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Everything posted by Mrshadow008

  1. Hahahaha espn was in talking about the Tyron smith injury 🤣 It was very cool we kinda got the high life treatment we were in owners club west but it was awesome with the food and the beer and I got to show off some of my canvas stuff to people
  2. So did the fantasy draft at the stadium tonight after delivering some more of the canvas stuff. That was a really cool event and I thought really well done. We had an awesome time. Thought Dexter Manley was gonna crush my hand man is huge
  3. So don’t get me wrong I could totally be wrong on this but I don’t think they are even serving drafts right now because there’s no beer sponsorship. Only cans I believe and it’s king cans at 24oz. $16 or $18. 24 oz=2 small beers at 12 oz. So it averages out to 8 and 9 a beer. still expensive yes but it’s not egregious compared to other stadiums/convert venues etc
  4. Jason did say they were up big in sponsorship $. That’s part of it I’m sure. I’d expect that number to go up even more once sports book is up and running
  5. im going to guess you're talking about the play at the bottom? Id guess during regular season youd get play action off this. Samuel probably house calls this and perfect example of stuff you probably wouldnt call during preseason. Somewhere Dan snyder is holding on to some vanilla ice cream lol
  6. they are going to fire him one season after giving him a brand new 3 year contract to keep him here through 2024?
  7. Yeah and you had him tweeting out US vs EVERYBODY a couple hours after the Wright comments the other day. Doesnt sound like someone overly worried about getting cut
  8. Agree on Reaves. Kinda feel like we've heard his name too much to be cut
  9. I hope my dream of getting Corn Elder covering Randall CObb during the GB game aren't dashed
  10. It’s a small and imperfect example but nicki Jhabvala knew exactly what she was doing when she tweeted that photo out. And it’s one of at least 20 examples I can tell you off the top of my head. The media is in no way the main reason for the down fall of this franchise or fan base and there are absolutely times when the franchise deserves negative attention. That’s beyond debatable. But that doesn’t mean the fact that dc sports media has jumped the shark can’t also be true
  11. I agree with you and what @Skinsinparadise said above. I think having brob on the team who hopefully be more of the bell cow type back could be a blessing in disguise for us and Gibson. And as sip pointed out he dropped a bunch of fat and 8 lbs as well I think I saw going into otas he had dropped to about 212. If he can solve the fumbling between him, brob, mckissic with a healthy (hopefully) Samuel sprinkled in gives us a ton of versatility in the backfield
  12. I don’t disagree and it’s why I’m saying I wouldn’t trade him by any stretch but I just don’t think he’s going to be best used as an every down back. I think he can still be highly productive if not more so as the change of pace guy even if the numbers don’t necessarily show that from an eye test point of view
  13. To your top point yes. However he was also one of the worst in the league based on ypc vs expected ypc based on blocking. Meaning he’s missing holes because of his lack of vision. There was even a play Saturday where he had a giant hole inside and if he sees it and hits it he’s likely got a 60-70 yard house call. He’s getting yards based almost solely on his pure athletic ability. Now having said that I in no way think Gibson should be traded. But I don’t think he should be every down back either he would absolutely thrive as a change of pace back. After getting beat up by Robinson trying to tackle the 212 lb guy with sub 4.4 speed would not be fun for a defense
  14. They moved it. I’ve been at the stadium I think four times since mid July and where the team store was just has signs on the doors saying under construction but every time I’ve been nothings been done other than everything’s been ripped out. That’s part of why I’m guessing that’s where it goes probably waiting for approval before doing actual work
  15. It seems atleast right now that you can bet on game days. That should in theory of course bring in at least some attendance I would imagine. Especially considering the lack of options for sports betting right now in Maryland. I’m going to venture a guess it’s going where there the team store was
  16. Trust me I agree with you. And it’s part of the reason I defend Jason to an extent. 1) the media does try to manufacture some of this stuff. Exhibit a is the first day of training camp with attendance only to find out it was a suite holders day. I know fans and media alike have clowned the lottery system but from what I’ve seen from fans that went on lottery days they LOVED having the smaller crowds because it was a much more intimate experience. I think people forget things like that create a demand which is a good thing 2) when there are positive things that are going on or happening within the organization it’s goes almost completely ignored. So if you’re listening to most of the DC media yes a lot of things seem like they are same ole organization because you’re only getting one side of the equation. Now don’t get me wrong there have been obvious mistakes made with the rebrand etc. And they should absolutely get called out on those mistakes but there’s a difference between being fair and balanced and looking for things to clown them on. Btw if you’re asking me to choose between the guy backing a player from his team knowing the backlash he’s gonna get and the guy crapping on his players publicly because he has to be right I’ll take the first guy
  17. Looking at a bunch of different articles on the subject now. so far that seems to be the only mention of that rule. trying to find something more definitive https://sportsnaut.com/washington-commanders-sportsbook-at-fedex-field/ this suggests it will be open on game day
  18. Lol look I agree the fight song is awful. Just pointing out something I thought was interesting.
  19. messaged my rep outta curiosity on price. im sure out of my price range but includes food and beverage and 30 tickets so likely not as expensive as it will look at first blush
  20. posted this about the seat geek deal in the front office thread. The sports book wont help attendance directly but more so indirectly. they have made an effort recently to make improvements to stadium even if some our cosmetic. revenue from a sports book would go a long way to continued improvements, player contracts etc, would would likely help with attendance
  21. You're assuming that's all Jason. Apparently the family of the guy that wrote the original fight song wrote the new one I think. As far as sponsorship deal with seat geek in and of itself you're correct its not going to help bring in crowds by itself. But they have been trying to put money into stadium over past couple years. more sponsorship $= more money for upgrades, players contracts etc. those types of things will help to an extent
  22. https://frontofficesports.com/commanders-land-largest-annual-sponsorship-deal-in-franchise-history/
  23. Is the overall point really going that far over your head? Data shows there are 2.7 million fans between VA and MD alone. Meaning this board or social media for that matter makes up a very small portion of that fan base same goes for STHs for sure. I’m not arguing the amount of fans that HAVE social media. I’m talking fans that post here or on social media about this team every single day. Again sales are ALREADY up a decent % without having played a down yet this season so saying you could see a resurgence if the team has a good season is not the asinine statement you make it out to be. Especially considering most fans outside of this board mostly only care about wins and losses.
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