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Everything posted by Barry.Randolphe

  1. it's not about the money we make off stonks, it's about the r-worded friendships we make along the way
  2. that's exactly what the hedgefunds, Big Movie, and Big Retail Game Store want you to think 🤔
  3. Good luck boys - tshile is buying us all some guacamole with his profits today on Nokia
  4. Yep, I second Vanguard. I also use Fidelity and they're good too
  5. It means we got ****ed and our wife's bf stole our brand new Miata
  6. I haven't bought any GME stock yet, but I'm debating whether or not to just buy 2 at the price right now and hope it doubles tomorrow Operation: Can't Possibly Fail a 2nd Time
  7. GME with a nice rally after the crater....and then halted again. This **** is ridiculous
  8. your wife's bf is going to be so proud of you when you show up with that new Miata from all your gainz
  9. i bought a few more AMC shares @ $9 to make my cost basis a bit better
  10. they unhalted and then the stocks were on a run...halted again. ****ing market manipulation. this all is stanky
  11. wtffff.....AMC and GME stock halted. Makes me think a **** ton of early trades happened
  12. I get the feeling things are going to explode again tomorrow after reading reddit....so many people are pumping GME and AMC, the opening should be interesting
  13. Reddit is down and the after hours is dropping like hell....makes me wonder if people are spooked
  14. From what I've seen, this stock is so heavily shorted that it should keep going up and up and until this whale ends it For me, I'd probably hold until Friday and see how much higher you can get it. $14M is a nice bit of generational wealth
  15. That is exactly what you'll hear republicans crying about and why they can't vote for 1400 stimmys
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