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Everything posted by Csup

  1. I agree, Kleese, with one caveat. I hate teams that get into the playoffs with a losing record. I hated being division winners at 7-9 and I cringe when I see what's happening in the NFC south. Doesn't happen often, but yikes!
  2. The only hope for Washington is that the defense wreaks havoc and flusters Mr Irrelevant. I'm talking 6 sacks snd multiple turnovers. And Heineke plays lights out because we are not running on the 49ers. Don't see it happening. SF 28 Washington 9
  3. I go onto other forums to talk football or just see what other fans are talking about. And you are absolutely right - every fan base thinks the refs are out to get them. I guess it's a fan thing. But bad calls more or less evens out in the end.
  4. I disagree. That non/call came at a crucial time in the Eagles game. Plus, even if Washington gets the PI call, they have to still score the TD, get the 2 point conversion, and then try to win in OT. But we'll agree to disagree.
  5. People forget that Washington beat Philly because of a missed face mask call. Bad officiating is part of the game.
  6. I never got a good idea of the mix of fans. Sounded like 70% Washington but you could definitely hear chants of defense when Washington had the ball.
  7. Detroit has an easy schedule to close out the year too. I think the Seahawks are done.
  8. I whole heartedly agree. If we are rid of Synder and Rivera going into next year - I have hope for the future. I'm tired of rooting to get the last wild card spot in the playoffs. F you.
  9. When you guys whine about every single call it tskes away from the calls (or No calls) that really are egregious. Washington shot them selves in the foot too often to have won. Daniel Friggin Jones owns this team. Washington choked.
  10. Uh - I agree that was PI. But Washington had more than enough chances to win and they didn't. They let Daniel Jones beat them - again. They CHOKED.
  11. Now THAT was pass interference. That was a bad No call. . But Washington is not a very good team - they would have been boat raced once they got into the playoffs.
  12. Season over. And stop crying about the refs. Washington CHOKED.
  13. And when we get a new owner - I'm finished with Rivera. Please show him and Turner the door.
  14. Keep your eye on the prize. If Synder is not owner when next season kicks off I'll be happy. Washington wasn't going to do anything once they reached the playoffs anywsy.
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