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Everything posted by Csup

  1. You know, there should be a Super Bowl- type parade WHEN AND ONLY IF Synder sells controlling interest of the team. Right through Georgetown. And somebody on here should plan it. I would, but I'm too lazy.
  2. You crack me up, Kdawg. I will end the post here. I have nothing ieft to add.
  3. Valid point but I disagree about Spurrier. His coaching was geared strictly for college ball.
  4. I can live with one more 8-9 season as long as we have a new owner and a new GM.
  5. It would he kind of funny if Howell starts against Dallas and throws for 300+ yards and 3 TD's. Fans here will go nuts wondering what would have been if he started earlier this year.
  6. I think most people won't return to FedEx Field until Synder is gone. And I don't blame them one bit. But I think fans will embrace a new owner and can win back fans rather quickly - if things are done the right way.
  7. That's why I used the term "relative success". He was definitely the most successful coach of the Synder era. But I was more excited about his hire than any other of Synder's hires. My expectation was higher because of his prestigious past. To me, getting the last wildcard spot in the playoffs 2 years and only winning one was very disappointing. Maybe it was unfair. And in retrospect what Gibbs did under Synder and Cerrato maybe was amazing. But I expected more. After Gibbs I knew Synder was the problem and Vince Lombardi himself couldn't help this franchise.
  8. If Synder wasn't such an Ahole and didn't fire Marty after 8-8 I'm convinced the trajectory of this team would have been different. But to answer your question- Gibbs. I was most excited about his rehire and most disappointed with the results - despite his "relative" success.
  9. The only thing I know for certain is if Synder still owns this team I will be rooting for 0-17.
  10. Yeah. I'm so happy now.
  11. There are plenty of other reasons to get rid of Rivera. Including he stinks as a head coach.
  12. Too bad the Vikings aren't playing Indianapolis. The Viking are a fraud.
  13. True dat. Honestly I was not in favor of getting Wentz but never in a million years did I think he would be THIS bad.
  14. Let's go Pack!!! I actually was routinely rooting for Washington opponents earlier this season. When word leaked Synder was looking at selling the tesm, I was rejuvenated and started rooting for Washington again . if Synder does sell the tesm I will consider this season a success.
  15. Those last 2 games last year were no fluke for Wentz. His career is over.
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