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Everything posted by BatteredFanSyndrome

  1. Diggs has been molesting Terry all day, zero flags.
  2. Hold and a face mask on Sweat, no call right in front of the ref.
  3. Never compliment any player, coach or phase of this team. It’s a queue for them to immediately be trash.
  4. The calls on Washington are generally legit. The lack of calls for holding on Dallas, you have a point.
  5. William Jackson the terd, that was money well spent. Phew.
  6. I promise my reaction isn’t emotional. I’m checked out. I just think this is about more than getting off to a slow start. The talent deficit in conjunction with criminal coaching decisions is too much to ignore.
  7. Isn’t that kind of like saying that eating poop is better than guzzling diarrhea?
  8. SIP, I’m normally with you on this. But would Edwards honestly be much worse than this? We are in year 3 of Ron building this team and we just look like complete and utter garbage week after week. Not that I think anyone Dan hires will work out, but aI can’t defend this tripe anymore.
  9. I’m actually all for Heineke at this point. “Play like dung for Young” After all this torture, we deserve a new owner and the first pick in the draft.
  10. Do the refs not know this team will lose on their own merits?
  11. I’m at the point where even if they pull this out, IDGAF. That sequence to end the half was criminal. Whoever was the genius to bring on Trai Turner, should be in jail. I’m about as far from a fire the coaches guy there is on this forum, but there’s simply no defending this. New lows.
  12. It’s wild how the inability to run a hurry up follows regime to regime. Is there any team worse at this? I watch a lot of NFL football, good teams and bad teams, never see anything this bad. Almost like they have absolutely no idea how to do it.
  13. Dan gotta be the worst dressed billionaire, and his wife has a “fashion background”.
  14. Remember the first quarter of the season? WTF happened?
  15. Now, feel free to poop on Wentz for that. Egregious.
  16. This is nothing like RG3/Kirk. I think you guys like to blame the QB because that’s an easier fix than basically 4/5 of the Oline. It’s so obvious to me that this is just terrible Oline play.
  17. Agreed 💯. Its tough to evaluate the QB or anyone else on the offense really.
  18. Trai Turner is the most worthless lardass we’ve had in a decade+.
  19. Just picked up a new 75 inch LG/4K/120hz at Costco this afternoon and set it up for a better view of our Oline picking Carson up off the AstroTurf. Can you tell I’m excited?
  20. Guy got sacked nine times, and I’ve heard about this play more than any of the other 8 sacks and numerous hurries. The line play was god awful. Similar to the first half against the Lions. Wentz hitting the the 3rd step of a 3 step drop and getting waxed. I don’t know how anyone can watch that without bias and walk away worried about Wentz rather than the five dudes in front of him. None of that is to say Wentz had no blame at all. I just don’t see any QB thriving when their OL is giving up immediate pressure from multiple spots. I would actually prefer to be able to lay the blame primarily at the feet of Wentz. It would be easier to believe in Wentz simply having a bad game he can shake off, than it is for me to believe our OL isn’t going to be a huge problem for 17 weeks.
  21. Peyton is one of the most cerebral QB’s to ever play. He’s also been successful off the field. I’ll take my chances with that all day every day.
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