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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen

  1. Especially if they were mafia witnesses...and Snyder said the league was like the mafia. Snyder wants them named so he can send thugs to harass and intimidate them.
  2. He's blaming ESPN and the Post for reporting on accusations by anonymous people...as if he doesn't understand why people want to stay anonymous in the first place!! Snyder wants them named so he can send thugs to harass and intimidate them.
  3. This guy is caveating his responses with the fact that he's only been representing the team for 8 months...
  4. Trying to throw Jason Friedman under the bus, saying he's lying about everything because he had an affair at work.
  5. Listening now...here's basically what Snyder's lawyer is saying about the accusations, without evidence: He's trying to talk about the Indian internet company accusations, and the hosts are trying to get him to focus on the ESPN report instead.
  6. Unless this kind of behavior was so normalized that they thought it was OK. If the allegations are true, apparently his wife has no problem with it either...which doesn't surprise me in the least. It also wouldn't surprise me that the national media didn't know because the Dallas P.D. is also in Jerruh's pocket.
  7. Sometimes I think these OC's are too clever for their own good. I remember when the Steelers' OC was Joe Walton, with his 400-page playbook. The Steelers offense at the time SUCKED, partly because the offense was too complicated for guys like Bubby Brister to run. They only did better when they got rid of about 300 pages. But players shouldn't need to have an advanced degree in rocket science to understand the plays...it's a GAME, after all. IIRC, Gibbs 1.0 only had four running plays in his playbook. He could run them out of 9 formations, so it looked like 36 plays. Why can't more coaches have offenses designed like this? When players have to think too much they're not reacting.
  8. She claims several current and former members of the team were on hand for the spectacle, including former head coach Jason Garrett, star running back Ezekiel Elliott, Tyrone Crawford, Tyron Smith, and others. Other named witnesses include Demarcus Lawrence as well as Eugenia Jones, who is married to Jerry.
  9. 🍿 Also, the Texans just dumped Jack Easterby. Maybe they're expecting more Snyder 'kompromat' on him and decided to jump the gun.
  10. I was amazed that the Ders paid $28 million to Wentz, while the Steelers only paid $7 million for Trubisky, who is actually playing better than Wentz.
  11. A retread good ol' boy who was fired by other teams before and was never able to replicate their earlier success (Schottenheimer, Shanahan, Rivera) A retread legend who was never able to replicate his earlier success (Gibbs 2.0) A college football legend who was never able to replicate earlier success he had in college in the pros. (Spurrier) A hot OC who was underqualified to be a head coach in the first place, who was hamstrung because the GM played hardball with the franchise QB and let him walk for less than a bag of stale peanuts from a defunct airline, and therefore never had any success. (Gruden) An OC who interviewed for the OC job but was then asked to interview for the head coach job, so he went out and bought a suit and came back to Snyder's office, and he was hired as the head coach despite being obviously under-qualifed, and had no success whatsoever. (Zorn) These are the kinds of coaches who come here: retreads or coordinators who are not qualified (or empowered) to be a good head coach. The kinds of coaches who leave here, on the other hand, are guys like Kyle Shanahan, Matt LaFleur, and Sean McVay...I believe they've had some successes.
  12. Well that should put more pressure on the NFL to talk about Snyder at tomorrow's meeting. It didn't take long for Tennessee to reach an agreement, whereas a new stadium here is nowhere in sight despite years of failed attempts with DC, VA, and MD.
  13. The NFL should have NEVER allowed someone so young as 34 to become an NFL owner...I don't care how much money a person that age has, there is a certain maturity that is lacking at that age that would be present in older billionaires. In Snyder's case, it was compounded by the fact that he never went to any kind of business school and dropped out of college, so he never really learned anything about working with other people on a professional, rather than authoritarian, level. Most of his money was made through aggressive acquisitions of smaller companies, which doesn't really require any negotiation skills when you're in an advantageous position, so it's not surprising he would be so bull-headed once he bought his treasured NFL team.
  14. I wold argue that Snyder has done more to hurt this franchise than all of the other factors combined over the years, because he's the only constant. Everyone who comes here fails and has their reputation ruined. I think if Snyder was gone then people would no longer hold this franchise in such low esteem, because everyone recognizes that all of this incompetence and failure was Snyder's fault...he's the one in charge. True that ESPN could have done a story on most owners and found dirt. Billionaires are not angels and only became billionaires by being utterly ruthless, inhumane, and greedy. I don't think anyone doubts that The Four Letter could have found dirt on any or all of them. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if other NFL owners start coming under more scrutiny as a result of this...which I'm sure will be a topic at the owners' meeting on Tuesday! But the fact remains that ESPN did NOT go after any of the other owners, and that's because there haven't been 40+ sex pest complaints in addition to all the other drama. And this is just for ONE TEAM. Think about the sheer number of scandals this team is involved in...they would be enough for the entire NFL normally, but for all of them to occur with one team? It's no wonder ESPN would investigate. Where there's smoke, there's fire... (BTW, 'sex pest' is the term used in the UK for sexual harassers...I think it more accurately describes their nefarious actions)
  15. In her single interview Tanya said most of the sex pest claims were 'ridiculous'...that was the end of her time in front of the microphones. She's been married to that turd Snyder for almost 29 years, so any hope that she won't tolerate his heinous activities went bye bye a long time ago.
  16. Remember, a billionaire can always buy friends. And none of us should ever feel sorry for a billionaire no matter the circumstances of his downfall.
  17. Was wondering the same thing. We all know Gibbs' skills at talent evaluation are mediocre at best...remember Desmond Howard? Also starting to wonder how close Gibbs is to this whole mess...will complaints about his behavior start coming out too? People will also start to ask him how he couldn't know about Snyder's treatment of others.
  18. Let's not forget that just about everyone who has left this organization has left on bad terms, with negative, calculated leaks coming out after their departures. Maybe Snyder will have a Scrooge-like epiphany after he met the third ghost...but I wouldn't count on it.
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