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Everything posted by CobraCommander

  1. Definitely Antifa. I can’t be the only one to note that we’ve never seen the leader of Antifa and Trump in the same room before. Sus.
  2. Thanks to Smith for getting us here in the first place. Go get em Heineken. Win and I’ll learn to spell your name.
  3. I mean, our hands are tied in relation to injury. Trotting out an old injured QB because you’re worried another QB might get injured is silly. A football players best ability is his availability. Second, if one of your worries is that we win a playoff game and the QB gets too much love in here then maybe you need to lighten up, Francis. IF we make it to a game against Seattle, maybe Smith is healthy enough to start by then. Either way it goes, try to enjoy the moment, if your biggest worry is how us silly fans will react, then rest assured that Rivera will not be pressured into personnel decisions just because us sillies are on here typing away like a bunch of buffoons.
  4. Facebook man. I went to see what the blue lives matter folks have to say. They are all blaming Antifa and BLM movements and calling the whole thing a liberal hoax.
  5. Yeah I've seen a lot of calls to out them all immediately. All these people have friends, relatives and work associates, most of them will be outed by one of those groups eventually.
  6. This mother ****ing idiot wore his work badge to an insurrection. You can't make up this level of stupid.
  7. My money is on Wentz reuniting with his old OC in Indy. I expect a trade between the two franchises. Mariota, bleh. Winston intrigues me. Theres really not enough tape of him WITH lasik eye surgery. That man was squinting at every receiver further than 5 yards down the field, you can't tell me that didn't have something to do with all those interceptions.
  8. I don't think he should start, the moment is too big. But if Smith can't move the ball or he is throwing errant passes, we need to do something. The leash needs to be short.
  9. What are they gonna do if they find one of their own has a firearm? Take them to McDonald’s before booking them?
  10. Yeah i was just reading up on rookie deals and doesn't seem likely. Tank job it is.
  11. Could it have been a contract bonus clause? Like if he plays so many quarters he gets a bonus? Obvious answer is usually the correct one though.
  12. TK said that Rivera asked Turner if he wanted to pursue Newton as an option for 2020. Word is that Turner declined. I highly doubt Turner's position has changed after this year. Newton is not an effective QB anymore, it's that simple. We don't need another washed up QB on this roster.
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