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Everything posted by NeverSurrender

  1. Maybe this is the wrong thread but is anyone wondering if its possible that TH made our Oline look good last year by getting the ball out quick and avoiding the rush? Also: I have never been more convinced this league is rigged then watching this game yesterday. Yes we played bad but wow those refs... i just dont get how people arent calling it out. Blatant PI's not called against them, then ticky tack PI calls on us. OMG the holding that wasnt called on Dallas oline. But ticky tack holds called on us. Running into the kicker??? Drive extending calls, 2 turnovers take off the board. I swear Terry was interfered with every time they trhew him the ball except the one at the end. Yes the one on 4th down should have been illegal contact, as Diggs wrapped his hips as Tmac ran by. Parsons on his back before the ball arrives and the most obvious one in the first quarter. As soon as I saw that I knew what kinda of game it was going to be. I used to think it was because of our name but now I know.... its Snyder. We will never win with him as the owner, the league just wont allow it.
  2. Another hold on the Pollard run. Sweat being held from behind.
  3. Also, I thought it was ok to impede the reciever. We learned that in the first quarter when Dallas did it to mclauren.
  4. Lol they have gotten away with hold after hold after hold.
  5. Idk about that man. A little protection and I think these cowboys secondary players will be caught flat footed.
  6. Good point but do you not think that was PI?
  7. It’s Absolutly insane that PI was not called. I cannot believe Ron didn’t go completely ape **** on the refs. I’m having a hard time wondering if things aren’t rigged. After the weak ass PI called on us this season.
  8. neother a bad option but i would go pollard cuz Oline.....
  9. agree, he was a little grabby but we out there running with those guys.
  10. Except it wasn’t. But hey refs are good and have no impact on the game.
  11. I do like that Carson took the blame for the pics however, its very easy to do that after a win. The real test is how they respond to him when real adversity hits especially after a loss. How does Carson handle himself when and if he costs us the game. How they come out against the Eagles should say something.
  12. Was that not roughing the kicker? Shouldnt we have had a 1st down?
  13. I have little to no "moxie" as a fan. Im all over the place... pissed after the second interception then proclaiming my love for Wentz after the Dotson TD. I used to be absolutely horrendous though. I would be trying to fight my dad and no one wanted to high five me because I would absolutely destroy their hand with my light speed high five... ohh the days.
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