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Dont Taze Me Bro

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Everything posted by Dont Taze Me Bro

  1. LeBron - Why not us? (on making history coming back down 3-1) Answer - Because as a TEAM, you simply are not good enough compared to your opponents. Bosh - We will win game 5. - Not looking like it thus far sport. All joking aside, the Heat assembled an incredible team and props to them for making four straight finals and winning two. But I think the run is over. They just don't have a deep bench and Wade, God bless the guy, looks like he needs a walker.
  2. Duncan just hit a shot, but regardless, they are only down by 3 now lol.
  3. I think SA closes it out tonight. If the ball movement is there like the past two games and they get those open shots, Heat do not have a chance in hell, unless LeBron drops 60. I hope it's a blow-out in SA's favor. I want the Spurs up by 30 at the half.
  4. I think they used him incorrectly. He doesn't have to be the best wrestler, from a tactical standpoint. He would have best been utilized as a heal, in a 2-3 man team. Keep him out of solo matches, have them come in and beat down people. Only wrestle in team matches and make him more available outside the ring as muscle for matches his other peeps supposed to be solo in. He doesn't even need to talk or cut promos. Give him a catch phrase or two, let him bust out with that while Mark Henry/Big Show did all the talking.
  5. He was. They lost to the Lakers in the 1988 finals, beat them in the 1989 finals, then beat Portland in the 1990 finals. Isiah Thomas was drafted in 1981.
  6. They had a perfect opportunity to have Mark Henry and Brodus be an ultimate heal machine. They could have started targeting weaker people, then fixated on one superstar. Then have Big Show team up with the victim, since he would be about the only one that could stand toe to toe with them. Then have had Big Show heel turn and knock his partner out and join Brodus and TWSM. Imagine the chaos with Show, Henry and Clay......... Oh well, too bad that can't happen now.
  7. Im not saying I bail on my team, but I understand why people do. I mean if your team is down 20 with 2 mins left in the game, no chance of comeback, star players on the bench. Why in the world would you expect everyone to stay? Once the ****ing buzzer hits, players run into the locker room. Do you really think with their multi-million dollar contracts that they give a rats ass about fans leaving early? If I was a player and just got my ass whipped, I'd want out of there as fast as possible too, fans leaving early would be the least of my concern.
  8. I stay until the end, unless I'm not driving and have no choice lol. I dunno, people pay their money on the tickets, if the games done, its done though. I can see them wanting to get home late at night and beat traffic. Not saying they don't have fairweather fans, but considering the fan does not play the sport, not sure how them paying for a ticket, making a decision to leave early because the product on the court wasn't good, makes a fan unsportsmanlike, disgraceful, lacking in dignity or not appreciate their team.
  9. You have never left the game early when your team was getting the **** kicked out of it? Or the game you watched was a one-sided blow-out in the last quarter? I can understand why people leave. I mean, when I go to Panthers games, those mofos start leaving at the beginning of the 3rd qtr if they are down 2 scores lol. But leaving in the 4th when your team has no shot, who cares.
  10. Because the Spurs are selfless, they play for each other, they put their egos aside. They are the better TEAM. And they have a deeper bench. Miami has all the talent in the world, and is a great team. But, honestly, if they were playing a healthy Spurs team last year I think the Spurs would have taken it.
  11. They are getting embarrassed. And to quote the great police chief O'Hagen from the movie Super Troopers: "No, no. More like back in '77 when you got caught ****ing your cousin, embarrassed."
  12. Exactly. And yes, another Jordan comparison. Game 5 against the Jazz, Jordan had a stomach virus/food poisoning (called it the flu game), he goes off for 38 points/7 rebounds/5 assists/3 steals and 1 blocked shot. Not to mention, he hit a game changing 3 pointer to put them up by 3 points with like 20-30 seconds left in the game. I remember them interviewing Scottie Pippen and he said he had never seen MJ that sick in his life and talked about how he spent the entire half-time puking his guts out. LeBron is great, but he's not the GOAT and he will never be. I don't care if he gets 6 or 7 or 8 titles. He had to talk to his buddies about teaming up and playing on the same team to get his rings. And while most will say who cares, and really I don't care that much and often wondered why more players didn't do that, he still "had to do it". And they are the best team (talent wise) assembled in a long time, no doubt. But the Spurs are the better TEAM. They play for each other and are self-less.
  13. Old man still can pull the trigger, no doubt.
  14. It's like a clinic. The unselfishness and ball movement is poetry in motion. Gregg Popovich must have forced them to watch Hooisers and obey the coaches rule, minimum of four passes before you take the shot.
  15. "Why did you name it butthole?" "Because of this." LOL I don't care if it's God awful or not, I'll end up buying it just because. I remember me and the wife going to see Dumb and Dumber back when we were dating, we saw it 7-8 times in the theater. Small town and the tickets were $1.50 each, can't beat that. Now it's like $1.50 for a straw when you go to the movies. I actually own it lol. I love how they rag on Danny McBride.
  16. My dad introduced me to Hooligan's Scotch Ale, its from a microbrewery Catawba Brewing Co. based in Asheville/Morganton, NC. Very good, 8.0% ABV. I just checked out their website for the first time and they look like they have some tasty beers, but a lot are available in keg only, which sucks. http://www.catawbavalleybrewingcompany.com/beers
  17. Thats what I'm trying to figure out. LBK mentioned he might catch on in Japan. When I checked the WWE website, he wasn't listed in the cut list, but when I checked earlier today, JTG wasn't either, then later on, I went back and it was updated. I think R Truth is another guy that has a lot better talent and mic ability (not the best, but not the worst) that got buried for some reason. I dunno, maybe I'm wrong.
  18. R Truth was released? I didn't see his name on the list.
  19. I think the last match he was in was Sept. 2013 where he lost to Santino Marrella.........who should be given the axe. Marrella's gimick is way old and if they keep him he needs to be recreated. Edit - I just looked on WWE.com at the current roster and it didn't even have JTG listed. Man, there are a lot of bad talents on there in need of a make-over.
  20. Why not have him use "Your Welcome" with other proper manner phrases while he's beating them down. Like, he just goes nuts/psycho (but only in the ring does he talk at all while beating his target down) and says stuff like: "May you have a beat down?" "YOU MUST CERTAINLY CAN!" **mud stomps target** "Can you be excused?" "AFTER YOU!!" **starts kick rolling the beaten down opponent out of the ring** **does some other beat down move outside of the ring - steel steps, punches, etc.*** **puts his ear up near the beaten down opponent** "Whats that? Thank you." "YOUR WELCOME!!!!!" **drops mic on beaten down opponent and exits** --make it a true mockery of being a jobber with ****ty gimmick. It bucks the brass/authority, makes him a bad ass heel, gets him back in the main event (eventually). He never does any interviews/promos, when they try to catch him for one, he assaults the male interviewer and for the female, looks like he is going to snap, walks away with the psycho look. After a while of targeting random wrestlers maybe show him leave the locker room all raging, then you see a list on the floor with some names of people he has beat down crossed off, can't quite read the next name.
  21. They have to do something like that with him to get him over, otherwise, another wasted talent. I also think that they need to try some angle where a faction (3-5 wrestlers) somehow unify all the belts, are heels and piss off the entire roster, fan base. I know its been done before, but its been a long time. I'm talking all the belts. I'm talking crashing the ring when there is a threat to their titles and beating down the contender. I don't think it needs to be a new faction of NXT talent coming up, they already did that with the Shield. Just a new stable, who always seem to cheat to win. I dunno. edit - I don't mean like a take-over like NWO style, but just the best heels working together for the greater cause, with huge massive egos. The options after such faction is created are endless. Face turns within the heels because of jealousy that they are the US champ and want the World Heavyweight Championship.
  22. He's getting older man. He still has plenty of years left, but he's had some injuries. He can't play at the monster level he did years ago every night.
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