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Dont Taze Me Bro

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Everything posted by Dont Taze Me Bro

  1. I think that's a fair question to ask. So, lets say somehow, LeBron went to the Lakers in 2003. If the roster was the same, he would have replaced Medvedenko (PF) and the starting five would have been Kobe, LeBron, Payton, Shaq and George. With Malone and Fisher coming off the bench. That's Dream Team 2.0. No way they don't win the championship that year and LeBron has his first ring in his first season. 2004 - Phil didn't coach, team was blown up somewhat, you would have had Odom, Kobe, LeBron, Mihm and Atkins starting, possibly Butler off the bench. No way that team wins the finals. George was hurt that year too. 2005 - Kobe, Odom, LeBron, Smash Parker, George, Kwame Brown. Return of Phil. I don't see that team making the finals or winning the championship. 2006 - Pretty much the same lineup plus Bynum, don't see them winning. 2007 - add Fisher, Gasol, plus most of the players from the past two seasons, I think they could have possibly beaten the Celtics that year. LeBron has his 2nd ring. 2008 - Kobe, Gasol, Odom, LeBron, Fisher - LeBron gets his 3rd ring 2009 - Kobe, Gasol, Odom, LeBron, Fisher - not sure if they would have gotten World Meta Peace, - doesn't matter - LeBron has his 4th ring and first three-peat. 2010 - Same lineup as 2009 - tough one, the Mavs were on fire that year. But I think the Lakers do the unheard of, win four in a row, LeBron has his 5th ring, 4th in a row.
  2. If you haven't watched Jericho, Jeremiah, Persons Unknown, Survivors, The 4400. I recommend all of them. They all had short runs, were cancelled, but were great shows IMO.
  3. Well, if you stuck through 2 seasons and feel that way, then you definitely are not going to relate or like the show. Are you more of a cop, sci-fi, action, etc guy?
  4. I'm not a huge IPA fan, but I just cracked open a Catawba Valley Firewater IPA and its pretty good man. I'd recommend it. They only come in cans or kegs for some reason. But none the less, great taste, some bitterness in aftertaste, but nothing crazy.
  5. Just finished the first episode and its definitely a unique take on zombies. I liked it a lot so far. Starting episode 2 now.
  6. Yeah, 3 hours total for 7-8 bucks, that's cheaper than a movie ticket at some places lol. I'm getting ready to start episode one after I get my daughter fed.
  7. LeBron will go down in NBA history as one of the greatest players to ever play the game. I've always enjoyed watching him play because of my appreciation and love for the game, regardless if I like him or not. But all the talk about him being better than the GOAT is over with now imo. I don't think it should even be a discussion anymore. Top 5 all time argument, sure, all day long. GOAT, nope, that door is shut. He may just have to settle for being the runner up to MJ when its time to call it quits, which by no means is an insult to James. MJ was the best thing to happen to basketball when he hit the court. Now as an owner......time will tell for my Hornets.
  8. This reminded me of an article I read in Sports Illustrated a while back, it was titled something like "The Greatest Game Played That Nobody Saw". It was about the original Dream Team and Jordan vs. Magic, and how intense it got in that scrimmage/practice against each other. They each had their squad and went at each other, full trash talk, near fights breaking out, 200% full on intensity. Guys pissed at each other after the practice game because they wanted to win that bad, regardless of a meaningless game.
  9. any chance this is on demand? Edit: Just started downloading season 2, but for some reason, it only has the first 5 episodes, not the last one that aired on 6/8. Season 1, well, I might have to buy it on Amazon for 7 bucks, but that's ok, its three episodes and less than a movie ticket. I love Zombie ****.
  10. Right, but Jordan elevated the play of his teammates as well. There is zero doubt in my mind that in today's softer NBA, that MJ would not have led the same Cavs team to the finals. Now, the end result might have been different. The Spurs still might have won the finals and MJ wouldn't have the perfect finals record that he does now (6-0 w/6 mvps).
  11. Doesn't matter. In 86/87 Jordan averaged 35.0 pts/game and in 1993 he averaged 32.6 pts/game, both higher than LeBron with the Cavs team in 06/07. Pistons aside, the Cavs had a cake walk 1st and 2nd round that year to get to the conference championship against the Pistons. Almost exactly like the cake walk the Heat had until the finals this year. I make this argument as most people do about how LeBron would do back in the day when players got away with everything on defense.........imagine what MJ would have done in todays game, he would have been at the line probably shooting 50 FT/game.
  12. In the weak East with today's softer game.......Absolutely the GOAT could have taken that Cavs team to the finals. Possibly, more than once. I can tell you one thing, he wouldn't have quit and given up on them. He didn't on the Bulls when they were only making the playoffs because of him at the start of his career. Edit: It's really hard to compare eras. But the East was a lot stronger back then than it was when LeBron was with the Cavs in that finals trip, overall. The first two rounds for the Cavs in 2006/07 were against two teams that were only .500 (Wizards and Nets). They did knock off the Pistons who were the #1 seed, props for that. I compared that to Jordan's 4th year in the league (since LeBron was in his fourth in 2006), The Bulls beat the Cavs who were .512 (barely above .500) and then had to face the Pistons the next round who were .659 and a solid strong vet team who went to the finals the next three straight years, losing that year to the Lakers, but winning two in a row. Also, in his 4th season Jordan was averaging 35.0 pts/game while LeBron averaged 27.3 pts/game. Throw MJ in place of LeBron in 2006, the end result is most likely the same, they make the finals.
  13. I know WWE doesn't have any real competition and owns pretty much 100% of the market, but damn, come on, do a little better than Stardust........I laughed, but is sad on an entire new level. A question for y'all gurus (I consider myself a extremely knowledgeable, but some of y'all are on an entire different level than myself). Right after they re-formed Evolution, they had Ric Flair back on that one episode of Raw where he talked for a bit then gave his nod to the Shield. With him and JR being suspended due to that issue with Flair being hammered during that press conference thing for a sponsor, and JR because he let it continue. Why allow Flair to come out and not bring back good ole JR? Honestly, Raw needs JR and JBL, thats it. Let Smackdown have Cole and King. Or have it be JR, JBL and King, toss Cole to smackdown with Booker T.
  14. I haven't watched it in 3-4 years, don't have any desire to based on the current roster I saw on their website the other day. Nor the time to even record/fast forward watch it. I have too many shows already to watch lol. They do have some talent, wasted like you said. Shame they never could take it to that next level when they were becoming fairly popular.
  15. I personally enjoyed TNA from 2007 - 1010, for the most part. It wasn't horrible back then by any means and they had some good matches/stories during that time frame. Of course, it wasn't on the same level as the WWE was, but it was better than Smackdown (overall imo). Hell, I still don't watch Smackdown anymore, haven't in years. Like Raw, I'd record it and watch it later, usually on Sunday mornings because during that time, my daughter was born (2008) and was really little and I got up with her every Sunday to let the wife sleep in. Pop a bottle in her mouth, hit play. It was good enough to watch and fast forward through. I quit watching it after they went head to head with Raw on a Monday night though. I grew so tired of the whole Bishoff/Hogan crap. So from 2011-current, I couldn't tell you if it still is any good or not. But hey, as long as you enjoy it, who cares if 5 people show up to the events/PPVs.
  16. Before the Rock and Stone Cold, I was a huge Kevin Nash/BDCD mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6kG_QC1tjs
  17. I forgot all about Gillberg lol. I remember all the hype around Goldberg and his winning streak, which was one of the dumbest angles during the Monday Night wars. I never understood why they bring in guys and have them completely utterly dominate (Goldberg, Ryback, Big Show, Mark Henry, etc.) for match after match, show after show. Only to bury them later and have them appear mortal/average.
  18. Yes. All the PPVs are there in its entirety. There should be an option in your app at the top called "Shows" (should be Home, Shows, Schedule, Search, My Account). Select Shows, then PPV, then you pick WWE, WCW or ECW. Then just scroll through all the choices (i.e. WWE - Armageddon, Backlash, etc), and pick the year you want to watch. There is some buffering, but you have access to the full PPV. There are some other content available - In-Ring options (for weekly shows), Originals (like Legends House and Beyond the Ring), and the Vault (ECW Hardcore TV, etc.). Did you buy a subscription? Cause I don't know what's available if you didn't.
  19. At power forward/center, absolutely. At shooting guard, absolutely not.
  20. Maybe LeBron needs to purify himself from the waters in Lake Minnetonka.......
  21. Chewy, man I read an article today that said that it would take LeBron and the Heat to come back and win down 3-1 for LeBron to claim being the GOAT. James built the Heat with Wade and Bosh and its over now. Great run, no doubt. But it's over, and the dust settled LeBron and YOU ARE STILL NOT THE GOAT.
  22. That is a scary thought man. I just read an article about LeBron being woo'd by the Hornets.......no way that happens, not sure where people come up with that ****. I'll rep/support my team, but we are not in an attractive market for free agents of that caliber right now, imo.
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