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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen

  1. That's always the danger with these older Good Ol' Boy coaches...they have to win NOW to keep getting hired, at the expense of developing a team. Problem is, it rarely works. Shanahan wasn't much for developing players either, and he's been unemployed since 2014. It's the same problem with former head coaches who are now coordinators, OC or DC. Del Rio is one of them. Instead of being patient and trying to develop talent, they want to prove their system works so they can get hired as a head coach again.
  2. I can imagine her saying to Dan: "You lied to me! You said they only hated you, and that was fine because you're a sociopath and don't care! Now rub my feet!!"
  3. My suggested title for the documentary which will eventually come out on the Dan Snyder Reign of Terror: Weep Not For Billionaires Suggestions?
  4. Now Bezos is being sued...what is it with rich people not paying their housekeepers?? Bezos Sued by Ex-Housekeeper Over Racial Bias, Long Hours (msn.com)
  5. Might wanna curb the enthusiasm for Bezos: Bezos Sued by Ex-Housekeeper Over Racial Bias, Long Hours (msn.com)
  6. Will Snyder go quietly...or will he wind up like the warden in Shawshank Redemption? "Make it easy on yourself Snyder!!"
  7. I would pay to see cops rip the glass of Crown Royal out of Snyder's hand as they cuff and stuff him into the back of a cruiser
  8. The tone deafness Snyder exhibited about the new name should have been a big indicator to people about how little he cares about the fan base. It should have been easy...any other owner would have involved the fans from the beginning as well as competent design specialists. What did he do? He picked the new name over a year before it was announced without any input, hired no specialists and chose the 23rd letter of the alphabet as a logo, and let his unqualified wife design the uniforms. Then botched the rollout on TV. I'm sure people were giving Dan advice, but he didn't listen as usual or just fired them, which caused others to shut up and fall in line. Snyder continues to be a class 1 jerk because he doesn't take input. I mean seriously..."Uhhh, we're the Commanders!" 😖 You would expect that from some local flag football team, not a storied NFL franchise!
  9. https://richmond.com/sports/professional/phillips-the-end-game-has-arrived-for-dan-snyder-and-it-looks-familiar/article_ed3f3cc3-281b-57fb-a20e-75e30bd8ece5.html What likely did Snyder in among his fellow owners, though, was losing the fanbase, and the ensuing revenue hit. The Commanders are last in the NFL in attendance this year, and TV ratings continue to sink, with the rival Cowboys having drawn more viewers in Richmond and D.C. on multiple dates this season. Snyder also alienated the governments of Virginia, Maryland and D.C. in a quest for a new stadium. There's one last Hail Mary pass hidden in Thursday's announcement. Snyder and his family own virtually 100% of the team. If they can find a buyer to take a minority share of the team, they can generate the capital they'd need to privately fund a new stadium, which could buy him some time with the league. It's tough to imagine a billionaire turning a portion of his fortune over to Snyder at this stage of the game, though, without insisting on calling at least some of the shots. He should recall from those early days, though, that while the owner makes the calls, the fans get their say, too. In recent years, Washington's have voted with their wallets, steering clear of games, and have grown increasingly vocal about their discontent this season as the heat has turned up on Snyder. When the "thorough review" of the name was announced, Schefter wrote, "Let's be clear: There's no review if there's no change coming."
  10. Women hate to be ostracized, and it's a tool they use very viciously in groups to ensure conformity. Tanya demanding that Snyder sell the team after BooGate wouldn't surprise me in the least!
  11. The NFL has a 5-year rule on modifying jerseys and helmets...but like any rule, they can be amended under special circumstances. The Titans didn't have to wait five years after they moved from Houston, for example. I believe a change of ownership is another exemption too. Pants, however, can be changed at any time. 😁
  12. Snyder picked the name all by himself, from what I've heard. And he did it months before the unveiling without asking for any input...except from Tanya, who I'm sure thought it was a 'wonderful name.' I honestly don't think the NFL had anything to do with the new name...if so, I'm sure they could have come up with something better than the 23rd letter of the alphabet for a logo and uniforms that look like they were bought from the discount rack at Dick's Sporting Goods.
  13. In our defense, I think that would have been harder had Congress not become involved in this. That raised the negative publicity on the league by several magnitudes.
  14. The only way Dan Snyder is selling the Commanders is if he runs out of people to blame https://ftw.usatoday.com/2022/11/dan-snyder-washington-commanders-sale That denial came after ESPN’s most recent bombshell report into the dysfunction that has saturated every cell of the franchise’s being under Snyder and after Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay suggested there was “merit” to removing Snyder as the team’s owner. It wasn’t new or surprising, even given the gravity of ESPN’s 8,100-word expose. For years, Snyder has operated a shell game of blame assignment that allowed him to continue being generally horrible at everything with no lasting consequences. When his high priced, poorly thought out acquisitions failed to pan out, he could fire his team executives. When he got caught chiseling his own season ticket holders out of deposits and allegedly scamming the NFL’s revenue sharing system, he could toss the vice president of sales under the bus. When he hired Jason Wright as team president to build an “inclusive, winning culture” he allowed the former COO who oversaw the previous disastrous era to not only continue representing the team but to also tell people Wright was merely a figurehead. When his workplace became so toxic the highest levels of U.S. government felt it necessary to intervene, he handled his official role over to his wife, let her handle things at owners’ meetings and reportedly ran things from the shadows instead. If Snyder is really selling the team it suggests two possibilities have taken place: a) Snyder has suddenly become self aware, or b) he’s run out of people willing or capable of falling on his sword. That “gold standard” comment in the official release suggests it’s not the former. But the latter could, finally, be in play. Snyder’s reign in Washington has been defined by failure at every level but a large network of escape routes designed to keep the current regime in charge. Recently, more and more people have gone beyond merely noticing that failure and taken steps to broadcast it to a world that may have been content to ignore the once-great, now-forgettable team in the nation’s capital. Knowing the Commanders are a rapidly mutating virus that infects everything they touch is no longer just a football issue. Everyone from the team’s own employees to the league’s other owners to elected officials at multiple levels understands it. Patient zero is Snyder, who’d long denied he was even sick and allegedly hoped his war chest of blackmail material — per ESPN, several sources around the league believe he’s responsible for leaking the emails whose insensitive language led to Jon Gruden’s resignation as Las Vegas Raiders head coach — would keep him healthy. He may still feel that way. Or he may finally realize the only way to stop the infection is to sell his team, collect his billions of dollars and life out his life on the megayacht where he spent last summer avoiding Congressional subpoenas. There would be nothing fair about a Commanders sale. Snyder would still ultimately be rewarded for overseeing a franchise that failed to win games on the field and failed to protect its employees off it. But it would give Washington a chance to meaningfully reset from the top down without the specter of the thin-skinned, oft-criticized ghoul tainting everything the team does. We don’t know if that’s going to happen. If it is, it’s great news for the Commanders. If it’s merely a gesture for Snyder to show the league he’s exploring his options but super duper serious about changing things for real this time so things will be OK if he keeps the club, well, this franchise is going to continue to fester and rot and infect others until something actually, truly changes.
  15. I'm sure Tanya was very hurt. Maybe Snyder had to sleep on one of their opulent luxury couches that night.
  16. I wonder if that one report about Tanya being booed had a lot to do with this...all these years she thought they were LOVED because they never read anything about themselves.
  17. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/11/02/stadium-effort-may-have-forced-daniel-snyders-hand/ Here’s one theory, from someone who routinely moves in league circles. A new owner will likely be handed the site of RFK Stadium for the construction of a state-of-the-art facility in D.C. Snyder, on the other hand, has no chance of getting anything done. No public official, from either side of the aisle, will want to deal with him. There likely will be more than a few suitors. From Jeff Bezos (who didn’t try to buy the Broncos) to Josh Harris (who did, and who would have paid $5 billion for it) to Matt Ishbia (who also did) to various private equity/hedge fund billionaires who aren’t widely known. (Remember, private equity/hedge fund billionaires, the only thing better than being rich and famous is being rich.) Regardless, and as the source said, there will be “no shortage” of bidders for the Commanders. That’s very good news for Commanders fans who very much want there to be a shortage of Snyders, as soon as possible.
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