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Everything posted by max21

  1. He was on a tear that playoff run but to say he is a distant memory is a stretch. He’s still an elite center
  2. Of course it never occurs in August. I don’t understand what point you’re trying to make, playoff hockey is in warm weather already. I guess that would be cool but I don’t see how Bettman makes that work.
  3. I tried to not like Drake for a year or so then just accepted it
  4. Not really, he had 48 goals this year and last year he had 51 and 49 the year prior. I think their was like 11 games left, we can assume he missed out on maybe like 6 goals. Not like he missed a whole season to a lockout or half a season to injury. You can do that already April-June no?
  5. What sort of surprised me is I thought Man of Steel was pretty decent and maybe DCEU was going to deliver some quality movies. They’re robbing us fans smh
  6. It’s a shame, those movies could have been sweet. That and Justice league were laughably terrible.
  7. Foreal with all the memes I had to watch it. I was entertained but also thought it was a bit overrated
  8. Just watched “Predestination” with Ethan Hawke. He was great in this but this one has me scratching my head a bit, not really sure if their was some kind of message or metaphor in that movie or what. Really have no idea wtf that was about
  9. Ozark is just awesome, it’s quickly gaining on peaky blinders as my favorite show on netflix.
  10. Ozark is awesome yet again, such great acting. Bateman is a star
  11. Spenser confidential was alright, didn’t really think much of it. I was entertained and watched it all but it was just another marky Mark, good cop bad cop, crime Boston movie.
  12. Dude foreal. Weirdest movie EVER. I wanted to slap myself after I watched that
  13. I’m hype for this new Ozark season. Also I thought the ending of the Outsider on HBO kinda sucked, the start of the show was so good also smh
  14. Yeah I’m working in New York right now and my employer hasn’t even mentioned leaving the job to come home. Everyone is out and about like nothings going on.
  15. As a healthy 27 year old I’m still not sure what to make of this, I worry about my mom and grandma mainly. I just drove to Staten Island today for work and sort of surprised this job is still happening but I just do what my employer says. Hard to focus on work with all this going on. My kitchen remodel was supposed to start tomorrow but I told the dude to push it back a week since everything is so uncertain, don’t want to get halfway through and be in a mandatory shutdown with out a kitchen. That would suck. Since I work for the military I’m just waiting for them to say essential personal only, I’m not sure if it will actually happen or not. Stay safe people
  16. Unfortunately if theirs a tie for the Rocket the player with the least amount of ENGs wins it’s so it would go to Pasta
  17. Pretty embarrassing considering Buffalo is on a 6 game skid not even close to sniffing the playoffs
  18. Jarry was, he looked worse than Murray.
  19. Ben afflecks stint as Batman was just weird. I thought he had potential to be a great Batman.
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