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Everything posted by Dissident2

  1. Nah, I think we're only one. And that's for Larry (or someone else) to admit it came from Dan, as I also believe Dan would've told Larry who in turn would've told the underlings. There's absolutely no way, imo, Larry would've ordered people right at the Park to make a highly produced video of this stuff MULTIPLE YEARS in a row and then LIE to them by saying "Dan ordered it" when Dan didn't order it, lol. I mean, sorry, but that is a laughable theory considering all we know (set to Dan's favorite music, burned to multiple DVDs, different people each year making these, etc., etc.). Larry definitely gave the order, I'm sure, but how is he going to risk EVERYTHING he had at that point (voice of the team, huge salary, high-up position) multiple years in a row just for some soft porn videos of cheerleaders? I've heard others say this, and it makes zero sense. Besides, if he wanted that footage so bad, he probably could've just grabbed it himself or had one of the young editors put it on a drive for him. He wouldn't ask them to spend hours in their offices making some highly produced piece set to the music of Dan's favorite bands. I agree, we need someone to finally and personally connect Dan to this, but the circumstantial evidence here is HUGE. Ordering this video to be made in exactly the way it was apparently made is DEFINITELY something DAN WOULD DO.
  2. Interesting! Anheuser Busch cuts ties with the team! https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2022/03/18/anheuser-busch-washington-commanders/
  3. Lol, love how Rivera asks, "You and the wife get the chance to talk about all this?" while Wentz is coming in the door. Wentz should've said: "No, actually, she has no idea yet. I figure she'll realize it when we trot out those craptastic uniforms in Week 1."
  4. Sheehan actually thinks very objectively. By his own admission, he's much less of a fan these days than he's ever been. And he does not advocate for TH. He says Wentz is a "definite" upgrade. His ceiling for Heinicke has always been "a very good backup in the league." Loverro in that quote above was simply saying why bother with Wentz at this point when he's not the answer, even if he is an upgrade. Why not keep the money and picks and continue to build in other areas and take a chance in the draft.
  5. I agree he's a good dude and is miles away from Gruden in terms of character, personality, toughness, and leadership. All that said, 3 winning seasons out of 11. That's not good, and that's a large body of work for a head coach. There is no reason to believe he's doing anything transformative here. He'll keep us from being a laughing stock (on the field), but that's about the best anyone can hope for.
  6. In fairness, a day without a new scandal or epic botching is a "great day" for this franchise, so ... not saying a lot.
  7. Carson the Friendly Ghost? I doubt he'll be haunting anyone. Only our dreams. We'll see I guess. Same old, same old for this garbage scowl.
  8. The only thing I agree with in that pathetic "hot take" was that I also agree he should start "fresh" somewhere "further south." Like, you know ... WAYYYY further south.
  9. I'm not promising anything or making any "look-at-me" proclamations, but I'm pretty much at the "either he goes or I do" place with my fandom. The whole name change has actually helped make it easier in that regard. I'm still holding out hope that something good happens, but I can at least fully control my rooting interests and who I support. I just can't separate him from the team anymore like I used to be able to do. I do think more is happening behind the scenes, though, I really do. Don't give up hope.
  10. I agree with a lot of that, and questioning the ORIGINAL motive in taking the tapes is certainly not unfair. But I just didn't agree with it seeming "creepy as hell" considering the full context, which may have been "overexplained," but made sense to me. And you're right, he probably knew he HAD to overexplain, because that's the first thing a lot of people will say. "Oh, you just wanted to look at them yourself like every other disgusting man." I imagine that's probably why he remained anonymous up until now. What got me was a pretty heartfelt description of why he thought they were "gross," with a topless woman struggling to keep props over her breasts, etc., all set to music. He said she seemed uncomfortable. That sounded gross to me, too, as a man. Does just the phrase "naked cheerleaders" immediately conjure up some sort of visceral reaction as a heterosexual man? Sure. But then add to that " ... who are being exploited on camera against their knowledge and will" and that reaction immediately disappears, as I hope it would with anyone. I'm assuming that was the case here. Truth is, if this case is going to go further, we HAVE to get other MEN who know things to come out and talk. And if someone does that and then sees that people just start calling them perverts themselves, that's going to prevent that from happening. I'm not just saying you, because I've seen other comments like this on Twitter. I've also seen comments from cheerleaders and women directly involved, like Megan Imbert, who very much support this guy and are praising his actions, so, until proven otherwise, I'm going to go with that and commend him for doing what he did.
  11. I mean, anything's possible, but it sounded totally credible to me, especially when he explained why he didn't share them for so long (not wanting to implicate co-workers, needing the job, not thinking anyone would do anything). I think to focus on that at this point is meaningless and is a good example of why people don't ever bother coming forward with things, because people immediately question their motives. He certainly didn't have to put his name to this at all at this point. Apparently never leaked the videos. Could've probably sold them if he wanted to but didn't. That says something. It just strikes me as a double standard. "Believe the woman" immediately with no question, but assume this guy is a perv. Maybe he shouldn't have waited so long, but he did the right thing when all is said and done, and as you say, the main issue should be Snyder, the guy who ORDERED these. This guy benefits in no way for saying these things publicly as far as I can see.
  12. So now we've got two former employees on record saying that these videos were ordered "by the owner." Wonder if this will have any bearing/effect on anything. Funny that they actually ask at the end of this if the guy was sure that "the owner" meant Dan, as if it could've been a reference to a minority owner like Fred Drasner, lol. Come on, man. I honestly can't believe this guy still owns an NFL team.
  13. You can find a lot of their names at this link. https://oversight.house.gov/legislation/hearings/examining-the-washington-football-team-s-toxic-workplace-culture I hope they're doing more. I've heard some things that make me think more is happening behind the scenes and just because it's not in the news at this moment doesn't mean nothing's going on. Hopefully that's correct. There are some ex employees who aren't allowed to talk to media because of NDAs, but CAN talk to the government, so that could be part of what's going on.
  14. Must listen. https://www.audacy.com/theteam980/podcasts/russell-and-medhurst-49017/hour-3-tom-kercheval-who-helped-turn-over-the-lewd-cheerleader-videos-joins-the-show-1277684330
  15. That last part of the video documentary above is just stunning. Starting at 44:52. If that doesn't get you choked up watching him walk off into the locker room with his cane while hearing the words of Richie Petitbon talk about how big and great he was when he first saw him, I don't know what well. Rest easy, Charley. Always love you, man.
  16. Oh, man. Horrible news. I loved that guy. This is an incredible documentary made about him a few years ago by the team.
  17. The level of utter fail in those two sentences combined would've gotten this dude fired in ANY well-run organization. The amount of money this imbecile gets paid to FAIL at this level is just mind-blowing. It's just laughable how bad he is at this. I mean, just read those two sentences again and just let the incompetence sink in.
  18. I don't see that happening at all. I think there's still a lot more to come from congress and the people/women/lawyers working with them. I'd say that within two weeks we start hearing more about what's coming, and I'm confident that subpoenas will be issued in the days ahead. No way it "goes away" in that time frame.
  19. Well, that's the whole accusation, that Snyder ordered it. You have two former employees on record now saying it was ordered by Snyder. (Someone new came forward on that recent HBO podcast.) One was told that by Larry in 2008, the other was told that by an editor in 2010 when he walked into an editing booth and saw topless women on the screen. Videos supposedly tracked to Snyder's favorite bands, U2 and the Stones. There have to be more of these. I bet they were made every single year. To me, that is what should be the main focus of any investigation at this point, aside from any new sexual harassment claims that DIRECTLY implicate Snyder. No amount of "toxic workplace" stories are going to cut it at this point. If the video thing can be directly linked to Dan, he is DONE. Period. I'm sure he probably paid Larry millions to keep his trap shut, but there have to be others there who know. They're in a bad spot, though, because if they come forward and were actually involved in making the videos, their careers are probably done, too. Again, sounds like they HAD the videos and could've taken this to trial, but the cheerleaders decided to settle. So far, that's been the best chance we had to really make something happen. Hoping there's more to come with this story, because I personally think that those two videos are just the tip of the iceberg.
  20. Once I realized Myers would NEVER die, I stopped watching those stupid movies. If I ever get to that point with Snyder, I think I'll finally be at the point where I won't be able to separate him from the team anymore. I'm not there yet, though, but it's close. I see that big W and I just see his fat stupid face. But we live in hope. And this is a marathon I'm willing to see through to the end if able. Whatever the percentages are, I think we can at least all agree that we're closer today than we've EVER been of Snyder being forced out. That's at least something to build on.
  21. That's probably pretty accurate, but I think more is going to come out. I think there are more Tiffani Johnstons out there and also more Brad Bakers. I've said all along, if that cheerleader video can be directly tied to Dan, that could definitely be the thing that does it, especially if he made those things every year. Again, it just is so unfortunate that the cheerleaders involved settled that case out of court and then signed NDAs that they could never bring it up again. That is huge, because if that had gone to court, I think things would've potentially exploded. I know that's easy for me to say, but still ... it's a huge disappointment in terms of really pinning something on Dan. I don't think it's over yet though. We'll see. For me, though, it may well be over one way or another. If he goes, I fully invest in the team again. If he doesn't, I don't. At least I have control over the latter.
  22. I didn't read the full Cowboys story, but enough to get that it was involving a single moment with one guy who tried to take video/photos on his cell phone when he happened to stumble into a room full of cheerleaders changing clothes. Is there more to it than that? If not, this to me is WORLDS apart from our owner asking his production crew to make outtake videos of his cheerleaders topless on multiple occasions, burn the videos to DVDs and distribute them on said DVDs labeled "For Executive Meeting." I have to imagine this happened more than the two times represented by the 2008 and 2010 videos. This was long-term, systemic abuse that went on for years (if true of course, which I believe it is) vs. one pervy peeping Tom moment from an executive. I don't think the two are even close in level of wrongdoing from an ownership perspective. At least not at this point. EDIT: Also saw that it involved him allegedly trying to take upskirt photos of Jerry Jones' daughter, something that Jones apparently doesn't think happened, which is saying a lot, because if he'd allow THAT to happen to his own kid and protect the guy who did it, that's some serious level of scumbaggery that I personally don't think even Jerruh is capable of. Although I could be wrong.
  23. I think this line of reasoning, which has been bandied about often, is so overblown. I don't believe at all Snyder "has the goods" on the NFL and could "go scorched earth" on them if he's forced out. His track record doesn't even remotely speak to a guy who's that smart, and I'm sure he's viewed by the other owners as the idiot of the "family." I mean, this is a guy who responds to sexual harrassment accusations by saying "how long ago" the events took place and that the women in question seemed happy when they resigned. I don't think anyone's scared of him beyond what he's doing to the league AS THE CURRENT OWNER. Besides, he's so universally despised that no one will take anything he has to say seriously anyway if he's dumped. It would be a huge relief to the league, and it sounds like from above his legal options would be very limited anyway. Plus, he'd be getting billions. So there's that.
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