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Everything posted by Simmsy

  1. I don't know, they might think of Elon as a Trump like figure, where he IS the company. I'm shocked the government still deals with this fool, don't be shocked to see him out at SpaceX as well.
  2. If that is what the Dems decide to do as a party, so be it. However, I don't want some rogue congressman mucking this up for whatever reason. Besides, why give Johnson what he wants without any reassurances? Sounds like a mistake to me.
  3. Tell him to shut the **** up and vote with the party, if not, he can fund his own election, with his own money and own polling/voter information. Now is not the time for the Dems to run a loose ship.
  4. Nope, those kids are Aryan Brotherhood looking white, can't pin that one on me.
  5. One of the boys came home with different pants on, I asked him about it and he said the ones I gave him were too small. I don't know where the other pants came from, I didn't ask.
  6. Aww ****! Cancel my Saturday night plans, we're getting high and watch CSPAN all night!
  7. Honestly, I don't think this is the trial that Dumbo should want to delay. However, if he want to take the stand closer to the election and admit banging a porn star or commit perjury...I welcome it. Also, I said this would stress him out and you would see it take its toll. I most meant on his mind, but physically, he looks like **** too. He looks like I did after I helped watched the kids I live with when their mom went out of town for ten days (TEN DAYS!!!).
  8. Their power play is still ****, I see...
  9. I'm showing my hockey accumen, is Boston still in this thing?
  10. Team looks different tonight, not too late to get hot to go into the playoffs?
  11. Careful, no doubt Donnie would demote Captain Wiggles down to "Lieutenant Jiggles" day one after taking over.
  12. We need a national ranking on how much of a Trumper someone is currently. Like a one to ten kind of scale: 10. You donated a kidney to Trump's legal fund. 5. You crap your pants so you can smell like Trump. 1. You voted for Trump once, but we don't talk about it like the time Grandma told the family about her experimenting with her "special friend". We can work together to fill in the blanks, I'm also open for other suggestions. Half of these are going to be about ****ting your pants...
  13. The trick is (and you can't do this nowadays), make up your own book and do a report on that. He should've just made up a civil war battle...oh...he already did that?
  14. House sitting all alone, guess I'll watch some DC Defenders football.
  15. I don't want to veer too far off the current topic, but I've heard good things about the new Fallout series, so I plant to eat a brownie and check that out tonight. Also, my man Walton Goggins is in it and I've heard he's a scene stealer in this one (what else is new?). I'm kinda excited, but I don't want to get my hopes up.
  16. I'm not going to sit here and act like I'm a serious hockey fan, but every time I've seen the Caps play this year, they were getting their asses kicked.
  17. 1. If someone were to self aware and knowledgeable enough to commit to the Democratic party, THEN be knowledgeable enough to realize you don't like Biden's stance on things...why would you choose RFK Jr.? It doesn't make sense, I don't see how he hurts Biden during the general election. If anything, I could see him stealing Trump's share of the Haley voter instead of doing any damage to Biden. 2. Not on the ballot in Alabama? Not that he would win it, but the Biden machine needs to be on top of their game here. The GOP will make you pay for a slip up like this, they don't play by the same set of rules.
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