3) New England Patriots: Drake Maye, QB, UNC Drake Maye has people around the league who are real fans of his, some putting the North Carolina QB on the same level as Williams. If so, the Patriots can feel good about getting him to fall into their laps.
  2. Not surprised top guys wont be doing much. Nothing to gain and everything to lose. Nature of the beast at this point.
  3. Not sure where that guy is pulling his stats from but PFF gave one guy an even lower TWP rate than Maye last year. They say that TWP rate is the same as his body fat percentage BTW...
  4. It is a crapshoot to an extent, but not an equivalent one across the board. If getting that golden ticket QB at the top of the draft has the same odds of getting hit by lightning, the odds of getting a guy further back is like the odds of the same guy gettting hit twice. Impossible? No. But lets not pretend the odds are the same. If you want "that guy", the higher in the draft you are the better odds you have.
  5. Even tho Kurt has a massive bias against college football, I will compartmentalize the info when he says dudes r average and just making easy plays a lot of the time b/c he has some actual authority and clout to his name vs some rando youtubers.
  6. Getting Russell Wilson at bargain bin rates is great value. You could do a heck of a lot worse. Won't be here tho.
  7. ehhh... If your just looking at "super mobile" and your metric is just getting to the SB... Russ Cam Kap Hurts and a metric ton that wound only serve to start arguments like Steve Young, McNair, Tarkenton, McNabb... Even those that slant passing, the point of being a dual threat is being a dual threat.
  8. I wonder if he get any Malik Willis "give clothes to the homeless" QB controversies from the combine this year. There is always something. I gotta imagine a lot of the QBs chose to skip the S2 after agents provided them an out, so we may not get a "crayons" guy in this draft crop.
  9. Dude didn't even aim. Just showed up and hoped his opponent would magically disappear.
  10. Not surprised EB could not pull an NFL gig. He was god awful and the bad vibes from the players are sure to have reverberated around the league. Waaaaaay more pumped about Kliff than I ever was about EB. I was meh on that hire and soured fast. I never wanna see 6 carries in a game or 55 consecutive pass plays ever again. Dude was a circus clown. He can go ruin some other young QB. I hope nobody has stock in UCLA's signal caller.
  11. Rather than debate about whether he makes this throw I'm just gonna point out that the opposite hash deep out in the NFL is not even remotely equivalent to the opposite hash deep out in college. Hashmarks in college are 40 ft wide while only a little over 18 ft wide in the NFL. For an NFL QB to make an equivalent throw he would either need to roll out of the pocket and then throw back across traffic to an out route on the other side of the field (that would have to be run by the fattest, slowest WR in history) or he would need to be pitched the ball from the WR spot and yeet a pass all the way horizontally across the field to an out rout. Worrying about if JD can make that pass is an absurd hill to die on b/c nobody cares about that equivalent pass in the NFL.
  12. I like that he had to play the hardest competition. Its one of the advantages he clearly has over Maye as a prospect. I get that you can only play who is in front of you but JD has -Played more than double the amount of ranked teams Maye has -Played more top 10 teams then Maye has played top 25 teams -Maye has never played a team that finished in the top 10 And yes, it is team assisted, but he showed out vs ranked teams far more than Maye did. Consistently showing up in the biggest spots raises questions about the presence of the un-quantifiable "clutch gene" everybody loves so much.
  13. I gotta see JD or Maye at 2. Any other move would warrant skepticism at this point. New staff would be allowed to make their own successes and failures, but u best believe I'd have an "I told you so" ready in the chamber if we do something else and it faceplants. With all the quickness. Yeah he was pretty awestruck by Bama's D. That stuck out to me too. You get bonus points for going up against them and its probably the most NFL-like situation you can put a player against. Good grinding stone and evaluation tool. Normally I'd temper Logan's praise w/ the usual "take it with a truck load of salt" but this is both not about our team where he is prone to baby sea lion level fluff and he is far from the only guy who felt that way about Bama's D.
  14. If it makes you feel better I still see it as ridiculous. Short of Caleb showing up to the combine in a fur coat, not participating and refusing all questions I'm pretty convinced he will be the guy. I don't rate him quite that lofty but the NFL complex at large sure does.
  15. He had another real nice tight window throw to lacy vs bama. Bonus points for doing it against what is probably the most advanced D in college and has a bunch of NFL talent. Back-shoulder to avoid the front-side defender after just clearing the backside guy. Can't walk out there and hand him the ball in a better spot, and anywhere else is probably an INT. 6:56 mark Dude has shown the ability to hit all parts of the field and make every throw. Its just a question of how much faith you want to put in the sample size. Whenever Jayden did do something in 2023, it usually turned out great, he just didn't have to do some things a ton. But its not like he was struggling with stuff and throwing picks.
  16. https://www.nfl.com/news/daniel-jeremiah-s-top-50-2024-nfl-draft-prospect-rankings-1-0 Click on players names to go to their page. Short write up and a list of strengths and weaknesses.
  17. b/c your not getting the opportunity to draft 21 yr old Daniels nor 23 year old Maye. You have to make a choice given what is there. The advantage of youth is that you have to think Maye is more mold-able, or for some prospects may be continuing to grow physically and can still significantly improve in that regard. That is a desirable commodity. The general idea is that all these players will improve over time. The expectation for any high end draft pic is to be better in 2 more years, that is not exclusive to the youngest guys. If they don't then they are likely busts. Besides that, by the time we wait for Maye to have his ascension to super saiyan status at 24, Jayden could have already ascended beyond that to SSJ2, SSJ3 straight on thru to Ultra Instinct. /s
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