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Dont Taze Me Bro

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Everything posted by Dont Taze Me Bro

  1. Yeah, they do look completely out of sync without him.
  2. It's far from over. Heat go on a run right now, close it within 10-12 points and have a good 3rd qtr, completely a ball game again.
  3. Wow, the ball movement by the Spurs right now is insane. The question is, can the AARP club keep that pace the entire game and rest of the series. If the Spurs lose tonight, I think its over for them. Hell, if they win tonight, it still might be over for them should it go the distance.
  4. He got arrested back in June 2013 for speeding, weed and DWI/DUI. Right as they were going to give him another push. So, basically, he pissed off the boss and now he is stuck in mid-card purgatory.
  5. Are they still giving free tickets away for Impact at Universal Studios? Looked at their tour dates and they are pretty skimpy. Not surprising though.
  6. Yeah, it was odd to me cause I didn't know they did commercials like that. But being a father of a 6 yo girl, I thought it was cool.
  7. Orange is the New Black is pretty good. It's a Netflix production, season 2 just loaded up today. Gotta love lesbian prison sex.
  8. I wouldn't go that far lol. But, cramps are a **** man. I've had them in the past where I couldn't walk, its not fun at all. I know how painful it was after the cramps passed, it can be very traumatic to the muscles involved. Last time I had cramps, it was double in both of my calves. It hit me out of nowhere (I had actually drank heavily the night before and pretty sure I was dehydrated) while I was sitting in my recliner watching TV with my daughter. It hurt so freaking bad, I had to literally lunge my body out of the chair to get on my feet so I could stretch out. Man, my calves hurt for days after that. I'm not in the best shape like my college/early to mid 20s anymore, but my legs have always stayed muscular. And I can say I wanted to cry like a baby when that happened.
  9. The 23 turnovers was more or less neutralized with LeBron being out in the 4th. Definitely the difference maker, so I don't take the final outcome as a blow-out even though it was 15 points. One interesting stat was both teams were basically even on points off turn-overs (28 vs 27 - in favor of SA), even though SA turned the ball over 5 more possessions. Some missed opportunities for the Heat there. LeBron plays the entire 4th qtr, a lot closer and perhaps different outcome on the game.
  10. Yeah, then he evaporated from being anything in WWE. RVA, yeah, he is still listed on the TNA roster, not sure how they are using him, haven't watched TNA in a long time. When they brought him in, he seemed to have a big push there, not sure now though, I don't think he currently holds any belts.
  11. Speaking of man up, Jefferson man ups with the best of them. If he can stay healthy and we can get one solid draft pick and FA, with our defense, I think we can make an impact.
  12. I'm not sure who I want with the #9 pick. A lot are talking Ennis, Hood, McDermott and Young. McDermott might be a good fit. Who would you go with?
  13. Well, I personally think we are a couple of core players away from making somewhat of an impact. I think we should stay away from Hairston should he fall and be available with the #24 pick. I'd like to somehow get Kevin Love in free agency, but that is probably a pipe dream.
  14. I'll continue to pull and support the Hornets. If we don't screw up the #9 pick and can land a solid free agent or two in the off-season. We might be able to make a deeper playoff run, or hopefully win a game or two lol.
  15. That's my last response to HeatFanSince2011 on anything other than the thread topic. Sorry about my continued involvement in further derailing the thread everyone. Carry on.
  16. Internet bullying me? LMAO, yeah ok kid......if you say so. I regret taking shots at you now, only because you are so full of **** and yourself and I have to read your constant over used internet tough guy remarks. So tell me Heat fan since 2011, who are you going to pull for when LeBron is gone?
  17. I'd like to make an announcement, Mr. Sinister has won the internet even though he fails at reading comprehension. I told you before, I'm done arguing with you, an hour ago. The thread is about the NBA Playoffs/Finals, not me or you and the pissing war that ensued. Feel free to continue to "pwn me" with insults if you want to, I find most of your rubbish humorous. And it does take me back almost 15 years when I was 25 and angry at the world. Life is short broski, gotta let go of that rage or it might cause cramping. I'm done now, enjoy your internet victory, it might be the only victory you get the rest of the NBA Finals. I can see the Spurs in 6, maybe 5 if they win two out of the next three. Their age is a concern though. If it gets to game 7, I'd say the Heat would have a major advantage, regardless of the Spurs having home court.
  18. Seriously, back on topic. Will the big three, LeBron, Bosh, Wade stay with the Heat regardless if they win or lose the series? I think they will, I don't see LeBron going back to Cleveland or any other team for that matter. Wade still has some left in the tank, surly they let him retire there. I could see them getting rid of Bosh, depending who is available in the off-season.
  19. Spurs go up 2-0, book it. I have a feeling, it's their year again, and most likely last shot for a while. The bigger question is, does everyone think the Heat will stay together if they win and try to keep building on more rings? Or will they lose say Wade, LeBron or Bosh? If they lose, do they stay together? In some capacity.
  20. Someone is full of themselves. I will admit I did chuckle at your other post about how you sometimes want the "old you" to come out so you can go off. Really, do you actually think anyone gives two craps about how angry some bandwagon Heat fan will get on a forum board? Watch out everyone, the OLD Mr. Sinister might come out and post! What are you going to do, type in all caps? You have some serious ego issues "Champ"....... And I'm done arguing with you on an internet forum board, it's stupid, no matter how you look at it. So, I will revert to taking my shots at LeBron and the Heat as so desired and move forward. And it's nothing personal either, any shots I take is intended in jest, weather people take them that way or not is on them. So, let's just drop it and get back to posting about the playoffs and bad mouthing each others teams
  21. A lot of it also has to do with what was available to watch on TV for the older crowd that grew up in the 50s-60s. For example, in the small town I'm from in NC, according to my father and mother, they showed the following teams all the time on TV: Lakers, Celtics, Sixers, Yankees, SF Giants, Dodgers, Rams, Redskins, Cowboys, Steelers. And I'm sure some others I've left out. Point being, if you were born and raised in a state without professional sports and didn't have family from an area that did, you picked a team on TV/Radio and started pulling for them. My dad's family is from VA and his uncle had season tickets to RFK, so we are Redskins fans. In baseball, he is a Giants fan, my mom is a Yankees fan and I'm a Braves fan (because all of my friends pulled for the Braves as they were the most local team and always televised on TBS). My dad was a Celtics fan and my mom cared less about pro-basketball. There are a lot of factors involved.
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