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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen

  1. I'll bet harbor seals run better routes than our guys do. They won't hold out for a bigger salary, either. Fish, maybe, but not money.
  2. Behind every great man there's a great woman. It's also true that behind every major a-hole there's an enabling wife.
  3. Here comes Sally Jenkins: Daniel Snyder is always looking for the sucker. This time, it might be him. Daniel Snyder had a phrase he used for getting what he wanted from others, according to a former Washington team employee: “Grin-f---ing.” Like a lot of things Snyderesque, the term strives to convey a master of the universe stance, casual business swagger, when really, it’s dated verbiage that only a panting junior executive would use. Snyder is long on bluster and short on everything else, including competence, and his duplicity has made him chronically distrusted. What should worry Snyder now is how his fellow owners are grinning back at him. The vulgar phrase describes a petty schemer who says whatever people want to hear, smiles and shakes hands in agreement, and then does the opposite, gaslighting and screwing over whomever they grin at. This is how Snyder always has handled his franchise, and he so boasted about it that he often misunderstood who was using whom. There are worse terms to describe the dynamic between Snyder and NFL management these days. Everyone is grinning. Snyder and influential Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones grinned cagily at each other at midfield as they shook hands on the field a couple of weeks ago. Commissioner Roger Goodell, whose entire management style has been a master class in disingenuousness, grinned through the wedding of New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft over the weekend, then joined whole clusters of owners grinning at one another as they gathered for their quarterly fall meeting at a New York hotel Tuesday. The grins had all the warmth of a school of sharks. Behind closed doors, the meeting included the usual “privileged” session. As Jerry Jones described it in his weekly radio interview with Dallas radio station 105.3 the Fan, these sessions are meant to be “wide open and the owners can just step up and bring ad-hoc-type things that aren’t on the agenda.” One item on at least some owners’ minds was how they might rid themselves of Snyder’s ooze of radioactive poison from incessant investigations of sexual harassment, alleged financial deception and other workplace abuses. Unmistakably, the power play to force Snyder to sell is on. That was no longer in question after Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay held an extraordinary 15-minute impromptu media session in the hotel lobby during which he abandoned discretion and dropped an anvil on Snyder’s head. “I believe that there’s merit to remove him as owner,” Irsay declared, adding that he believed “potentially there will be” the required 24 votes among owners to do so. “I think serious consideration has to be given to removal.” The most remarkable thing about Irsay’s utterances was that they were so aboveboard. What a relief after all the hygiene theater of the past two decades. For years, Snyder has issued niceties in public while sinking a storied franchise into utter squalor with a variety of despicable underhanded practices, from foisting old peanuts off on fans to siccing private detectives on those who cross him. ress Enter to skip to end of carouseld of cAnd the league office has countenanced it — and even covered for it with its own double-dealing. Even now, Snyder’s duplicitous grinning act continues. Absent from league meetings while he’s under internal discipline amid an ongoing investigation — his lawyers say he’s under no restrictions, while Goodell says there has been no change in his status since he ceded day-to-day control to his wife in July 2021 — Snyder sent a cloying personal letter to his NFL partners. He assured them of “the trust and goodwill between owners that I take quite seriously” and denied a report from ESPN that he allegedly used private investigators to acquire “dirt” on other owners to prevent an attempt to oust him. But by now Snyder’s fellow owners are so well acquainted with him that they know not to listen to his words but to watch his actions. Another letter was sent out Tuesday, this one a reminder that Snyder indeed has a fondness for private detectives. It came from attorneys Lisa Banks and Debra Katz, who threatened to sue the NFL because they believe the names of women who were promised confidentiality during the league’s inquiries of Snyder’s workplace somehow made their way into his hands, exposing them to retaliation even as he pledged cooperation and transparency. We can’t know whether Snyder has seriously tried to extort Goodell and his business partners or whether he’s guilty of trying to intimidate witnesses on an “enemies” list. What we can be sure of is that whenever Snyder thinks he’s fooling others, he’s actually fooling himself. His bad faith always doubles back on itself like a boomerang. He fools himself that he has found the right high-price free agent or franchise quarterback to force on his dismayed coaches, and when it doesn’t work, it’s all the fault of underlings. He fools himself that he’s one good season from being loved by a fan base that has fled. He fools himself that he’s worthy of being called “Mr. Snyder” even though his behavior requires not courtesy but a floor mop. Remember the lies about the waiting list for season tickets? The grinning assurances that a new training facility in Richmond would bring huge economic development, only for the city to be stuck with millions in debt that had to be paid with school funds? He grinned at lawmakers in Virginia, D.C. and Maryland equally while dodging their straightforward questions about what a new stadium would really cost taxpayers and how much revenue he would demand. “I think they’re using everybody back and forth as they have been for eight years,” Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) said. “They’re negotiating, trying to pit everybody against each other.” All the parties ended up feeling played. And not one of them would make a deal with him.
  4. I know Tagliabue regretted picking Goodell as his successor. Clearly Goodell was a suckup and Tags didn't see how he really was until afterwards. Tags chastised Goodell for how he handled player punishments and I heard they aren't even on speaking terms any more. Goodell became obsessed with being the NFL's Top Cop and handing out punishments which seemed overly harsh at times..."Protect The Shield."
  5. Lisa Banks was on the radio last night saying that all of this could probably have been avoided by the NFL if Goodell hadn't insisted on not getting a written report. That's what triggered everything else, particularly Congress. Crap flowing downhill eventually can become an avalanche. Avoiding transparency may seem like the best route in the short term, but in the long term it clearly is not. Not in the 21st century, that's for sure.
  6. Well Jerruh just lost the vote to offer Goofball Goodell a new contract 31-1, so I don't think his influence is as wide as they say.
  7. I'm hoping the NFL realizes that if they DON'T get rid of Snyder that the NFL will be next in the crosshairs of the victim's lawyers. Lisa Banks' threat yesterday certainly alludes to that. Surely, they must realize this. And yes, I'll stop calling you Shirley.
  8. I don't think Snyder can prevent anything if he's voted out...the league has bylaws which he agreed to when he became an owner. He could probably litigate after the fact regarding compensation and so forth, but I don't think he'll be sitting in Ashburn in 2032 still litigating whether they can remove him or not.
  9. PFT has confirmed that the owners, by a vote of 31-1, concluded on Tuesday that the league’s compensation committee is authorized to negotiate a new deal with Goodell. Jones was the lone dissenter. And Jones, via Seth Wickersham and Don Van Natta, Jr. of ESPN.com, told Kraft, the chair of the compensation committee,”Don’t **** with me.” “Excuse me?” Kraft said. “Don’t mess with me,” Jones said, modifying his language. In 2017, Jones tried to block Goodell from getting a new deal. Jerry’s allies at the time included Washington owner Daniel Snyder and, of all people, Papa John. As one source with knowledge of the situation tells PFT, Jones’s frustration likely comes from the fact that he’s not on the compensation committee, and due to the fact that no other owner joined him in opposing the measure. Per the source, Kraft wasn’t the only subject of Jones’s ire. Both Giants owner John Mara and Browns owner Jimmy Haslam caught some flak, too. Last time around, it became a major fight, culminating in Jones threatening litigation and Jones ultimately paying for the legal fees incurred by the league in dealing with his threats. This time, it’s far less likely that Jones will die for a second time on the same hill. If true, then Jones doesn't have nearly as much influence as everyone keeps claiming he has. It's one thing for Jerruh to still be pissed at Goofball for the Zeke Elliot suspension years ago, but threatening Kraft will not go over well. He'd better be careful himself unless he wants to get voted out.
  10. I got mine at Home Depot in Ash...wait, I already live here! I'll just mosey on over to the big inflatable dome carrying my pitchfork...
  11. Goodell can't push because Jerruh and Snyder are his employers like the rest of the NFL owners. Goodell is a moral coward, anyway. Jerruh wanted Goofball Goodell gone because he disagreed with the suspension of Zeke Elliott. But Jerruh may have a big mouth and not much else, because the other owners didn't back him up.
  12. Well Snyder was right about one thing: the NFL really IS like the mafia. If true, I think Goodell should be shown the door too. It's not the crime, it's the cover-up that brings down the axe!
  13. Here's the Ders response to the DC AG report from PFT: The Commanders have issued a statement in response to the report. “The team’s lawyers have met with counsel at the Attorney General’s office on multiple occasions, and no one from that office has ever indicated that the office is planning to take any action against the team or Dan Snyder,” a Commanders spokesman told PFT. “The Commanders organization has cooperated fully with the investigation, including by voluntarily producing over a hundred thousand documents, because it has nothing to hide. The anonymous leaks are unconscionable, and D.C. Attorney General Racine should confirm that the leaks didn’t come from any member of his office or anyone affiliated with his office.”
  14. He'll get Tanya to do it. But she would probably have enough class to ask Turner what flavor he likes first before dumping it on his desk to melt. If he asked Jason Wright to do it, he'd put it on the wrong desk by mistake, and then send out a tweet later saying he put it on the correct desk and then blame haters for claiming otherwise. When photos are leaked showing the ice cream on the wrong desk, Wright will tweet again saying he can do better and will do better next time he's asked to dump ice cream on an assistant coach's desk.
  15. Brownlee said it was "well-funded" too. Well...where's my money??? Seriously, I forgot my lunch today and will need to visit the cafeteria later, so any cash from the 'campaign' will be most appreciated. 🤪 Oh, and sell the team, Snyder.
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