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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen

  1. Many times I think that Trump is only popular because he's a celebrity and his followers think his unhinged comments are entertaining. I guess that's what it's like in this age of social media.
  2. Perhaps, but the fact that people are willing to dump our democratic ideals just to put someone in power who will elevate their "in group" at the expense of others also indicates that our education system has done a poor job of not only educating students on American exceptionalism, but on the evils of totalitarian and communist ideologies. We USED to teach those things, in Civics. Now, teachers are constantly telling kids our country is evil because of its own history. I'm not saying go back to pro-US propaganda that was taught in the early 1900s, but there has to be a middle ground. I would agree media is the sole problem IF we all watched the same media. Trump supporters don't watch CNN or any of those other channels, so they aren't even being informed of the terrible things Trump says he will do in a second term. At a fundraiser over the weekend he said he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing...and that hasn't really even come out in any of the media, left- or right-wing. I'm baffled that religious Reagan-supporting patriotic folks would even consider backing Trump in the first place. Turkey's PM Erdogan has called on the Islamic world to unite against Israel. If we have another 9/11-type attack here in the US before the election, then Trump definitely wins.
  3. She'll have to move to a state like Idaho for work, since only MAGA clients would hire her. I keep hoping these people wake up and have an epiphany and realize how they paid the price while Trump gets away with everything. But I doubt it will happen soon. If Trump wins, I'm sure she'll get a senior post in the Department of Justice.
  4. There is truly something wrong with our education system and media when so many people who are going to vote for Trump seem to think January 6th was just fine.
  5. You're not crazy... In fact, that's what many here on this board initially thought of when it was rolled out! But that's what happens when the owner lets his wife design the identity of the team...
  6. Of course Trump doesn't understand, he's never been held accountable by the judicial system in his entire life. Besides, the 'rebuttal' or 'correction' already took place...it's called his lawyers' testimony! Trump doesn't get that the more he posts things like this the more scared he looks.
  7. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-russia-china-fundraiser-b2552749.html If you weren't already alarmed enough...Trump said during latest fundraiser that he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing...and I'm sure surprised attendees will talk themselves into agreeing.
  8. Which would only strengthen Trump's eventual argument that if we can't trust elections...then why not just ban elections altogether? He'd rule until 2032 and then Don Jr's turn, then Eric, then Barron. It's scary to realize how little people in our country understand about the creeping nature of authoritarianism...or that it doesn't matter because their "in group" will benefit from it. This defeats the entire purpose of civilization in the first place, and will return humanity to the Stone Age.
  9. They will vote for Trump even if he goes to prison...just like many folks keep throwing good money after bad by doubling down on stupid. The Texas GOP is sending out warning flyers saying they will track how people vote and a Repub in that state doesn't want to have a vote for a Dem on their record. Trump has already won by convincing all of his voters that our judicial system is completely corrupt. He will NOT accept the outcome of the election if he loses and there will be violence...although it's likely that the election vote-counting will be delayed by obstructionist Trumpies. Trumpies have been convinced that Biden is the most corrupt president in history, including Nixon. In part I blame social media for spreading information that people only agree with already...many Trumpies apparently don't even know about a lot of his authoritarian rants, and these people are getting all their 'news' off social media. Trump is out there talking and campaigning every single day, he's being seen even if he sounds like a raving lunatic. Biden hides in the White House, even though that's not entirely true, it is the impression people are getting. How will all these minorities respond if Trump is elected and MORE of them get shot or deported...when will the epiphany come that they were wrong? I'm hoping that one day Trump will be long gone and I have a feeling that a lot of Trumpies will deny ever supporting him in the first place. But we're not there yet.
  10. https://www.hawaiitribune-herald.com/2024/05/27/nation-world-news/trumps-post-verdict-playbook-anger-and-retribution-regardless-of-the-outcome/ Trump’s post-verdict playbook: Anger and retribution, regardless of the outcome If the past is any guide, even with a full acquittal, Trump will be angry and vengeful, and will direct attacks against everyone he perceives to be responsible for the Manhattan district attorney’s prosecution. He will continue to level the attacks publicly, at rallies and on Truth Social, and privately encourage his House Republican allies to subpoena his Democratic enemies. The pattern is firmly established: After Trump escaped impeachment twice and survived a special counsel investigation led by Robert Mueller into ties between his 2016 campaign and Russia, he immediately went into revenge mode — complaining about the injustices he was forced to endure and urging his allies to investigate the investigators. “Regardless of the outcome, the playbook is the same,” said Alyssa Farah Griffin, Trump’s former White House communications director, who began working for him shortly after his first impeachment trial but has since become a sharp critic of her former boss. Some of Trump’s former staff members who spent time with him after his previous investigations said that he was in no mood to celebrate after these purported victories but instead sought retribution. Immediately after the release of Mueller’s report, Trump demanded punishment for the people who led the inquiry. His attorney general, William Barr, appointed a special counsel, John Durham, to investigate the intelligence and law enforcement officials behind it. But the Durham investigation proceeded too slowly for Trump; he wanted his enemies prosecuted pronto, according to several people who worked in the administration and who were not authorized to speak publicly. That did not happen. And after surviving his first impeachment, in early 2020, for trying to pressure President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine into investigating Biden and his son Hunter, Trump was in a mood so foul that it surprised some of his aides who were relieved the episode was over. He sat in his private dining room adjoining the Oval Office, scowling at the television and spewing expletives, according to a person with direct knowledge of the events. Trump often lingers longer than necessary over perceived wounds. “In general,” Griffin said, “he is completely incapable of taking a win, even when it would benefit him to.” On the morning of Feb. 6, 2020, a day after the Republican-controlled Senate voted to acquit Trump on both articles of impeachment — what should have been a morning of relief and celebration — he appeared furious.
  11. He can just pay the fines. Plus, most of his followers would claim he's being harassed since everyone cheats on their taxes.
  12. Russia will use any ceasefire to rebuild and just continue the war later. They will continue using Siberian troops as cannon fodder so the dominant Russians won't care...if you think our citizens are alienated from the soldiers who protect the US, Russia is far worse. Ukraine will have to give up the land they already lost, but that doesn't mean they have to make it easy for Putin to pull his head out of the noose. Of course if Putin uses nukes all bets are off. The Europeans deserve a lot of blame...they continued to buy natural gas from Russia after the 2008 and 2014 invasions...no wonder Putin thought they'd do nothing this time. Putin believes that Russian culture means he has the right to dominate and invade his neighbors...no matter that those countries want.
  13. What's amazing about this "assassination" nonsense that Rump is spouting is that, according to his own lawyer's testimony, a POTUS should have that right. So what's the problem?
  14. Maybe we'll devolve into a parliamentary-type system, which can be chaotic but may make more sense in this polarized period.
  15. Out of political necessity, such as supporting Ukraine, which would traditionally been in the GOP's bucket. There's a vacuum there that the Democrats have had to fill, since Trump and his cronies would rather let Russia "do whatever the hell they want to." Although Biden still supports the progressive agenda, there is some question that the rise of progressive politics has helped fuel the MAGA backlash against it... just my two cents. Biden may be forced to run more towards the center in the election than he wants to.
  16. I think the GOP could split in two, because it's clear that Trump Madness has overtaken half the party. That forces moderate Democrats to become more like the traditional GOP was in order to balance out the crazy.
  17. What I don't understand is that honest-to-God Republicans are the type of people who would have fought AGAINST the Nazis in WW II. Not surprisingly, the newer generation doesn't get that...or maybe they do, and would have gladly supported Hitler had he won the war. The winners get to write the history books.
  18. Let's hope they changed the locks on Jason Wright's office door.
  19. Wouldn't surprise me if China invaded before our election this November, just in case Trump wins. Everyone was wrong about China in the 90s and 00s...opening up free market trading with them did NOT make them embrace democracy and freedom. And now they're behaving like Japan before WW II.
  20. Haley just proved that Trump was right...she is a birdbrain. It's very short-sighted on her part, but maybe that's one of the problems with our political system where people's memories reset every 4 years and they can't see more than 4 years into the future. Does Haley think Trump will put her in his cabinet if he wins? HE WILL NOT. Haley's flip-flopping after criticizing Trump so heavily will be brought up for the next election...and guarantee she loses. Haley's smart move would have been to continue witholding her direct support. Now it looks like Trump was right last week when he said all her voters would come to him, which I suspect they will or just not vote...maybe some will go to Biden for sanity's sake but let's be honest: Biden isn't exactly exciting anyone. At the end of the day people continue to treat Trump like a celebrity and not a politician, and this country is in serious trouble whether he wins or not. If he wins, it's obvious. If he loses, there will be riots.
  21. I've been saying that for weeks...only my prediction was he'd nominate one of his own kids as VP.
  22. If he's convicted, his supporters will cry that our justice system is corrupt for convicting him. If he's acquitted, his supporters will cry that our justice system is corrupt for trying to convict him. We can't win.
  23. I'm a bit skeptical of a full conviction myself, but Costello's emails don't help his defense. It's absurd to believe all these people did things without tRump's knowledge or approval, all in the name of protecting him...and that if tRump knew he would be SHOCKED!!🤨 It's the same with the mafia defense: how can you believe the witnesses who were former mobsters themselves and told lies? Well, circumstantial evidence piles up and mafia bosses were convicted on that, even though they tried the same "I had no idea what these wiseguys were doing" defense. If this jury is competent, they will see through the defense and convict...but that's only if there isn't some deluded MAGA troll on the jury.
  24. What's scary is that there are plenty of women who don't seem to have a problem with going back to the "bad old days." That's something I was not anticipating after the Roe v. Wade overturn. I truly hope you're right about November.
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