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Dont Taze Me Bro

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Everything posted by Dont Taze Me Bro

  1. I was thinking about that when Joe posted the clip, I remember that when it happened. Crazy.
  2. That depends, we talking some Barkley trying to pull them back from you, arms restrained and you go Dr. J all over that ass? Mabye But in a straight up fight, both men aware of whats going on, ready to engage, I don't see it happening. I'd imagine landing a punch of any significance would be hard to do, just given their size, speed, wingspan. But I'd also imagine that if they connected a blow, it would do a lot more damage than one would think.
  3. I don't think NBA players are super bad asses or anything like that. Or that Shaq could beat Lewis or Magic beat Tyson, etc. But the majority of those guys are crazy huge, especially forwards/centers. Watching on TV, some of them, while cut, look slim compared to other players, but you get them next to an average person, one even close to the same height and 99% of the time, they are bigger. I've seen those guys up close with court side seats (college basketball - when they weren't fully developed yet) and they were huge. In college at UNCC we had a 7'2" center named Alexander Kuhl, he's listed at 300lbs, but Im pretty sure that was not his college weight. Anyhow, my best friend was 6'8" and around 275lbs (all muscle), he stood next to him one day and it wasn't the just the 6 inch height advantage, it was how much physically bigger (width, girth, shoulders, arms, legs, etc) this man was compared to my friend, whom most would consider a huge man. He was like two of my friend bundled into one. It was crazy. I'm sorry, but I'm sure the average internet forum board poster wouldn't stand a chance against most professional athletes in a fight. I just don't see it happening, regardless of how mean, tough or a bad ass they are.
  4. I personally thought he had a good matchup that final trip down, he should have taken it to the rim. I'm not questioning the call, I don't really care to be honest and am not pulling for the Heat. While I think the smarter play is to tie the game with a couple of seconds left, especially in a possible playoff elimination game, Bosh has been money for them in the past and had an open look to win it in regulation.
  5. Pacers better hit both, still lots of time on the clock.
  6. First, it sounds silly saying you want to fight a professional athlete. But for ****s and giggles, lets look past that. Stephenson is 6'5" and 230 lbs, solid muscle and a professional athlete. Now, I don't know anything about you, but I'd take the Pepsi Challenge and say that you are no where near him in comparison in regards to size, speed, agility, strength, etc. And that's not saying that you, by any normal/standard means, are not a "tough guy" or can't "hold your own", etc. It's just reality. I'd put my money on Stephenson if it came to you and him exchanging blows. Just sayin.
  7. Make sure you have someone record it, post it on Youtube and then link it in the Owned Thread. I'm pretty sure it would be comical watching you fight a professional athlete and get pwned Edit: This is the Paul George show tonight.
  8. Don't really think the Pacers rocking the Heat right now has anything to do with a hidden NBA agenda........They were a better team and team to beat during the regular season, before they self-destructed. They are finally playing like the team that started the year. Anyone pulling for the Pacers could have the argument that the NBA wants the Heat to win, based off the ****ty calls in game 4 along with the lopsided # of fouls called on the Pacers (Heat had 34 FT attempts to 17 Pacers - thats twice as many). The Pacers outplayed the Heat only to have all the fouls called against them, leading to 30 Heat points off free-throws. I don't think its a conspiracy in favor of either team to be honest. Just trying to make a point. Edit: By saying they were a better team and team to beat, I meant it as they had it together during the regular season and were one of the teams to beat in the East (i.e. them and Miami).
  9. BAM! Did they resign Reggie Miller and put him in for that shot?
  10. Remember when they had that cruiserweight battle royal to face Jericho for the title. And the masked guy won, pulled it off and it was Dean Malenko. And the next Nitro, Jericho was talking to homeless people on the street, "He pulled off his mask and it was Dean Malenko!" "Can you believe that!" Some of the funniest **** right there, I wish I could find a clip of that.
  11. TNT crew without a doubt. They make it fun. And I love JVG, his ice breakers are off-topic but fun. I don't need mindless drones quoting stats all the time, every game, every sport. Its fine, and I love stats, but its nice to take a break from all that stuff and just let loose and have fun.
  12. I said that for the more comedic effect it would have if they were to pull another screw job on Orton. I was thinking back a few years when they had the Raw where all the factions/teams got back together for one night, like retro-raw, whatever it was called. And when Evolution came out minus Randy Orton and they were all making fun of him and showed the clip when they turned on him and kicked him out. I think it would be hilarious if they did that to Orton again.
  13. I like the push they are giving the Shield, cause Evolution 2.0 is definitely jobbing to them and making them even more popular. But I agree, something has to happen soon. I think Ambrose has to turn on the rest of the Shield. Everyone is just waiting/begging for Reigns to go solo and take off. Remember a while back, Ambrose was getting pissed off at the other two because he lost his solo match (I think that was the reason). And he would tag himself in to take the victory for the shield. Possible hints of a future turn on his buddies? What would be hilarious is if Ambrose turns on the Shield and joins Evolution during their match at Payback. Then Flair comes back, re-joins Evolution and they either a] turn on Ambrose like they did Orton back in the day -or- b] They turn on Orton again during the MNR right after Payback.
  14. Sting needs to retire. No more baseball bat. No more crow. Just retire.
  15. That was an good ole fashioned, behind the tool shed ass whoopin the Spurs gave OKC tonight. WOW
  16. I'm with you, I don't think it can be defended 1 on 1 (unless your Muggsy Bogues trying it against Shaq). Definitely one the most deadly shots when perfected by player, especially a forward or center.
  17. Maybe if he took advantage of the free ride to college, stayed four years and earned a degree he would have matured enough to not act like a dumbass should he be drafted by NY or any big city market team. If a player can't stay out of trouble, regardless of what city he lives/plays in, then they don't deserve to play professional sports. It's a gift and privilege not entitlement.
  18. See, that's where you are wrong, they can choose the destination they want to be employed once they are a free agent. They also can choose to apply for any other job in the world, the do not have to play in the NBA if they are against the draft and rules set in place by the league and owners. They know if they make themselves eligible for the NBA draft they most likely will go to a horrible team, possibly in a city they don't necessarily want to live in. Its the same in a lot of job markets for everyday folks like me and you. When I graduated college with a mechanical engineering degree, I hired a service to help me find a job in NC. At the time I was told that the booming areas for those jobs were in Atlanta, Houston/Dallas and Seattle. Sure, there were places that hired in every state, but the job availability was not as good and they told me it would be extremely harder to find one in NC, especially with no experience. I had a few interviews, never got a job in the field. I absolutely did not want to move to Seattle or Texas at the time, but was somewhat ok with Atlanta, which my wife didn't want to move to any of the locations. Bottom line, being an NBA player is the job, the team/city is the department. Like them, I had a choice to make. Live in a city I don't want to in order to get the engineering job and excellent salary. Or stay put knowing I probably wouldn't catch a break for a really long time if at all. We decided to stay put, wife got a job in her field, I worked in grocery retail for 4 more years (11 years total) before I got a break and on board at the company I'm at right now. If making 5 million dollars to play in a city they don't want to live in bothers them that much, then go to Europe and play ball. Don't like Europe, stay in college and get your college degree and start applying for a normal job. Go work in retail busting your ass for $10/hr while trying to find a job that pays more so you can take advantage of the degree you earned on a scholarship. I do not feel sorry for any athlete that gets drafted and paid to play professional sports in regards to which team drafted them or the city they will have to play in.
  19. But your claiming that the NBA draft is illegal, when it isn't. They have options other than to be employed by the NBA. They can stay in college and get a degree and fail to get a job in said field out of college and actually work for a living like the majority of college graduates do. Or they can make themselves eligible for the NBA draft, fully knowing they are most likely going to a ****ty team/city but will instantly make millions of dollars. There is absolutely nothing illegal about it what so ever. Zero, zilch, nada, nothing.
  20. But that is the current system in place for professional sports. It's not illegal. It's designed to make it fair for all teams to have super star talent on the roster so people buy tickets to come and watch the team or said star player/s. It's not like anyone is putting a gun to someones head and saying they have to pursue an NBA career. They can apply for work anywhere they want to, they don't have to declare themselves eligible for the NBA draft. They know what they are signing up for long before they are eligible to do so. You can't compare my job or your job to the NBA draft, that's just silly Joe.
  21. Yeah, I don't think its every year either. But statistically speaking, the worst teams should win the #1 overall pick a lot more than they have. Which is why I believe there is some interference/rigging under certain circumstances like you pointed out. I'd toss in the Hornets/Pelicans getting the #1 pick right after the NBA sold the team to the Saints owner and one year removed of blocking the Paul trade to the Lakers, but trade to the Clippers, killing star talent there.
  22. Cause it's rigged. They don't want you to see which team actually got the #1 pick or other teams helped out behind the scenes. That's why we get the order picked, non-televised and read to us after the fact. After the entire Chris Paul to LA blocked trade because the NBA owned the Hornets at the time, there is no doubt in my mind that the NBA controls what teams they want to be in position to draft the best players. They want the entire league, including smaller markets to be competitive because it's best for business.
  23. Or how about a spin-off called Khan. That would be bad ass.
  24. How is it illegal? The players don't have to sign with a team regardless if they are drafted. Kobe is a prime example, he ****ed the Hornets over and said he would not play there, then they traded picks and got Vlade.
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