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Everything posted by Barry.Randolphe

  1. Disney World in WVA....good luck This sounds like from South Park when Canada goes on strike....and the other world leaders ask them what they want, and their only response is 'more money!'
  2. CK3 is fantastic. I have wasted too many nights until 3am playing The game also got infinitely more fun when I learned some cheats
  3. I'm three deep on traditional Irish Coffees made like they do at the Buena Vista in SF Needless to say, I'm seeing through walls and feeling great https://onbetterliving.com/buenavista-irish-coffee/
  4. I agree, although having him come in for 5 years + groom a young assistant/retirement replacement to continue the talent pipeline wouldn't be such a bad thing either
  5. I had NFL QB Club 95 on my Sega....the trick was to constantly hit the spin move button to bounce off tackles. I'd own on kick returns I used to love the QB challenges....I wish Madden would do something like that as a side game
  6. ....Rick Pitino would look good in the red, black, and gold....
  7. I think it's all bravado....they'll get the vaccine in secret and pretend like they didn't. If they don't, fine with me....will just speed up the time until I can get one. Then I don't care what happens to them
  8. I went vaccine hunting again yesterday at all the CVS shops around....no dice. Almost every store held up a list and said the county directed them to call people on the list whenever there was a cancellation or extra dose available....and the list was about 100 people deep.
  9. So, get this guys. I typically go for a run in my neighborhood where I own a lot on a cul-de-sac I am planning to build on soon (stupid covid has made it hard to find a builder since they're so busy)....anyways, I go running last week to check on my property since I've been told this idiot future neighbor of mine lets his dog **** all over my property. Long story short, as I'm doing my night time run, I see that asshole letting his dog take a **** right on my property....so I try and make small talk with him about the weather, basically to let him know I see him letting his dog **** on my property, but he acts all shifty and weird about it (he also probably has guns), so I figured I'd probably better get back to my run since the conversation was going no where and he was a major douche. Fast forward to today, I go back to take a look at the property and sure enough - his dog has left multiple piles of **** all over the place. He didn't get the hint and I think he had his dog do it more on purpose to send a message to me. So I do some quick stretches before I go back into my sprints and as I'm reaching the bottom of the hill, I get stopped by a cop asking me 50 questions. Turns out the douche called the cops on me. Not only does he let his dog **** on my property, he calls the cops on me in my own neighborhood. I'm planning my next move now....I think I'm going to leave a flaming bag of his dog's poop on his doorstep and see how he likes it. How would you guys handle this?
  10. So I was 0/8 today around Arlington County....what I did find out though was that one of the CVS pharmacists told me they had a call list from the county for people in case someone didn't show up. They typically only have 2-3 extra doses a day, and lately it has been people canceling appointments because they don't want the J&J vaccine, they want the Moderna I tried Giant and Safeway too since they had the Pfizer vaccine....no dice there either, they told me they were strictly vaccinating people 65+
  11. that horrible contract they gave Zeke is already looking foolish....can't wait for this Dak deal to backfire too
  12. Well ****. My ass is going to go do that tomorrow
  13. I get that black folks are suspicious of vaccines due to history....but when you see a **** ton of white folks fighting over getting a vaccine like the latest PS5/Xbox, doesn't that change the mindset? Just wondering - were you in the 1B category? I might try that with some of my family if that was the case since they're still only offering 65+ appointments in VA at pharmacies
  14. I feel like baseball makes the most sense to have fans right now....it's outdoors and people can easily spread out
  15. What coaches are available to replace him with? I'm fine moving on, I just don't want to downgrade and get another Edsall-type hire
  16. I have no idea why he doesn't just sell....$3B is quite a nice profit to make. That's multigenerational wealth without dealing with this headache and being hated by an entire city
  17. I just downloaded the untappd app for that purpose....helps me find good beers nearby at restaurants or at Total Wine, plus the ratings
  18. I saw him drive to the basket today, but he threw the ball away on a pass
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