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Malapropismic Depository

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Everything posted by Malapropismic Depository

  1. One week, it's the Longest Drive. This week it was the Longest Play. What will next week be, the longest airborne pass, a 60 yard boom, to see that arm strength he's been purposely hiding all this time, for just the right time ?
  2. We gonna get a lot of Prime Time love for one of our players, Jon Allen, the Doominator
  3. Usually when a QB has too weak of an arm, it results in symptoms like, him throwing INT's. Or a poor completion percentage. Or a lot of checkdowns. But those are not a problem for him. He throws darts in tight places. Can throw some decent long balls. He has a good completion pctg, and doesn't throw a lot of picks. So his "weak arm" seems to be very overstated.
  4. In a matter of months, he's gone from absolutely nothing, to a backup NFL QB, all the way to about the 20th best QB in the entire universe. With that kind of trajectory, and continued progression and work, where in the Top 10 will he be a year or 2 from now ?
  5. When Dallas loses there's nothing to debate I guess. When we win, on the other hand...
  6. Practically everyone is, including and especially us. You can see a difference between us and Dallas, in that we win games even when we're severely banged up. While they cannot seem to.
  7. Sure seems like this place is actually in a better mood when Dallas loses, than after a Washington win.
  8. I take that back. New Orleans may need to make some Halftime adjustments, by calling Drew Brees down from the booth to the field.
  9. That's a bad thing, so it doesn't quality for the positivity of the thread 😄
  10. And guess who gave them the biggest beating of them all ?
  11. Nov. 28, 2019: Buffalo Bills 26, Dallas Cowboys 15 Nov. 26, 2020: Washington Football Team 41, Dallas Cowboys 16 Nov. 25, 2021: Las Vegas Raiders 36, Dallas Cowboys 33
  12. They have lost on Thanksgiving Day, for 3 years in a row. Literally the last 3 years, not just the last 3 Thanksgivings they've played.
  13. Win, Win, Win, Win, Win, Win, and Win. And we're in.
  14. And there's still the potential to go 6-0 in our own division this year. To be honest, the Eagles concern me more than the others. For like intangible reasons.
  15. We especially want the Bills to win tonight, for WC implications. We beat every team in the Saints' division except the Saints, so they're the only one in that division with a Tiebreaker over us.
  16. That is true. If we win out, we win the division. Although we could still win the division without winning out.
  17. This means, that if we win on Monday night, that we are a Dallas sweep, away from 1st Place !
  18. Brown had his hands in the air, innocently, while simultaneously every other part of his body was committing blatant DPI 😃
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