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Everything posted by Barry.Randolphe

  1. I can't wait for him to wear a Golden Knight's jersey to a Flyers game...
  2. So basically like when Jordan played two seasons and the MCI Center was sold out every night....then he retired again and the seats were moderately full until Arenas/Hughes/Jamison took them to the playoffs
  3. WTF defense was Lebron playing on that shot? He sagged so far off him, he could have been called for defensive 3 seconds.
  4. If Robles can provide a spark like Trea Turner did when he got called up in 2016, this team will be scary. We need more of our guys on base wreaking havoc.
  5. I've been shocked it's not closer to 1/1 yet...I've been waiting for another downturn to book a trip
  6. Remember when Wall boycotted the idea of recruiting stars to come play in DC?
  7. This makes me want to throw up when I read/hear stuff like this.....and I am still confused if that is how these people felt, why is Trump still POTUS? There's obviously something there.
  8. Thank you, sir! I've been to the Nats park and it is absolutely gorgeous. I'll probably have to travel back down that way for work soon, was thinking about doing a tour of the ballparks. I'm looking forward to checking out the Braves new facility in Sarasota next season
  9. I've been watching his debates on CNN....dude has one of the most smug, punchable, douchebag faces in Congress.
  10. Has anyone been to some other spring training venues for the NL East teams? Just wondering how those compare to the Nats' new park.
  11. So basically he's a better version of Morris? 😜 I was looking at the roster....we essentially have a **** ton of tweeners now looking for playing time. Nice job, EG!
  12. I don't think Portis is all that bad....i just know it'll blow up in our face because Ernie is the one behind the trade. I'm happy to be rid of Porter - I was all for resigning Ariza back in the day and using the draft pick on a big man like Len or Noel. My hope is that idiot Ted lets EG go this offseason, but apparently EG has some naked pics of Ted and is using them as blackmail.
  13. This. Also - Boogie is not nearly as agile as he was before the injury....I was surprised to see him posterize Kuzma because he barely got off the ground with his other dunks The only thing John can hope for is that he somehow magically develops an above average outside shot so he can finish his career like Jason Kidd
  14. This is my line of thinking as well. He's not automatically going to be able to shoot when he comes back. What else can he do besides pass the ball now? He's not a threat and he's not worth a max contract. I already know he's going to come back completely out of shape. This is a complete disaster situation
  15. This team is cursed when it comes to handing out max contracts....jesus. He's not going to be the same player when he comes back.
  16. Yeah, off NY Ave towards the MD border in NE. They're the only Costco around here that sells liquor....and Costco bourbon is rumored to be made by Buffalo Trace; it's pretty good. 2441 Market St NE, Washington, DC 20018
  17. The Costco in DC actually has a pretty good collection of stuff....they even get a small allotment of Pappy every year, but good luck getting it.
  18. I get why SD is cool and all (year round perfect weather, fish tacos, etc)....but CA has the highest top tier tax rate in the country. If he's chasing money, I feel like that has to be taken into consideration.
  19. Wasn't Strasburg a done deal to SD back when he was coming up on FA? I just don't see why he would want to leave DC for money when his wife likes it here and he's loved by the city....he saw what happened when the Caps won even though he showed up as a douche in a Vegas jersey
  20. I'd turn that **** down too...no Reese's or Snickers? GTFO
  21. If only TVs could be programmed to punch someone who voted for Trump in the nuts every time he lies....#changewecanbelievein
  22. I hope he never gives it up tbh....he's saying the right things and his play backs it up.
  23. I just saw a commercial on CNN for support for Trump's border wall approved by Trump.....has any other president done this before? I don't remember Obama creating commercials asking for Americans to call Congress in support of the ACA
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